Showing posts with label superfood seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label superfood seeds. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Win Wildcrafted Superfood Seeds :)

In case you didn't see the latest RawReform Newsletter over HERE, here's a recap of some of the info shared this week:

Many of you probably know already of Anthony Anderson, the "Raw Model" - did you know though that he just recently launched a line of Wildharvested Superfood Seeds to grow your very own superfoods at home for pennies...? :)

I LOVE this idea and product you may know, Anthony has been nurturing his own permaculture kins domain/space of love in Minnesota for the last few years - you can check out videos of his place online...and over the years, Anthony came to the conclusion, just like us, that it seems to make a lot more sense to help grow and support wildharvested, sturdy plants, herbs and 'weeds', than to try to protect weaker domesticated plants that struggle with bugs, soil conditions, water access and many other factors. Dandelions for example are one of the BEST cleansers for our livers/blood...and they are super-resilient, popping up all over the place by themselves...compared to nurturing a romaine lettuce that ultimately has a lot less to offer medicinally, I know which we'd prefer to give garden space ;)

SO, Mr. Anderson, in his wisdom, went about collecting wild seeds for 13 different varieties of plant, focusing especially on perennials and packaging them up in super*sweet* little tins, for others to obtain and start growing in their own vicinities...LOVE it...these seeds are TROOPERS - just get them into soil and these guys will provide you with bountiful crops with very little further attention - they do not need baby-ing or protecting - they are STRONG and will bring your body valuable nourishment too - how fabulous :) I LOVE this project :))) Check out this video below with Anthony, explaining more about these new seeds:

screen shot 2010-11-04 at 7.54.51 pm.png

On November the 7th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
water of a young coconut
6 granadilla
bowl of papaya with coconut yoghurt, carob powder, maca, stevia and ashwaganda :)
water of a young coconut
3 ice cream bean fruits
mug of horchata tea
2 cups greeeeeen smoothie: papaya, avocado, garden greeeens
1 cup water

There are currently 13 individual little packs of superfood seeds available, PLUS a gorgeous presentation box of all thirteen in a wooden case, plus two 3-packs focused on immunity and wild salads. Here are the items available:

  • Astragalus

  • Burdock

  • Calendula

  • Dandelion

  • Goji

  • Holy Basil

  • Lamb's Quarters

  • Maca

  • Nettle

  • Sage 

  • Spinach

  • Stevia

  • Tomato

  • Wild Mixed Salad [3-pack]

  • Immunity Boost [3-pack]

  • Superfood Seed Presentation Box [13-pack]

  • I feel that these seeds represent such an AMAZING investment in your health for such a small financial outlay - at just $3.50 per tin, these seeds are an absolute BARGAIN ;O For example, the contents of the Goji Berry tin could provide you with over 1000 GOJI BERRY bushes ;O That's incredible - you could literally create a Goji Berry FOREST with this little tin - lol ;)
    I feel these kits would make fantastic gifts and projects for homeschooling/unschooling families too...even if it's cold where you are right now, you can start growing things inside...

    To get your mittens on some of these wonderful wildharvested seed packs, click HERE...and we'll be sending immeasurable gratitude and love to Mr. Raw Model and co. for these *FABULOUS* seed packs - these are definitely the best new products we've seen in a while :)))

    on November the 8th I loved:

    1 quart water
    water of a young coconut
    1 quart greeeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
    2 cups pineapple juice blended with Ormus Greens powder
    little bowl of cucumber salad stuffed into nori sheets, followed by a carob "brownie batter' yumpot ;)
    2 mugs horchata tea
    1 cup water

    on November the 9th I was blissed with:

    1 quart water
    1 quart greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
    6 granadilla
    water of a young coconut
    3 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
    shared cucumber salad with Mr. M, followed by a carob "Brownie Batter" yumpot
    mug of horchata tea
    1 cup water

    I am *delighted* to be able to offer THREE gift packs of the new Wildharvested Superfood Seeds from Anthony The Raw Model and friends as this month's RawReform Giveaway Contest :)
    Anthony and the Blackbird crew have generously offered us three packs of their seeds to give away:

    *one Immunity Boost 3-Pack (contains Maca, Astragalus, Calendula)
    *one Wild Salad Mix 3-Pack (contains Dandelion, Lamb's Quarters, Wild Mountain Spinach)
    *one Superfood Seed Presentation Pack (contains all 13 seed packs)

    We will choose three winners and send one of these packs to each winner - if *you* would love to get your greeeeen fingers wrapped around one of these beautiful presentation packs full of potential and abundance, just send us in your answer to the following question, to rawreformcontests@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it :

    "What is your favourite way to express your love and connection with Mother Earth?"

    The three winners of the seeds will be chosen at random and with love on December the 4th, so get your entries in to rawreformcontests@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it before then - thanks :)

    All love,
    Angelalalalaaaaaaaaaaaa. xxx