Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Why GOP=Stupid Party

Poor, poor Trent Lott was the victim of a rabid press when he lost his majority leader job five years ago after praising segregationist Strom Thurmond -- so says Oregon Sen. Gordon Smith. Not only is Smith an idiot for bringing back this high point in the history of Republican politics. He's also a hypocrite because he said exactly the opposite at the time.

And, of course, Orrin Hatch does a ditto!

Yeah, Lott is retiring, but why can't his colleagues recall other "great" moments in his sterling career -- such as his advocacy for philandering Air Force pilot Kelli Flinn or his great support for trial lawyers (most notably one of the most notorious -- his recently indicted brother-in-law Dickie Scruggs) -- or his general pork-friendly ways representing Mississippi?

Instead, they are caught up in, uh, whitewashing Lott's praise of a guy who bolted his party becaue it was beginning to support civil rights!

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

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Monday, November 26, 2007


No Lott-a Love

My old pal is hitting the road apparently for "other opportunities."

Obviously, the Senate minority whip sees little hope of becoming part of the majority following the '08 elections.

Specultation on the timing of the abrupt departure centers around the need to get out of Congress before a new tough lobbying law goes into effect.

UPDATE: Republicans reportedly "stunned" at Lott's sudden decision.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Cruel Month -- or Moment of Clarity?

Despite all the superficial sturm und drang, September is shaping up as a bipartisan moment of truth in Iraq.

Trent Lott joins House Minority Leader John Boehner in
singing the autumnal blues.

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