Wednesday, March 17, 2010


A Ragged Tweet

Apologies for the sporadic updating of late. No, I haven't been kidnapped or been completely lain low by a late developing swine flu. While the outside worldhas been inserting its nose in a more vigorous manner recently, that shouldn't be an excuse. I need to figure out ways to get my varied virtual life into a more coherent focus. As some of you may know, I am rather active in the social media world with a presence in Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, etc. Since those venues allow an almost 24/7 updating of my thoughts, ideas and adventures, it makes sense to inform my RT readers what I'm up to on a much more regular basis than I've been doing recently. 

Thus, to the left, please note a Twitter widget. If you're on Twitter, feel free to follow me. If, however, you're not, you can check my 140-character witty asides right on ye olde RAGGGED THOTS.   


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Hiram, Fire 'Im

Queens voters send girlfriend-slasher Hiram Monserrate the same message his former colleagues in the state Senate sent last month:  Hit the road. Monserrate  (above; girlfriend Karla Gioraldo is on the right) overwhelmingly lost his bid to recapture the seat from which he was expelled. Considering recent events involving David Paterson, Gregory Meeks, Eric Massa, etc., Monserrate's, uh, clearcut, repudiation is one meager bright light in arguably the bleakest period in New York politics. 


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