Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Well, the girls & I went on a road trip today down the hill to Bris-vegas (yes, I know its corny!) to attend 2QAQ's first meeting. We had a great day! Di, Caity & I don't seem to run out of topics of serious discussion and we tried to educate Di today about the benefits of Paul McDermott's version of the "I'll throw my arms around you / kiss you in 4 places" song - (help me out Caity - you probably know it's proper name!) Anyway after visiting the Auchenflower shop, we ran out of time to have a proper 'latte and lunch' lunch and had to endure lunch at Greenslopes bowls Club, apart from the beer, not to be recommended! The meeting was really interesting and has inspired me back to quilting. I will definitely start on the journal quilting and think about the art quilt for the juried art quilt show. With an OS trip in the middle of the year, I find it hard to plan for something like this, but I feel it is the road I need to take! The fact that the show is juried is scary but good because it means you really need to challenge yourself. The people at the meeting were very welcoming and it was great to meet some new people, like Linda from the Netherlands and Suzie. Sue Dennis chaired the meeting and was very welcoming and very self-effacing (is that a word?) . My main memory about Sue Dennis is that she was chosen by my husband for Viewer's Choice at the Sunnybank Quilters Quilt Show over a year ago now. He was very taken with her rusty nails thang. I loved it as well but admit to choosing a quilt which showcased original 1930's fabric as my viewer's choice - I am not sure who won it.
I told hubby when I got home that he could take eldest son to his party of choice tonight as I had already driven to Brisbane & back today, but when said-son was read to go, the scrap-heap challenge was on TV, so he could not drag himself away - so I did the honours! It was funny as we had difficulty finding the house number in the dark, but the one we thought it was had balloons tied to the front gate, so we knew it was the right place. No-1-son would not allow me to tie balloons onto our front gate when he had his 18th! Then I had to deal with the 'is this Kenny's party?' enquiries when the party was on! - you've gottta laugh!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Favorite song of the mo...

I have had such an up and down day - I was looking forward to a quiet start to the day - walking the dog, putting on a load of washing.... lo & behold ... it's raining & pouring... soooo... plan B... have to go to work, buutttt how about I spend some time blogging and reading blogs before I go - get home from dropping Mr D at school - No 1 boy is on the computer - firmly ensconced! How I would love to stay home & sew but I have to get to work so I go.... all day at work - frustrations - lots of new guys ... lovely people but don't understand Autocad and why we have systems we work within... finish work at 4:45pm (after thinking I may get away with a short day)... grocery shop... come home... argue with hubby because something I want on the computer has been backed up onto an external drive which he has taken to the office - (why I am the last person considered in all this? - do I need to get my own computer? - obviously!)

Anyway now that I have that off my chest, my most favourite song of the moment is this one -(Put your records on). I heard it at my Body step class - the cool down/stretch track - had to find it (why do I feel I am typing like I am manic - perhaps because I am). Anyway tried to find it in itunes, however they don't have the real deal, so I have downloaded it from the Corrine Bailey Rae fan website .

Saturday, December 1, 2007

It's only rock n roll but we like it...

Just watched 'Rockwiz',

who is ... ??? ... OK obviously a Finn brother... Neil or Tim?? No it's Liam! .... Which brother is that? ....OMG it is Neil Finn's son - now how old do I feel?? It is getting very fuzzy in my memory but I do believe I went to a Split Enz concert at Cloudlands in 1982..83 ??? anyway a long time ago... his son!!!!