Showing posts with label 30th birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30th birthday. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Win Veggie Patch Seeds :)

 We've been on a little spicy raw recipe video rampage the last week on our TV Show ;) In case you didn't catch these tasty treats, here's a recap:

Zack's "Maternade" (Tomato Tapenade ;):

Alara's "Spicy Pumpkin Dip":


on February the 13th I was blissed with:

1 quart water
cup of orange juice
3 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a juicy mango
3 cups yummy mulberry leaf tea
yummers cornucopia meal with friends; spicy mango soup, kale salad, cilantro dip, maternade, nori sheets, Sea Clear, fresh almond butter, followed by prunes and a Valentines yumball mixture with gojis and raspberry flavour extract :)
2 cups horchata tea
1 cup mulberry leaf tea

We decided that today, Feb 16th, is our stallion Sparkie's birthday -

Happy Birthday Sparkie  :)

We didn't know when Sparkie or our mare Barbie were born...Mr. Monarch said "Sparkie *must* be an Aquarius", so today is his new official birthday - we think he is five today...he also happens to have a crazy inflammation all over his body that suddenly appeared yesterday :( We think it might be bee stings...

Please send him some big birthday love and healing if you feel drawn :) We LOVE you, Sparkie :)))

♥ ♥ ♥

BTW, for all you horsey people out there, one reader, Christi, sent a wonderful link to share recently - Parelli Natural Horsemanship Trainers are offering *free* 30 day trials of their online "Connect" site, which I think is super-cool, as you can watch the whole first level of the Parelli trainings on there for free, streaming - I've been working my way through the vids and have already learnt so much in just abt 30 mins of videos :) Check it out HERE (click "sign in"in the top right corner, then follow directions from there) and if you sign up, look me up under "Angela Stokes-Monarch" and maybe we can be friends on there :)))

on February the 14th twas Valentines Day and I rejoiced with:

1 quart water
1 cup watermelon/orange juice
1 quart greeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a juicy mango
yummers final cornucopia meal with friends; spicy mango soup, kale salad, cilantro dip, maternade, nori sheets, Sea Clear, fresh almond butter, followed by prunes :)
mug of mulberry leaf tea
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea

on February the 15th I was blissed with:

1 quart water
1 cup orange juice
3 cups greeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a yummers mango
shared meal with Mr. M; spicy mango soup, cucumber salad, cilantro dip, nori sheets, fresh almond butter, followed by prunes :)
2 mugs shilajit/reishi/ormus tea
1 cup water

In case you didn't yet see, our latest RawReform Giveaway Prize is a set of the wonderful 'Veggie Patch Seeds" from Blackbird Naturals - deets below:

This month we are ecstatic to be able to offer y'all even more wonderful seeeeeeeeds from the Blackbird Naturals team :) YAY :)
We LOVE these people and seeds...and now they are generously offering a gift pack of their newest range of "Veggie Patch" seeds, valued at $35. This seed pack includes:

Arugula - 100 Seeds
Chantenay Carrot
Chioggia Beet
Cherry Tomato
English Breakfast Radish
Lemon Cucumber
Orach Spinach
Siberian Kale

...and to be in with a chance of winning this lovely variety pack, just send us in your A to the following Q:

"How would you creatively use these seeds to best encourage others
to grow their own food...?"

Send in your answers to rawreformcontests@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it by March the 4th to be in with a chance of winning - the blessed winner shall be picked at random and with much celebration shortly thereafter... ;)
All love and exclamations of joy, 
A.C.S-M. xxx

Monday, 25 August 2008

Stacks of Treats...

