Hello my dear readers,
I am sorry that it has been so long since we last spoke together, but I promise, I NEVER forgot you!
I have been dedicating my time to schoolwork and baby-rearing. Little Lilly just turned one this past Thursday. I promise photos are coming! She celebrated in true Princess fashion, as her theme was Princess Sofia the First.
Back to the real story, I told you all last year that I would be coming back in August of this year so that I could focus fully on the new balance of my house with a husband working far away and two children instead of only one as I knuckled down on my final years of schooling before earning my Bachelor's degree. I am happy to report that I succeeded in staying on my timeline! I will be starting my Student Teaching this fall and, should everything go perfectly, I will be gradating in December! *insert happy dance, or rather crazy spastic twitching that I call dancing*
I have a full month ahead with my coming back review bang, I will have at least three different reviews up on the blog this month and at least two next month. I am still juggling a lot but I promise to review as quickly as I can. Even though I stopped posting my reviews, I never stopped reading so I have a nice stash of books to review for you...I may even go crazy and post two per month..not sure yet.
Again thank you to all of you reading this, you make my day worth it.