Showing posts with label lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lessons. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

2020: A year of Affirmations and Empowerment

Hello folks! I only wrote three posts on my blog last year and I'm not really proud of that! I have committed to writing more this year and hopefully I can follow through :)

How have you guys been? My life has been on the fast track with the freshly minted teenager in the house who was a tot when I started this blog. And following in his footsteps is a cutie patootie who wants to be the boss of the house, talks nonstop and doesn't let me focus! Ha!

In our house we literally live by the clock and that's what keeps us all sane - routines, organisation and a bit of pre-planning wherever possible.

Plans for 2020

For 2020, I want it to be a year of affirmations and empowerment for me personally. I am already on that path since a few years now and it has changed me in many ways. I no longer seek validation for my decisions or my way of living life and I lead my life in a way that suits me and what I believe in.

I repeat affirmations to myself on a daily basis and I think everyone should do this for themselves. Be your own cheerleader - you owe it to yourself!

Tell yourself you can do it! On many days I need help even to get through my day because I can so easily sink into the quicksand of laziness and languor. On those days I need to literally push myself up hour by hour and set tasks for the day - it is perfectly okay to have such days and perfectly okay to end up doing nothing either. Recognize that it is normal and don't go against the flow.

It is always nice to step back and review what you really want from your life and January is a very good month for you to plan accordingly so that you have something to reflect upon at the end of the year.

Personal goals are very underrated but they are the most important of all. You are accountable to only yourself and that's what makes it special as it is your goal, set by you and for you.

I wish you all a beautiful 2020, and hope you guys have a peaceful, prosperous and healthy year!


Every month, I promise myself that I'll resurrect the blog and I fail to keep my promise. It is now the middle of December, on a winter ...