It's Treat Time :) We have a little stash of raw goodies here in Blighty for sale. If you’d love to snap up a few bargains with cheaper postage to the UK/Europe than ordering from the US, then read on... ;)

Here’s what we have:

Chia Seeds, 454g (1lb) bags - £6 each
Goji Berry Powder, 4oz (113g) bags - £7 each
‘Raw Success’ by Matt Monarch - £10 each
‘Raw Spirit’ by Matt Monarch - £8 each
‘How to Go Raw for Weight Loss’ by Angela Stokes - £5 each

‘Revealing the Physical Changes’ by Angela Stokes - £5 each
‘A Juice Feaster’s Handbook’ by Angela Stokes - £5 each
DVDs of Mr. Monarch speaking at Ecopolitan - £5 each

‘Water Can Undermine Your Health’ by Norman Walker - £5 each
‘Diet and Salad’ by Norman Walker - £5
‘Raw For Life’ DVD - £15 each
‘Absolutely Abeba’s Edib
le Treats’ raw cracker recipe book - £5 each
‘The Answer is Not in The Fridge’ fridge magnets - £1 each

If any of that sounds exciting to you, to add to your collection, then drop me an email at letting us know how many of each item you’d like and the address to send them to. We’ll then work out the postage for you and let you know the total cost...yummy :)
(If you’re not sure what any of the above items are, you can always look them up in the RawReform store – go to and use the ‘search’ box to find what you’re looking for...)

on August the 22nd I had:

1 quart water
½ an exquisite papaya ;)
1.5 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, spinach, lettuce, parsley, carrot, ginger, sunflower greens
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in, followed by a bowl of durian ice cream = YUMMMM ;)
3 cups water
1.5 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, spinach, lettuce, parsley, carrot, ginger, sunflower greens
2 heaped tsps of wheatgrass powder
little yummy bowl of ‘rainforest’ nut butter mixed with lucuma powder, yacon powder, maca powder, cinnamon powder and water
mug of ‘choco’ tea
2 cups water

on August the 23rd I had:

1 quart water
handful of yummy fresh cherries
2 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, spinach, lettuce, parsley, carrot, ginger, sunflower greens
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in, followed by a bowl of durian ice cream = YUMMMM ;)
3 cups water
2 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, spinach, lettuce, parsley, carrot, ginger, sunflower greens
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in, followed by a bowl of durian ice cream = YUMMMM ;)
mug of ‘choco’ tea
2 cups water

YuMMy Reminder ;)
Don’t forget that this is also the last week to enjoy the ‘BIG *30* Celebration Offer’ at the RawReform Store. Until next Saturday (the 30th), you can order my top 10 favourite products all at 30% OFF from HERE...
You can experience:

on August the 24th I had:

1 quart water
mug of pau d’arco tea
2 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, spinach, lettuce, parsley, carrot, ginger, sunflower greens
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in, followed by a bowl of durian ice cream = YUMMMM ;)
3 cups water
2 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, spinach, lettuce, parsley, carrot, ginger, sunflower greens
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in, followed by a little bowl of hazelnut butter mixed with carob powder, lucuma powder, maca and water
mug of ‘choco’ tea
2 cups water

on August the 25th I had:

1 quart water
mug of pau d’arco tea
1.5 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, spinach, lettuce, parsley, carrot, ginger, sunflower greens
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in, followed by a little bowl of durian ice cream = YUMMMM ;)
3 cups water
1.5 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, spinach, lettuce, parsley, carrot, ginger, sunflower greens
a raw burger with sea spaghetti salad followed by pieces of raw fudge and chocolate cake made by Ms. Magic - oooooo lalalalaaaaaa ;)
mug of 'choco' tea
3 cups water

Would you like to train to become an ultra-yummy raw chef? Mmmm, thought so ;) Well, you’re in luck, as dear raw chef Jody Allen, who used to run the gorgeous ‘Loving Life Café’ in Pennsylvania is running her weekend ‘Raw Foods – Beyond the Recipes’ certification classes again, starting in September... Mr. Monarch had the joy last year of speaking at Jody’s ‘Loving Life Café’ that she ran with her partner Joey. The Monarch reported that they truly served some of the BEST raw food dishes he’s ever had (the cafe is now closed, as Jody is focusing on teaching instead ;). Jody is totally dedicated to making food with LOVE and it resonates through her every creation ;) She also works culinary wonders re-creating old favourite cooked food dishes as raw masterpieces.
Here’s what Jody says abt the classes she now offers:

“Incorporating raw and living foods into our diets is a step many people want to take, but become frustrated with the money and time involved in learning “how to do it”. It is my mission to help people make the shift over to eating more of these wonderful foods.
Learning how to do something from a book is possible, but nothing matches hands on experience to he
lp save time and money!!!

