Saturday, May 6, 2017

Inilah Cara Pemerintah Agar Industri Kelapa Sawit Indonesia Bisa Mendunia

Inilah Cara Pemerintah Agar Industri Sawit Indonesia Bisa Mendunia

Kelapa sawit salah satu komoditas perkebunan unggulan nasional. Saat ini pemerintah Indonesia telah berupaya mengurangi oversupply kelapa sawit yang menyebabkan harga komoditas CPO dan turunannya menurun secara signifikan pada 2014-2015.

Pemerintah pun membentuk BPDP (Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan) Kelapa Sawit, yaitu badan yang memberikan insentif dalam mendorong penyerapan Biodisel pada pasar PSO dan Non-PSO.

BPDP merupakan skema industri membantu industri, di mana perusahaan yang melakukan ekspor wajib menyetorkan pungutan ekspor yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu penyerapan biodiesel agar tidak memberatkan APBN.

Dengan membentuk demand baru melalui program mandatory biodiesel yang dibantu dukungan BPDP Kelapa Sawit, pemerintah berhasil menstabilkan harga CPO dan tandan buah segar pada akhir 2015-2016 yang dinikmati seluruh pemangku kepentingan.

"Dengan banyaknya nilai tambah yang dihasilkan BPDP Kelapa Sawit untuk Indonesia, khususnya industri kelapa sawit, maka keberlangsungan BPDP Kelapa Sawit sangat penting dilakukan," ujar Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution dalam acara peluncuran buku Menuju Kemandirian dan Keseimbangan Sawit Indonesia di Kemenko Perekonomian, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (2/5/2017).

Untuk menjaga skema BPDP Kelapa Sawit tetap berkelanjutan, pemerintah telah menyusun buku "Menuju Kemandirian dan Keseimbangan Sawit Indonesia" yang memberikan informasi kerangka dasar dan latar belakang pembentukan BPDP Kelapa Sawit.

Selain membantu penyerapan program mandatory biodiesel, BPDP Kelapa Sawit memiliki beberapa program lainnya yang sangat membantu Industri Kelapa Sawit Indonesia baik pada sektor hulu maupun sektor hilir.

"Karena peranan BPDP Kelapa Sawit sangat penting bagi devisa negara dan nilai tambah industri domestik, maka terdapat beberapa aturan main yang harus diketahui oleh seluruh pemangku kepentingan Industri kelapa sawit," lanjut Darmin.

Pemerintah melalui Sekretariat Komite Pengarah BPDP Kelapa Sawit telah menyusun buku panduan agar sejarah, filosofi, serta tujuan pembentukan BPDP Kelapa Sawit dapat dipahami oleh semua pemangku kepentingan.

"Prinsip-prinsip BPDP Kelasa Sawit ini disusun berdasarkan hasil diskusi pemerintah, pelaku usaha, dan akademisi kelapa sawit Indonesia," kata Darmin.

Dari semua upaya untuk menjaga eksistensi industri kelapa sawit Indonesia di pasar global, sekali lagi pemerintah menegaskan komitmen menjaga industri kelapa sawit Indonesia berkembang dan dikelola secara berkelanjutan dengan mandatori standar ISPO (Indonesia Sustanable Palm Oil).

Melalui ISPO dan mandatori biodiesel, Indonesia telah berkontribusi secara nyata terhadap pembangun ekonomi hijau dan pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca.

Saat ini pemerintah telah melakukan proses penguatan ISPO yang melibatkan berbagai pihak antara lain pemerintah, pelaku usaha , masyarakat, LSM, negara-negara konsumen untuk memberikan masukan dan saran penyempurnaan ISPO sebagai sistem yang mandatori, dan akan diangkat dengan keputusan Presiden.

Pada 2015 - 2017 dampak positif BPDP Kelapa Sawit bagi Indonesia dan khususnya Industri kelapa sawit domestik, mulai terlihat.

Harga komoditas CPO yang pada pertengahan 2015 yang sempat mencapai US$ 437/ton berdasarkan indeks harga KPB pada pertengahan 2015, meningkat menjadi US$ 620/ton pada Maret 2017 atau meningkat sekitar 42% dari titik terendah harga CPO.

