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Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts

06 March 2012

The LORAX, Movie Screening

The Lo-lo-lo-LORAX is finally in cinemas!! And yeesshhh!!! I am late again in my blog post ahahahahahhahahahaahahahahaha ROFL! Sigh....
Well thanks to @Churp2 & @NuffnangMY, I received 2 invites to the Lorax 3D movie screening @ GSC, Mid Valley on 2nd March 2012 @ 9.15pm!

 The minute I arrived, I saw the furry PEANUT there taking pictures with 2 lovely ladies from the crowd aka strangers!!! (Me camera shy la... dowan la....)
Lolx... He's actually the LORAX, Guardian of the forest.
This bunting was next to the booth so I kinda wanna camwhore this muahahha! Yay! Churp & Earn

The awesomeness Nuffies & Churpies at GSC Cinema, Mid Valley

Now here comes the interesting part 
(*Spoiler Alert! If you haven't watched the Lorax then skip this next section which if a brief intro to some of my fav parts in the Lorax movie)

The 3 singing fishes that popped-up in the beginning of the movie and started singing & they're soooo ADORABLE!!!!

The Lorax awaken and he'd actually came out of this tree stump after the Once-ler chopped this Truffula tree down for the first time

Here's the proof of the Once-ler chopping this Truffula tree down for the first time

 "Hey you! Did you cut down this tree?"

 Accusing body language of the Lorax towards the "Once-ler" aka "One-ceee" as address by his mum lolx!

 Aaaarrrggghhh!! The Lorax is here to keep a close eye on him so that he don't cut down trees!

 "GASP! She's a woman?!?!?"

"I speak for them! Don't cut down the trees! Where will all of them go? This is their home..." 

So guys, let's take care of the environment and stop cutting trees laaaa!! I wanna see a real lorax if there's such thing but I don't want to cut a tree down just to see him so please 


After the movie, it just finished raining but the traffic was building up... 
Im guessing if the term "Friday night fever" actually resulted from this... Huhuhu...

Check out the Lorax main homepage! Loving it!

Check out the Lorax movie soundtrack here

22 May 2011

Redang, the good times

Going to Redang for the 2nd time and it’s a great spot for family, friends and lovers. Relaxing and enjoyable with all the fishies, corals, sand, sun & water!
Oceanic view

26 March 2010

Love World Love Sloggi

My Favourite "Habit"

Yes, it's true. Common knowledge says having a "habit" is something negative most times but not necessarily. As individuals, we have our good points that can be bad points to another individual alike.
This is my motto "Never Judge A Book By It's Covers". Everyone is different and special in their own ways. But bring together a crowd and you can definitely make a difference. (Especially for the environment!)


Thanks to "Sloggi" with their brand new eco-friendly range where lingerie is made out of recycled materials It's great to have comfort, security, quality, excellence and a wide range of choice for everyone to choose. We not only satisfy our desires (on colours, type, design & etc etc...hehe), however, we get a chance to take part in saving the environment that God has blessed us with.
My favourite "habit" is... Whenever I'm driving (shhh... don't report me... =P) or whatever it is I'm am doing outdoors, I'll never miss the chance to look "up" the sky... It's true that looking out at a field that's covered in all nature greenery will help ease stress (thanks to the amount of oxygen from plants). 
Yet, for me it's slightly different; I love the clouds, the sun, when and where the sun sets, the shapes and sizes of the clouds and just about anything with these natural wonders up above us! It's like watching heaven in "full focus"! Of course, with my year long best pal "my" Nokia N85 with is amazing 5 megapixel Carl Zeiss lens and the OLED display, snapping images of those "Must Have" sceneries are the best!!
(Ps. I snap them everywhere and at anytime, with any chance I manage to find - even when driving *Warning : Not a good example*... But I can't help it.......)
Enjoy my collection! Cheerx...!

To wrap it up; These are my strong feelings of what I love most about the world "Our" world! Which is why I love Sloggi too! Their quality of the material are as silky smooth and soft as the clouds you see in the images I've capture!

Thank You Sloggi! Thank You Nuffnang!
So what are YOU waiting for?! Come on, BLOG about this! Sharing is caring! (hehe... see ya =D)

13 March 2010

Earth Hour 2010

Support Earth Hour 2010!

With a flick of a switch you can change our future. Just switch off for an hour and you can make a difference!

Earth Hour 2010 will take place on March 27, 2010 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., local time.

Nothing to do? You can head to Sunway Pyramid, Orange Entrance from 6pm onwards to join in the excitement of the "Battle Of The Bands" with Special Appearance by Daphne Iking, Xandria Ooi, Chermaine Poo and (probably) many more... lolx~! Enjoy! Spread the news!

Found this placed up all around Sunway Pyramid
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