Showing posts with label relearning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relearning. Show all posts

Saturday, December 14, 2024


Every month, I promise myself that I'll resurrect the blog and I fail to keep my promise. It is now the middle of December, on a winter afternoon and here I am. So can I say, let bygones be bygones, the good news is that I have opened my laptop to type. I will consider this as a win.

 It is the last month of a very momentous 2024. A year with many wins and one big sorrowful loss. A year where we bowed down to the Almighty and His decisions, however painful. 2024 was the year, where we learned how to slow down and savour moments in silence. 

I am fairly active on my social media channels so if you are following me there, chances are, you are quite updated with whatever I've been up to. At least, as much as I allow myself to share there. 

 In a previous lifetime, I used to be an over-sharer and a committed people pleaser. It is also fair to say that appearances were very important to me. How people viewed me and what they said about me, became my internal voice and it sort of became my impression of myself. All that changed in 2022 and HOW!

 I focussed on my emotions and what I had allowed to happen to myself in the past few decades. Turns out, a LOT had happened. I rediscovered self-respect, I allowed myself to breathe and discovered my inner self in the route towards self-healing. I have unlearned a lot since 2022 and I continue to do so.

Why is unlearning so important? I don't think we fully comprehend and correlate the effects of our mental health on our physical wellbeing. Personally, I only woke up to it once it began to manifest in a way that I could see it.with my own eyes. I literally saw myself withering, and I decided I will take charge. 

And only when I have allowed myself to be vulnerable around the right people, have I actually seen myself for who I am. I am grateful that these folks saw the goodness in me and shone a mirror so that I could see it too. Healing only begins when we are able to verbalise or write about what hurts us the most. If we don't address it, it continues to stifle us silently. 

I continue to count my blessings and count them again, because without gratitude, there is nothing. Gratitude and humility have paved my path so far and I pray they continue to. 

More in 2025! See you on the other side :)


Every month, I promise myself that I'll resurrect the blog and I fail to keep my promise. It is now the middle of December, on a winter ...