Showing posts with label vintage postcard April. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage postcard April. Show all posts

Friday, February 13, 2015

Blogging Again and Happy Valentine's Day!!

Hello Friends!

I feel like I'm sending a signal out to the vast unknown...
like I've lost touch...
It's been so many months since I've made a blog post,
I really did not intend that to happen.
I'm still here, I'm still creating...

I'm not going to try to catch up
all in this one blog post :O

I am in a yearlong swap project hosted by Linda
of Swap for All Seasons,
which is a monthly sampler/fabric collage.
I am loving it!!  These are so much fun to make!
This is my January swap:

I wanted to incorporate a heart into it,
since she didn't actually received it til February!  :)

And this is my February swap:

 I just love combining all the fabric and lace bits
we all accumulate along the way. 

This is a little altered heart box that I made for
my Paper Soiree group's February swap:

It's so hard to put the glitter away when Christmas is over :)

Just a couple of cute projects,

some cute images,

and best wishes for a Happy Valentine's Day!!

I will be back next week, so please don't give up on me :)
Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!

More Friday fun to be had at Fabulously Creative Friday!  
Lots of great ideas at Show and Tell Friday!  
Lovely blues at Anything Blue Friday!
Lots of links to lovely pinks at Pink Saturday!
Creative living, decorating, and craft ideas at Inspired Sunday!
Lovely tablescapes at Seasonal Sundays!
Cute and crafty stuff at Make it Monday!
Be inspired by Inspire Me Tuesday!
Vintage creativity at Vintage Inspiration Wednesday!
For links to lovely, shabby, chippy whites, stop by Blissful Whites Wednesday!
Beautiful greys at Grey Dey Thursdeys.
Lovely things to be found at
French cottagey links at Feathered Nest Friday!

♥♥♥ Thank you so much for visiting and for all your lovely comments!! ♥♥♥
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It's April! Fairy Jar! Freebies!

 Hello Friends!

It's April!

 And my across-the-street neighbor's front yard looks like this:

Flowers everywhere!
Even window shopping at the mall:

Yes, I have been doing a little creating as well as window shopping.  :)

Spring is peak season for fairies, as they are out and about in the garden.
I have always wanted to capture one and keep her forever in a jar. 
But that wouldn't be nice.
So I made this little fairy in a jar to keep me company:

 I used a mix of mosses, papery flowers, mushrooms, butterfly wings
and a Dresden pink crown.  And lots of fairy dust!
I covered the jar lid with some burlap trim to keep the woodsy look.
Added more moss and a nest and little birdie on top.

Here are a few freebies with an April Showers theme:


Click to enlarge, right click and save!
Lots of links to lovely pinks at Pink Saturday.
For links to lovely, shabby, chippy whites, stop by Blissful Whites Wednesday!

♥♥♥Thank you so much for visiting and for all your lovely comments!! ♥♥♥
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Vignettes' Pink Soiree and Freebies!

Hello Friends!

Are you ready for Valentine's Day?
And you've made ALL your valentines?

OK, then come with me to the fabulous
Vignettes' "Fifty Shades of Pink - Valentine Soiree"!

It was jaw-droppingly gorgeous! 
Oh, and there's much more, so stay tuned for part deux!

And in case you didn't really have all your valentines made,
here's some pink pretties for your crafting pleasure:

Click to enlarge, right click and save!
Lots of links to lovely pinks at Pink Saturday.
For links to lovely, shabby, chippy whites, stop by Blissful Whites Wednesday!
Lovely, feminine things at Pearls and Lace Thursday!
Party on at a very pinteresting party at Tutus and Tea Parties!
♥♥♥Thank you so much for visiting and for all your lovely comments!! ♥♥♥

Friday, April 13, 2012

Urban Barn Flea Market!

Hello Friends!
I just have a little bit of catching up to do here,
and then it's on to some lovely pictures
of the Urban Barn's monthly flea market.
Is it too late to post pics of my egg-shaped
Marie Antoinette ATCs?
Oh, good!
 This one has a little "jardiniere/gardener" theme going on: 

And here is Marie in a teacup!

This egg shape was so much fun to work with.
And Marie is always fun to play with!

The Urban Barn has a monthly flea market
that we have been meaning to get to for ages.
We finally made it to the March market,
and were so glad we did!

They even have little treats for you to eat!
Everything was so beautifully displayed,
inside, outside in back, and outside in front,
like these jumbles of lovely things
from Laura of Chaotic Soul Jewelry.

Yes, we left with less money,
but with an armload of lovely things!

Some spring-y freebies for you:

Click to enlarge, right click and save!
You may like to stop by Pink Saturday for more pink lovelies!
Have a great weekend!


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