Bald Ibis breeds in Spain [Ibis eremita cría en España]

This is not an introduction or reintroduction scheme but an internationally agreed experiment on methods of reintroduction, according to available data (see pdf below). What has not been perhaps enough clarified is what will happen with the breeding pair/s.
News have been broadcasted in the Spanish media and references can be found at El País (photo above) and e.g. 20 minutes. Read more about the project in Spanish in the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian government) website here and in the Jerez Zoo website here. Or download the full project in Spanish and pdf from this link.
Resumen. El Ibis eremita cría en España. En los enlaces de arriba se pueden visitar diferentes medios de comunicación así como los estamentos oficiales que dan cuenta de la noticia de la nidificación del Ibis eremita en Barbate, Cádiz, en el marco de un programa de cría controlada de la especie.