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"Saya yakin dengan menjaga tujuan dan semangat pembentukan BPDP Kelapa Sawit pada masa ini dan masa akan datang, kita akan mampu memiliki industri kelapa sawit yang lebih efisien dan memberikan nilai tambah nasional," tutup Darmin.

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Friday, April 28, 2017

Felda: Seharusnya Indonesia Dan Malaysia Yang Menentukan Harga Minyak Sawit (CPO) Dunia

Felda: Seharusnya Indonesia Dan Malaysia Yang Menentukan Harga Minyak Sawit (CPO) Dunia

Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan Malaysia (The Federal Land Development Authority/Felda) mengharapkan Indonesia dan Malaysia bisa menentukan harga minyak sawit mentah atau crude palm oil (CPO) dunia.

Chairman Felda Tan Sri Shahrir Samad mengemukakan hal itu saat diwawancarai di Kuala Lumpur, Sabtu.

Felda merupakan pengelola perkebunan terbesar dengan 811.140 hektare tumbuhan kelapa sawit di Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah, dan Sarawak. Perusahaan ini juga mengelola perkebunan sawit di Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Rajawali Corp.

"Buat sekarang pembelian saham Rajawali Corp merupakan investasi strategis. Artinya kami memiliki saham tersebut merupakan pegangan yang strategis. Tetapi tidak boleh cerita apa strategisnya yang bakal dilaksanakan," ucapnya.

Shahrir mengatakan perusahaannya hingga saat ini belum ada rencana untuk menambah saham.

"Pada masa mendatang akan lebih ditingkatkan kolaborasi kerja sama Indonesia dan Malaysia dari segi penentuan harga dan pemasaran sawit di pasar dunia. Akhirnya yang penting adalah soal harga sawit," tuturnya.

Dia mengatakan kalau harga sawit stabil berpengaruh langsung terhadap industri sawit, petani-petani kecil dan perintis Felda juga.

"Yang terpenting adalah bagaimana Indonesia dan Malaysia bisa menentukan harga sawit yang tinggi di pasar internasional," imbuhnya.

Dia mengatakan tidak mudah mendapatkan kebun di Indonesia dan lebih mudah bekerja sama dengan perusahaan di Indonesia dengan menyertakan saham.

"Ini lebih bermanfaat tidak hanya bagi Felda tetapi juga kedua negara. Ini permulaan kolaborasi. 80 persen produksi sawit dunia dari Indonesia dan Malaysia," ucapnya.

Tan Sri Shahrir Samad sehari sebelumnya bertemu dengan Menteri Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia Eko Putro Sandjojo yang juga Pejabat Penghubung Investasi Indonesia - Malaysia.

Dalam acara "Indonesia-Malaysia Business Matching" Eko Putro mengatakan bahwa pada prinsipnya Indonesia sedang moratorium kelapa sawit sehingga kalau pembukaan lahan baru tidak mungkin.

"Yang dilakukan Felda adalah membeli saham dari lahan kelapa sawit yang sudah ada," tuturnya.

baca juga:
Humas Gabungan Perusahaan Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (GAPKI) Tofan Mahdi mengatakan acuan penentuan harga kelapa sawit adalah di Rotterdam dan Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange.

"Tapi Indonesia sekarang lagi membuat acuan harga CPO dunia. Masih digodok konsepnya. Ada juga Kantor Pemasaran Bersama (KPB) punya PTP, tetapi belum menjadi acuan harga dunia," katanya (antaranewsdotcom).

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

France will impose 300% import duty on Indonesia’s CPO

France will impose 300% import duty on Indonesia’s CPO

Currently, the French Parliament is working on legislation which contained the plan implementation duties amounting to 300 per cent for CPO from Indonesia. The reason, CPO containing saturated fat is considered not good for health.

As the country's largest palm oil exporter in the world, Indonesia can not remain silent. Deputy of Indoensia Trade Minister, Bayu Krisnamurthi said it would immediately lobbied the French parliament to give an explanation. "Through open debate, I explained that if anything consumed in excess is not good, not just about the CPO," he said.

Every year France imported about 160 thousand tons of CPO. This amount is relatively small compared to the overall CPO imports of European imports each year to reach 5 to 6 million tons. Half of that amount came from Indonesia.

