More thoughts on the Egyptian Plover [Más opiniones sobre el Pluvial Egipcio]

Observer Richard Howard who is controlling the Egyptian Plover as being close to his residence in Murcia has sent us the following comments which seem interesting to take into account. I thought I’d drop you a note on my thoughts of whether a vagrant or escape, which may (or may not) be of interest to you. The Plover : a) Shows no signs of any feather damage or facial damage that you might expect had it been caged, in fact it is in pristine condition. b) Shows no sign of any wing clipping that may have been used to stop it escaping. According to my only reference (BWP), the adult only goes through a full moult in the summer. Hence it could not have just moulted, and then escaped. c) No identification rings on the legs. d) Although it will, when feeding, come quite close, you cannot approach it readily – if you do it flies to the opposite bank of the pool, and so is wary. e) It i...