Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy eighth

Maisy turned eight.
 We had a nice, quiet, family party. She got legos (she's been sneaking into Jack's room to play with his,) a princess memory game, and books.
 We had Tangled cupcakes, which she didn't touch,
 because all she wanted to do was play with the balloons.


Emily said...

Maisy! I can't believe you are getting so big! I miss you and I'm so happy your mom tells me all the amazing things you are doing!

Kelly E. said...

Eight?!?! I am looking at these pictures and first of all I can't believe she is eight, but second, I can't believe how wonderful she looks! She looks beautiful, happy and so big! This made cry because she truly is so wonderful in everyway! Give her hugs from us! Miss you love you all!

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