Showing posts with label giveittomeraw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveittomeraw. Show all posts

Monday, 3 January 2011

Voting Now *Open* For Best of Raw 2010 :)


It's that time again when voting is *open* for the Best of Raw Awards :) People were sending in nominations in the last few weeks for all of their raw favourites from 2010 and now the nominees have all been assembled into a voting form over at, for your voting pleasure ;)

Mr. M and I are delighted to have been nominated in various categories from "Best Raw Educator" to "Funniest Raw Man and Woman", "Best Raw Blog", "Best Online Raw Food Store" and many others...if you'd love to show us some voting love, just click on over HERE and press the pink "Click Here to Vote" submit *your* answers for all your favourite raw people, places, products and media of 2010...

The winners will be announced in February - enjoy :)

On December the 31st I appreciated:

1 quart water
cup of mandarin juice
3 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
bowl of papaya/mango/coconut yoghurt/carob powder/maca/ashwaghanda/astagalus/stevia
2 cups water
shared cucumber salad with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets, with Sea Clear and almond butter, followed by a carob "brownie batter" yumpot :)
mug of horchata tea
mug of maca tea
1 cup water

OoooOoOoooo, here's a very cool little new raw food site from Dhrumil and the "Give It To Me Raw" team: "RawSpot" - it's a new page with a map that shows where to find raw-friendly restaurants, shops, farmers' markets and more - anyone can add places to the map and please DO :) The more the merrier - check it out HERE and happy raw-spotting ;)

on January the 1st, I smiled and enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 cups mandarin juice/coconut water mixture
3 cups greeeeeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a dragon fruit and a mango
2 cups water
3 cups greeeeeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
shared cucumber salad with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets, with Sea Clear and almond butter, followed by a carob "brownie batter" yumpot :)
mug of horchata tea
1 cup water

on January the 2nd, I loved:

1 quart water
water of a young coconut
a dragon fruit
little glass of orange juice
water of a young coconut
water of a young coconut blended with Greener Grasses powder
a papaya
1 quart cucumber/pineapple juice blended with Greener Grasses
water of 2 young coconuts
handful of chlorella tablets
2 cups water

I also love the look and energy from another site that someone recently sent me the link for - it's called "KickStarter" and they fund "random projects of creativity" ;) They accept submissions for creative projects all around the world, team these up with donations for creative endeavours aaaand...VOILA :) Creativity flowing in all directions - love it :) Check it out at - maybe some of YOU have a project you'd love to find funding for...??? ;)

All love,
A. Stokes-Monaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrch. xxx

Friday, 9 January 2009

Connecting with Care...

That Mr. Monarch is in a bit of a media whirl at the moment... ;) Aside from our new daily TV Show (thanks for all the FABULOUS feedback so far, everyone; check the clips out HERE on Mr. M's blog if you haven't seen them yet ;), he is also lined up to enjoy a fun ‘Let’s Talk Raw’ interview this Sunday, the 11th, with Revvell over at Give It To Me Raw. The call is live and starts at 4pm Pacific time. You can ask Qs before or during the event – see all the details HERE and...enjoy ;)

on Jan the 8th I had:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeen juice: celery, Jerusalem artichokes, kale, fennel, endive, ginger, lime
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and tahini on the side, followed by little yumbowl – lucuma powder, carob powder, cinnamon, vanilla, maca, goji berries
3 cups water
30 chlorella tablets
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and tahini on the side, followed by little yumbowl – lucuma powder, carob powder, cinnamon, vanilla, maca, goji berries
little mug of rooibus tea
1 cup water

Ooooo lala...well, if you’re in the UK/Europe area and would be delighted to delve into a raw retreat setting in the not–so–distant future, here’s some yummy info for YOU...:

Dear raw hearts Shell, Suz, Susan and Janet are facilitating a raw food & yoga detox retreat on the turquoise coast of southern Turkey from the 4th to the 11th of May and there are just 6 places left, to join them – OooOooooo :)
There will be raw food talks, demos, meditation, daily yoga and yummmmy cakes to sample (Shell is truly one of the finest raw chefs out there, IMO ;) ...and it’s all set in an eco–holiday paradise...bliss :)
The cost for 7 nights in raw paradise is £475 half-board in an en suite twin room, excl. flights & transfers to the accommodation. You can see allllllllll the fun details HERE.

(As ever, if you’re looking for info on any other raw events, be sure to check out the fabulous events calendar on GiveItToMeRaw, HERE. ;)

on Jan the 9th I had:

1 quart water
1.5 cups veggie juice: celery, fennel, endive, purple cabbage, turnip, Jerusalem artichokes, kale, broccoli, ginger, lime
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and tahini on the side, followed by a little rammikin bowl of hand–blended yum: lucuma, carob, cinnamon, vanilla, maca powders with goji berries and water
2 cups water
1.5 cups Wild Power tea
double shot of wheatgrass
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers on the side, followed by a little rammikin bowl of durian ice cream – YUMMMMMMMM :)
2 cups water

WELL...I don’t think we’ve EVER had such an excited response to a RawReform Giveaway Contest as for the latest giveaway of a signed copy of the super–lovely Shazzie’s latest book ‘Evie’s Kitchen’. This book is actually selling so fast we can barely keep it in stock ;)
If you would love to get your digits wrapped around a personalised, signed copy of this landmark volume, here’s the contest info to play with: be in with a chance of winning, please send in your A to the following Q:

What's your BEST suggestion/recipe for helping children to eat healthier food?

Please send your uber-licious answers to and one winner will be picked at random and with much jubilation sometime in January... YUMMY :)

...aaaaaaand of course don’t forget to also hop on over to THIS PAGE to celebrate the coming 40th Birthday of the Shazzle–Dazzle, by collecting up for your very SELF some ext–raw–dinary free gifts...the Monarch and myself are both giving away one of our ebooks for free and there are masses of other gratis goodies to pick up and enjoy over there – FUN :)

With a sprightly step and a gentle squeeze,
The Stokes. xxx