Here’s what’s in store for you:

*Learn the basics involved in raw foods preparation: the ingredients, the techniques, the equipment;

*Learn fanta
stic foundational recipes that you can use to make many foods you already know and like such as pasta, pizza, lasagna, tacos, “chicken” salad, and yes, chocolate!!!;

*Learn how to improvise to convert cooked foods into raw ones;

*Understanding how to pull it all together – what your raw lunches, breakfasts, and dinners can be; how to schedule your cooking around your lifestyle; and have things available to be eaten when you want them.”

…and here’s some feedback from one happy participant from last year:

“Jody is a superb teacher! Take her classes – you will learn more than the recipes, you will learn the rhythm of how to “do raw food” and fit it into your lifestyle. As a cooking teacher myself, I was impressed with her teaching style. While she is very experienced in raw foods preparation, she has not forgotten what it is like to be a beginner and she will teach you to go beyond the recipes to learn how to create things on your own. The food tastes fantastic, too!”

The upcoming dates for Jody’s classes this year are:

Sept 20-22
Sept 27-29
October 11-13
October 18-20
November 1-3
November 9-11th
December 6-8

Classes run daily from 9am-5pm and the investment in your raw repertoire is $1000, including the cost of the foods, education and a copy of Jody’s book called ‘Recipes Made With Love’ (which you can also purchase as an e-book from her site HERE). Jody can also help you to find accommodation in the local area if necessary. You can contact her on or 717-476-3065. You can also see her site at

One love,
Angela. xxx

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Ready for 'International Green Smoothie Day'...???

MMmmmmmm, thank you all SO much for all the yummy birthday wishes that have been pouring in from internet-world this week – they are very much appreciated ;) We celebrated the occasion with a special trip to pick fresh wild Icelandic blueberries at a lovely location next to a national park. It was very blissful, out in the sun, collecting up Mother Earth’s delicious can see a few pics from the day HERE (including this one to the right of the BEAUTIFUL blueberry birthday cake creation Mr. Monarch made ;)
...and don’t forget, you can currently order my ten favourite products in the RawReform store at 30% OFF, until August the 30th – see HERE for the birthday celebration specials...
My dear friend Solla also gifted me a NETI POT for my birthday :O LOL – FUN ;) (If you’re not familiar with neti pots, they are little pots, not dis-similar to a teapot in appearance, used to clean out the nasal passages/sinus with salt water.) The Monarch and I have both used the neti pot a few times already and we’re both AMAZED at the feelings of clearing and open-ness it brings to our sinus cavities...breathing seems to automatically come more deeply after using it...very interesting – another new ‘detox’ gadget to play with ;) LOL...

on August the 10th I had:

1 quart water
2 cups veggie juice: cucumber, kale, parsley, fennel, sprouts, carrot
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips and some bell pepper on the side
handful of fresh blueberries
slice of AMAZING blueberry birthday cake made by Mr. Monarch
1 quart water
teaspoon of chlorella powder
2 cups water
slice of birthday cake and a delicious little coconut ice cream heart
mug of ‘sweet chai’ tea
2 cups water

on August the 11th I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘sweet chai’ tea
2 cups veggie juice: cucumber, kale, parsley, fennel, sprouts, carrot, beetroot, spinach
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips and a raw ‘burger’ on the side, little slice of leftover blueberry birthday cake YUM
3 cups water
teaspoon of spirulina powder
2 cups water
yummy fresh garden salad with raw ‘burgers’, onion bread and creamy sauce, followed by a little almond ice cream and fresh berries
cup of peppermint tea
2 cups water