Although the numbers are small, Bayu assume that CPO duty plan as a form of negative campaigning of the main Indonesia's export products. For that, he then touched on business interests of each country.

As is known, in recent year Indonesia airlines  has buy many of Airbus planes from France. Not to mention, some of the leading French companies such as Danone, L''oreal, and Carrefour to expand massively over the country. For that, in return, Bayu expect France to receive products from Indonesia. "CPO is  Indonesia interest. I requested it be kept as well," he said.

Attacks on oil commodities not just this time facing Indonesia. In addition to health issues, environmental issues are also often waged to undermine Indonesia's main export commodity. Problem is, Bayu said that of the 23 million tons of CPO was produced in Indonesia, 7 tons of which have been certified eco-friendly.

Negative campaign was considered very detrimental. Moreover, in 2014 the European Union will implement the new labeling rules in which each product should specify the vegetable oil it contains, whether it be from oil or soy. Previously, exports of these commodities has been disturbed by the crisis in Europe.

If that happens, oil Indonesia will no longer dealing with import regulations in each country, but directly to the consumer ratings. "If palm oil continues to tampered image to health issues, the environment, and the others, consumers will naturally resist palm oil," he said. For that, Bayu plans to work together with Association of Indonesian Palm Oil to ward off the negative campaigns.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Indonesia's CPO production rise to 25.4 million metric tons in 2012

Indonesia's CPO production rise to 25.4 million metric tons in 2012
indonesia cpo production

The data reported by units of foreign agricultural services, the U.S. Department of Agriculture or USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) in Jakarta said the oil palm industry (CPO) in Indonesia can produce as many as 25.4 million metric tons in the 2011/2012 marketing year that began in October 2011.

The increase CPO production is driven by the expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia significantly from year to year. The expansion of oil palm plantations in the period 2003-2009 came from small farmers or farm folk with an average growth of 7.19% per year.

Thereafter, followed by a private company which grew 4.98% per year. Meanwhile, ownership of the government palm plantation declined 0.63% per year in the period 2003-2009.

If the expansion of oil palm plantation remains the same as it is, ownership of small producers of oil palm plantations are expected to increase to 41% in 2012. Meanwhile, the trend growth of ownership by private gardens will remain steady at 52% in 2012.

By doing so, Indonesia's CPO production is expected to continue to grow. The reason is, so far in their fields, usually have a fairly good productivity.

With CPO production forecast of 25.4 metric tons in 2011/2012, implying growth of 1.8 metric tons per year. However, some local industries are not optimistic, they only predicted production growth of about 1.4 to 1.5 million metric tons per year.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Indonesian CPO Exports value reached US$ 16.4 Billion in 2010


Throughout 2010, export value of Indonesia crude palm oil and palm oil derivative products reached US$ 16.4 billion, up 50% over 2009, which amounted to US$ 10 billion. This increase was due to the high international price of CPO. This was conveyed by the Executive Director of the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki), Fadhil Hasan.

"In the first quarter, CPO export value of U.S. $ 2.66 billion was subsequently increased to US$ 3.04 billion in the second quarter. Next in the third quarter, the export value of US$ 4.46 billion, which jumped more sharply to around US$ 6.32 billion in the fourth quarter, "said Fadhil.

Based on Gapki’s data, during January-December 2010 Indonesia's CPO export volume rose slightly by 127,498 tones or be 15,656,349 tons, compared to the previous year which amounted to 15,528,851 tons.

National CPO export growth driven increase in the number of purchases by the three major consumer namely India, China, and the European Union. "In 2010, total exports of CPO and its derivatives to India as much as 5,793,077 tons, which increased from 2009 amounted to 5,630,199 tons," said Fadhil.

India to import more palm oil up to 4,498,365 tons, followed by as much as 861,944 tonnes of RBD Olein, Crude Olein totaled 135,002 tons, Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) amounted to 95,631 tonnes, RBD Palm Oil (PO) amounted to 63,012 tons, 74,120 tons of RBD Stearin and amounted to 11,000 tonnes of Crude Stearin.

