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Showing posts with label Movie Screening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie Screening. Show all posts

06 June 2012

Madagascar 3 : Europe's Most Wanted Premiere Screening!

Hey guys! I just had to blog this even though I'm lagging behind all my saved drafted blog posts.
Awesome animated Dreamworks movie again! In fact all of Madagascar movie are superbly outstanding! From the beginning when they make you laugh, it's a never ending right up till this 3rd installment of Madagascar 3. A story of how "Alex the Lion" the star of New York Zoo gone missing but was on a great adventure of his life, meeting up his true family along the way, have a bunch of lunatic-penguins that's always there when there's trouble in & out but in the end, he and his best buds "Marty the Zebra", "Melman the Giraffe" & "Gloria the sexy-hippo" found their true calling and the place where they can call home. I'm not gonna spoil this for you so HEAD TO THE CINEMA now and WATCH IT!!

If this was a YouTube video, I would recommend you to "rape" the replay button! (Just saying...) I can't wait for the Special DVD to be out in stores! Worth buying the original DVD for good keeps! My kids (in da future) would love it!! I know I will... Hehe... ENJOY!!

I met up with Skipper & Private while waiting for the premiere screening at GSC Mid Valley on 5th June 2012. They were sooooo adorable!! I was altering some settings of my Samsung Nexus camera feature when Skipper came right behind me and gave me a nudge!! So cute... He even went and pull Private from a lil' distance to take a photo with me... So cuuuutteee!! Their costume was vibrating too... I think it's for a mini fan system inside?? This is a very sealed up mascot costume and it's gonna be hot inside. But awesome job guys!

Special thanks to ChurpChurp for da tickets! Love ya guys! Miss ya much... XoXo... Sobs.... =)

Ps. I lurve Maurice facial-expression when everyone thought King Julien is "GONE"!! The before & after expression... Funny... ahahhaha!!! Must make a .gif image out of his facial expression, lolx!!
I give this movie ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 10s ♥+10s & more Ratings!! Love it! ♥

06 March 2012

The LORAX, Movie Screening

The Lo-lo-lo-LORAX is finally in cinemas!! And yeesshhh!!! I am late again in my blog post ahahahahahhahahahaahahahahaha ROFL! Sigh....
Well thanks to @Churp2 & @NuffnangMY, I received 2 invites to the Lorax 3D movie screening @ GSC, Mid Valley on 2nd March 2012 @ 9.15pm!

 The minute I arrived, I saw the furry PEANUT there taking pictures with 2 lovely ladies from the crowd aka strangers!!! (Me camera shy la... dowan la....)
Lolx... He's actually the LORAX, Guardian of the forest.
This bunting was next to the booth so I kinda wanna camwhore this muahahha! Yay! Churp & Earn

The awesomeness Nuffies & Churpies at GSC Cinema, Mid Valley

Now here comes the interesting part 
(*Spoiler Alert! If you haven't watched the Lorax then skip this next section which if a brief intro to some of my fav parts in the Lorax movie)

The 3 singing fishes that popped-up in the beginning of the movie and started singing & they're soooo ADORABLE!!!!

The Lorax awaken and he'd actually came out of this tree stump after the Once-ler chopped this Truffula tree down for the first time

Here's the proof of the Once-ler chopping this Truffula tree down for the first time

 "Hey you! Did you cut down this tree?"

 Accusing body language of the Lorax towards the "Once-ler" aka "One-ceee" as address by his mum lolx!

 Aaaarrrggghhh!! The Lorax is here to keep a close eye on him so that he don't cut down trees!

 "GASP! She's a woman?!?!?"

"I speak for them! Don't cut down the trees! Where will all of them go? This is their home..." 

So guys, let's take care of the environment and stop cutting trees laaaa!! I wanna see a real lorax if there's such thing but I don't want to cut a tree down just to see him so please 


After the movie, it just finished raining but the traffic was building up... 
Im guessing if the term "Friday night fever" actually resulted from this... Huhuhu...

Check out the Lorax main homepage! Loving it!

Check out the Lorax movie soundtrack here

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