After a whirlwind last few days in Iceland, I’m back in England again now...and the Monarch is back in the States :(
He speaks Thursday night in CT and Saturday in NYC – you can see all the details of his events HERE. Meanwhile, on the right-hand-side of the ocean, I’ll be attending the sublime Funky Raw Festie this weekend, which has now ceremoniously sold out of’ll be GREAT fun, I’m sure...keep visualising bright sunny festival days, despite the current gale-force winds in southern England ;)
A huge, delicious THANK YOU to Iceland and to ALL the wonderful people we have been connecting with there for the last couple of months – love, love, LOVE you :) It is truly SUCH a unique place with outstanding natural beauty and resources...thank you for fresh water, clean air, yummy greens, geothermal wonders, loving community, enthusiasm, courage and of course...wild berries…MMMMMmmmmmm… Watch out for an interview about my weight loss story in Icelandic newspaper ‘24 Stundir’, scheduled to be printed this Friday...and I do hope it’s not three years again before we make it back to Icelandic shores... ;)

on August the 12th I had:

1 quart water
2 cups veggie juice: cucumber, kale, parsley, fennel, sprouts, carrot, beetroot, spinach
1.5 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips and a raw ‘burger’ on the side, followed by a YUMMY raw coconut ice cream heart
3 cups water
2 cups 2 cups veggie juice: cucumber, kale, parsley, fennel, sprouts, carrot, beetroot, spinach
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips and a raw ‘burger’ on the side, followed by my final piece of yummy birthday cake and fresh blueberries ;)
mug of ‘sweet chai’ tea
2 cups water

on August the 13th I had:

1 quart water
2 cups ‘energy soup’
little bowl of blended yum: tahini, yacon powder, maca, cinnamon, vanilla powder, water, with gojis swirled in
3 cups water
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in a raw ‘burger’ on the side, followed by a little bowl of blended yum: pine nut butter, lucuma powder, yacon powder, cinnamon, water, with gojis swirled in
mug of peppermint tea
1 quart water

Have you heard? This Friday, August the 15th is ‘officially’:

Yeeeeeeeeeee-HAH ;) Yep, those sassy, yummy ladies over at have co-created once again with the ‘Green Smoothie Queen’, to bring you a 3-day green smoothie challenge, starting on the freshly declared ‘International Green Smoothie Day’, this Friday.
People all over the world will be starting up their blenders in unison, in honour of the mighty green drinks...everyone is invited to participate: loved ones, reluctant spouses, ‘less-than-impressed’ children, curious pooches and anyone else who could perhaps use some extra green love ;) There is a little $5 fee to ‘officially’ join the challenge, wherein you’ll be emailed the full details, recipes, two special interviews with the Goddess of Green Smoothies herself - Victoria Boutenko - and more, including exciting CONTEST details – there are LOTS of fun prizes up for grabs, including all the books by The Monarch and I, yummy gifts from Jinjee Talifero, the Boutenkos and others, PLUS, the ‘Grand Prize’ of a BLENDTEC Total Blender – HOW COOL :))) Incidentally, $3 of every $5 participation fee is also being donated to the ‘Sea Shephard Conservation Society’ to support their work protecting whales worldwide. Nice ;)
To see more about this event and sign up for the 3-day challenge, CLICK HERE.

All love,
Angela. xxx

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Celebrating the BIG 3 0 :)

OoOOoooooLALA, what a FABULOUS last few days it’s been...a few nights ago we gave another raw food talk here in Reykjavik, to another PACKED room of lovely, lively participants – thanks to all who came along :)
Then yesterday was of course the uber-fabulous *8*8*8* day – HOW exciting :) Could you FEEL the raising of the vibration and the love energy? WOW...a powerful day indeed... (see THIS LINK if you missed out on the excitement around this date ;)
Then today has been Gay Pride day here in Iceland and WOW, what an event...LOL...really, I’ve never seen ANYTHING like’s extraordinary – literally about ¼ of the population of Iceland (around 70,000 people) were out on the streets of Reykjavik today, in the glorious sunshine, for an incredibly vibrant, colourful and exciting Gay Pride parade down the main shopping street, ending up with an open air concert downtown. It was SO much fun :) I can’t imagine another place in the world where ¼ of the population would currently turn out, with such support and enthusiasm, for a Gay Pride event ;) It’s just’s a huuuuuge family event here – the streets teem with grinning kids, confetti, balloons, brightly coloured costumes and so on – wonderful, wonderful ;) All of the stores along the main shopping street are decorated with rainbow flags and special ‘gay pride’ window displays... Mr Monarch and I also happened to be celebrating his ‘Half-Birthday’ (yesterday) and my Birthday (tomorrow)...YUMMY :) We had a lot of fun dancing in the streets, down at the live concert ;)