Meanwhile, European Union countries to increase the amount of the purchase of CPO and its derivatives from Indonesia amounted to 3,728,677 tons. Same with India, the European Union buying more palm oil as much as 2,537,431 tons, 426,673 tons of RBD Stearin, RBD PO totaled 314,364 tons, amounting to 293,437 tons of RBD Olein, PFAD totaled 148,069 tons, Crude Olein as much as 8,000 tons and 700 tons of Crude Stearin.

"China is importing crude palm oil and its derivatives from Indonesia amounted to 2,410,337 tons, in which the largest import of RBD Olein products amounted to 1,491,948 tons. Furthermore, amounting to 632,312 tons of RBD Stearin, crude palm oil amounted to 231,617 tons, PFAD reached 46,458 tons, and as many as RBD PO 8,000 tons, "said Fadhil.

Then, Bangladesh buying palm oil and derived products from Indonesia amounted to 629,529 tons, USA import 172,167 tons of CPO and its derivatives from Indonesia.

While Pakistan imported 87,379 tons of CPO and its derivatives are down dramatically from last year, because of delays in completion of Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) Indonesia-Pakistan. There is also, exports of Indonesian palm oil and derived products to other countries amounted to 2,889,182 tons.

For information, the total exports of 15.6 million tons was still dominated exports of Crude Palm Oil (CPO), which reached 8,779,940 tons (56.2%) and the remaining derivative products amounted to 6,876,405 tons (43.8%).

"Based on these data, Gapki noted that world demand is still focused on crude palm oil products rather than the derivatives. This can be seen from India and the EU demand that the CPO world's largest market," said Fadhil.

From the export volumes of derivative products, the amount of exports are more RBD Olein form which amounted to 3,565,096 tons (51.8%), followed by RBD Stearin totaled 1,435,145 tons (20.8%), RBD Palm Oil, amounted to 884,726 tons (12 , 8%), Crude Olein as much as 587,778 tons (8.5%), amounting to 382,459 tons PFAD (5.5%) and amounted to 21,201 tons of crude stearin (0.6%).


Friday, January 7, 2011

2011, targeted Coffee Exports Increase 5%


Ministry of Trade, Republic of Indonesia is targeting for increasing the coffee export by five percent this year. International prices predicted relatively well this year.

Coffee production for this year is estimated to increase to 570 thousand tons from 540 thousand tons in 2010. "In addition, market penetration into China as well as new markets improved," said Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu, the Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, Wednesday (05/01/2011).

Furthermore, Mari said, it also targets exports of footwear increased by 20 percent next year. Because the development of non-traditional markets, especially in Central Asia and Eastern Europe namely Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan has begun to recover. In addition, the increase in exports was also motivated by the commencement of production by some manufacturers who do relocate to Indonesia and also lower costs for state employees compared to competitors.

Mari explain, automobile exports is also targeted to increase 10 percent this year. It would improve the promotion and expansion of automotive export markets to the FTA partner countries and other countries. "Meanwhile, increased investment in this sector is also increasingly driven," says Mari.

As for the export of crude palm oil sector, said Mari, also targeted to increase by 16 percent this year. The reason, she said, in addition to the primary purpose of export markets namely China, European Union, and India, several other markets in the Middle East and Eastern Europe are also considered to potentially large.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

CPO market in 2011 more prospective

CPO market in 2011 more prospective

International market of crude palm oil in 2011 is more prospective than predicted this year. Post-crisis recovery of the world economy which led India and China make crude palm oil (CPO) demand rose sharply.

Bitter rivalry between the consumption of food and energy also will be repeated as the year 2008 as the policy of some countries require that biodiesel beginning in 2010. The producers of crude palm oil (CPO) in Indonesia and Malaysia should take advantage of this momentum to boost production by responding to increased demand. This is sticking in the Indonesian Palm Oil Conference 2009 in Nusa Dua, Bali.

These predictions is the analysis of Thomas Mielke of Oil World (vegetable oil research institute based in Hamburg, Germany), Derom Bangun of Indonesian Palm Oil Council (DMSI), Ambono Janurianto of Bakrie Sumatera Plantation, and John Baker of Rabobank International.

Mielke said, the supply of vegetable oil since September 2009 until February 2010 is still limited so the price potential to increase in the next five weeks. Production of sunflower oil and canola are also weaker dependence on crude palm oil and soybeans increased.

Crude Palm Oil has now reached 56 per cent of world exports and record the highest market share growth of other vegetable oils. World crude palm oil market share grew from 11.4 million tons in 1990 to 46.6 million tons in 2009. According to Derom, January-February 2010 was a period of soaring crude palm oil demand, especially from India and China. Derom estimates, the CPO price in Rotterdam can range from 800-825 U.S. dollars per ton and 2,700 U.S. dollars per ton in Malaysia in the quarter I-2010.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Indonesian Palm Oil exports hampered by Negative Campaign

Indonesian Palm Oil exports hampered by Negative Campaign

Negative campaign of Indonesia crude palm oil (CPO) still too often in Europe which affecting the CPO exports, after the global crisis. "CPO exports should recover as the impact of the global crisis began to overcome their respective consumer countries, but because of the negative campaign of palm trees, the export volume has not as expected," said Executive PT Asian Agri Laksamana Adiyaksa in Medan, North Sumatera, Sunday (15/11).

Negative campaign from palm trees destroying the forest to palm oil consumption could cause cancer, the most intensively conducted in Europe since a long time until today. It is suspected that the negative campaign to disrupt the marketing of palm oil is increasingly shifting the position of vegetable oil.

Issues that continue to grow in Europe, Adiyaksa said, because once Europe is the largest buyers of CPO Indonesia, thereby reducing the supply of other vegetable oils. "Today there was a shift most of CPO buyers, China and India. Purchase of European reduced and should be recognized for the impact that negative campaign," said the admiral who served as treasurer of the Joint Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs (Gapki) of North Sumatera.

To avoid continuing interference of Indonesian CPO marketing, cpo industrialist and the government must have a strong commitment to fight those negative campaign. Resistance that can be done by making a scientific study on the CPO content related to human health problems, the impact of oil palm crops on the environment and the need to expand market share.

The cpo industrialist do not dwell on India and China markets which today the inquiry is continuing to increase, but also to other countries that have prospects such as the Middle East and Africa, he said.

CPO businessmen and government together to strengthen the domestic market by opening up industrial oil product. Secretary General of Oil Palm Growers Association premises (Apkasindo) Arsjad Asmar admits, resistance to negative campaigning of oil had to be strengthened and the association was prepared to engage in such resistance. Apkasindo is involved against the negative campaign, Asmar said, is because to save the oil palm farmers which has amount enough. "If price and volume of crude palm oil (CPO) exports fell, the price of farmers’ TBS is also depressed," he said.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Indonesia CPO obstructed by UE rules

Exports of Indonesia crude palm oil (CPO) Indonesia to countries of the European Union threatened to halt a few years ahead. This is the impact of EU rules on the use of renewable energy from renewable sources and environmental issues surrounding palm oil. Therefore, according to the Secretary General of the Combined Enterprise Indonesian Palm Oil (Gapki) Joko Supriyono, Sunday (13 / 9) in Jakarta, Indonesia began to glance at the new market of CPO in Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Nevertheless, the European Union can not leave because of the potential market including CPO Indonesia.

From the data, the total volume of Indonesian CPO exports in 2008 reached 7,904,179 tons. Of that amount, as much as 968,205 tons of which are exported to the European Union via the port in the Netherlands. Some other export destination countries include India, China, and Singapore. European markets is the export destination for the second largest of Indonesia CPO, after India.

To be able to sell palm oil to the European Union and incentives, according to Chairman of Indonesian Palm Oil Commission Rosediana Suharto, the exporter must meet the criteria of the EU directive on the use of renewable energy. If do not meet the criteria in the directive, there is no incentive and no EU country would want to buy that commodity. European Parliament approved the directive on April 23, 2009. Renewable energy target by 2020 is 20 per cent of the countries in the European Union, 20 percent of energy efficiency improvements, 20 percent use of renewable energy, 10 percent use of renewable energy in the transportation sector.

One of the alternative way to anticipate the application of the rule is to expand export markets to other countries, like China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and countries in Eastern Europe. "Surely the new market expansion must have the support of the government. Business actors would be difficult to walk alone, "he added.