on August the 7th I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘sweet chai’ tea
2 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, kale, watercress, cabbage, beetroot, carrot, spinach
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in and a flax cracker on the side. Little bowl of blended yum: tahini, yacon powder, cinnamon, maca, vanilla powders, water, with gojis and Icelandic wild blueberries stirred in = YUMMMMMMMM :)
2 cups water
1 cup veggie juice: celery, cucumber, kale, watercress, cabbage, beetroot, carrot, spinach
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in and a flax cracker on the side. Little bowl of blended yum: tahini, yacon powder, cinnamon, maca, vanilla powders, water, with gojis and Icelandic wild blueberries stirred in
1 quart water

So, I’ve been here for 30 years now. Mmmmmm, yes, it’s been fun, thanks :) This body and being have changed a great deal in that time...and I’m grateful for all that I’ve experienced so far. I’m also excited to see what reveals itself in each moment yet to unfold...
In honour of my 30th birthday tomorrow, I wanted to share some choice reflections with you...

Here are my 30 wishes for YOU, in no particular order:

1. That you tell at least one person today that you love them
2. That you hug at least one person today
3. That you realise you have access to ALL the answers from within
4. That you drink some fresh vegetable juice today
5. That you touch the Earth with some part of your bare skin
6. That you enjoy some nourishing time connecting to nature
7. That you mooooove your body and break a sweat ;)
8. That you truly listen to others
9. That you see the divinity in everyone and everything
10. That you breathe deeeeeeeeeeeep
11. That you practice forgiveness (for yourself and others)
12. That you hold a loving space out towards all others
13. That you consume food optimally for YOU today
14. That you laugh out loud at least 5 times today
15. That you tell someone today WHY you appreciate them
16. That you get clear on your optimal vision for your life
17. That you give thanks for all that you experience
18. That you remember it’s all a game ;)
19. That you speak honestly and with integrity
20. That you give another person something, with no expectations
21. That you stay centred in your truth, regardless of circumstances
22. That you experience deep, rich eye contact with someone today
23. That you open to synchronicity and flow in your life
24. That you feel excited to be on your life path
25. That you feel supported and cared for by those around you
26. That you enjoy some time in direct sunlight today
27. That you explore your passions
28. That you choose inspiring, uplifting company and entertainment
29. That you feel healthy, confident and abundant
30. That you live, love and let go ;)

on August the 8th I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘sweet chai’ tea
2 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, watercress, kale, cabbage, beetroot, carrot
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in and marinated veggies on the side with cashew dip. Little bowl of tahini blended yum with wild Icelandic blueberries
1 quart water
2 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, watercress, kale, cabbage, beetroot, carrot
bowl of Icelandic wild blueberries and black currants, with a sauce made from tahini, yacon powder, pomegranate powder and water = yummmmmmmmmm ;)
mug of licorice tea
2 cups water

on August the 9th I had:

1 quart water
2 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, watercress, kale, cabbage, beetroot, carrot
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in and marinated veggies on the side with cashew dip. Little bowl of tahini blended yum with wild Icelandic blueberries
mug of ‘sweet chai’ tea
1 quart water
2 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, watercress, kale, cabbage, beetroot, carrot
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in and marinated veggies on the side with cashew dip. Little bowl of tahini blended yum with wild Icelandic blueberries
mug of ‘sweet chai’ tea
3 cups water

To celebrate my 30th solar return tomorrow, I decided to create 'The BIG 30 Celebration Offer' for all of YOU to enjoy, if you'd like to... :) I chose my favourite 10 products in the RawReform store and you can currently get any of these lovely items at 30% off, at THIS LINK.
Here is the list of YUMMINESS that you can enjoy at 30% off, from now until August the 30th:

ENJOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY these special birthday offers :)
As an offering back to our planet, I will also be planting 30 trees sometime soon. As for now, the intention is to go wild-BLUEBERRY picking tomorrow – collecting up mama Earth’s delicious fresh bounty, with gratitude – MmMMMMmmmmmmm... :)

All love,
Angela. xxx