Why does one twin age and the other remain young? The answer to this question is explained in this video by an artist explanation of time as a physical process. In this theory time is formed by time dilation. Objects form their own time by slowing up the rate that time flows (time dilation) relative to their energy and momentum. The twin that stayed young was in a reference frame that had an increase in acceleration and therefore an increase in energy. This increase in energy would have caused an increase in time dilation slowing up the rate that time flows in that reference frame. This is why the twin that went on the space journey stayed young relative to the twin that remained on Earth. This theory uses Einstein’s relativity to create a solution to the twin paradox based on time dilation and a deeper understanding of quantum mechanics. The Twin Paradox is explained in this video by diagrams and animations that give us a logical solution!
Showing posts with label Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Questions. Show all posts
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Could the Twin Paradox be explained by time as an emergent property?
Why does one twin age and the other remain young? The answer to this question is explained in this video by an artist explanation of time as a physical process. In this theory time is formed by time dilation. Objects form their own time by slowing up the rate that time flows (time dilation) relative to their energy and momentum. The twin that stayed young was in a reference frame that had an increase in acceleration and therefore an increase in energy. This increase in energy would have caused an increase in time dilation slowing up the rate that time flows in that reference frame. This is why the twin that went on the space journey stayed young relative to the twin that remained on Earth. This theory uses Einstein’s relativity to create a solution to the twin paradox based on time dilation and a deeper understanding of quantum mechanics. The Twin Paradox is explained in this video by diagrams and animations that give us a logical solution!
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Infinity explained within an artist theory on the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process
Video explaining infinity
Cantor's infinities are here explained as a physical process unfolding at the quantum level of the atoms and his Continuum Hypothesis is linked to the continuum of time. We have mathematical infinity in many forms. We have the infinite series of whole numbers and the infinite series of irrational numbers like pi. There is also infinity between each whole number that can always be divided into ever smaller parts. If the laws of mathematics are true and linked to the law of nature and physics then these mathematical infinities must represent something in the physical reality of our Universe. In a new theory called Quantum Atom Theory these mathematical infinities are formed by a continuous process at the quantum level of the atoms. Light or electromagnetic waves are continuously collapsing into photons of quantized energy forming new waves of future probability. We feel this process as the forward passage of time that form the geometry or curvature of spacetime.
Questions and answers from YouTube:
But I really can't see how collapsing and re-appearing wave functions can bring about Cantor's infinities in the physical world.
In this theory the collapsing and re-appearing wave functions represent what we see and feel as the flow of time as a process of continuous energy exchange, continuous creation. Cantor’s infinities represent an infinity of possibilities and opportunities continuously being formed by the interactive process of wave-particle duality. Energy, space and time form a geometrical process that the whole of life and human mathematics is based upon.
There is nothing intrinsic about the wavelength of light that gives it color. Colors are created in the brain. An alien could just as easily see blue as pink.
I disagree the laws of physics are universal! An alien on another world would see the colours of a rainbow in the same order. He could call pink blue or blue pink, but there position in the rainbow would be the same as a rainbow on Earth.
i don't think the universe is infinity i think that at the end of the universe is just space
But! In Einstein’s theory of relativity you can’t have space without time the two our interlinked as spacetime. In Quantum Atom Theory space and time are all so linked to energy as in photon energy or oscillations. In this theory energy forms its own centre with light radiating out in all directions so there is no edge or end to our Universe!
Human beings have no perspective of time, distance as it relates to infinity. We cant reference time or distance in less than finite understanding. The uncertainty principle and measurement problem are feeble attempts limited by this lack of perspective to explain what we can never know. There must always be cause and effect to satisfy our logical human brain yet we fail to realize the most fundamental effects of gravity and the mathematics of it's causes!!
I like the last part of this comment very much! In this theory gravity is caused by time dilation objects just free-fall towards the greatest energy because it has the slowest rate of time. Time is formed by absorption and emission of light and because the light photon is the carrier of the electromagnetic force gravity is secondary force to the EM force. Cause and effect yes or no?
Show me the maths, otherwise is not a scientific theory
PS. Science is not something that promotes itself because its popularity (like art), it's because it works.
This is based on just one equation (E= ˠ M˳C²) ∞ the Lorentz contraction of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows. C² is light radiating out in all directions forming a sphere that can be squared to form the future probability. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame within infinity!
• The intelligent infinity discerned a concept. This concept was discerned due to freedom of will of awareness. This concept was finity. This was the first and primal paradox or distortion of the Law of One. Thus the one intelligent infinity invested itself in an exploration of many-ness. Due to the infinite possibilities of intelligent infinity there is no ending to many-ness. The exploration, thus, is free to continue infinitely in an eternal present....Love & Light.... Namaste....((((O))))....
Infinity in this theory is formed by a physical process forming an infinity of possibilities relative to energy, time and space. I do not believe we have to have any paradoxes if we have a total understanding of the process that forms future possibilities and opportunities. This does not belittle infinity reason and faith can go hand in hand as one!
Monday, 18 February 2013
A journey to the edge of the observable Universe and beyond, within an artist theory on the physics of time.
In this video we will take a journey to the edge of the observable Universe and beyond.
Modern physics believes the Universe should look the same everywhere even on the very large scale of the observable universe. This idea came from Newton universal law of gravity. If gravity is the main force that shaped the large scale structure of the Universe with our present day ideas of dark matter the Universe should look similar everywhere.
But if we look out into deep space what we see is something very different. In fact what we see is the complete opposite to what are theories predict.
As we look out through space and time past the light of the Moon between the realms of Venus and Mars and then out beyond the orbits of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn.
And then out of the solar system towards the beauty of the stars!
If we go past the open star cluster and great nebula of our own milky-way galaxy far beyond the globular star clusters that orbit the hallo of our galaxy.
The further we look out into deep space the larger the structure become. We see groups of galaxies turning into clusters of galaxies that are then extend out into supper clusters of galaxies.
Scientists have now found a structure that at its longest dimension is 4 billion light years long. These structures are called filaments and are made up of quasars each quasar representing the centre of a galaxy.
Modern physics has no explanation for the formation of these large filaments that stretch over millions of light years.
But in a new theory called Quantum Atom Theory an artist theory of the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process these large filaments are predicted.
This is possible because in this theory Newton’s universal law of gravity is a secondary force to the electromagnetic force.
And the thing that links the electromagnetic force and gravitation force together is time itself or to be more precise time dilation.
The Universe is in a process of continuous creation continuously coming into existence with each new photon oscillation. Because the photon is the carrier of the electromagnetic force electrical potential is the same potential we have with any future event within our own reference frame. We see and feel this process as the flow of time itself
In this theory objects form their own time by slowing up the rate that time flows relative to their own energy or momentum. Gravity is not a real force objects just free-fall towards the greatest energy because it has the slowest rate of time or the greatest time dilation.
Einstein’s equivalence principle between gravity and acceleration drops out of this theory!
In this theory ‘time’ is non-linear because we have an Arrow of Time for each ref-frame. We all have our own time line from birth to death but this is within a cosmological time line for the whole Universe that is linear. This process is universal for each individual part of the Universe as it is for the Universe as a whole.
This theory is based on just one new equation (E = ˠ M˳C²)∞ the Lorentz contraction ˠ of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows. The C² represents light radiating out in all directions at a constant speed forming a sphere 4π of electromagnetic potential. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame formed by the energy and the infinity symbol ∞ represents an infinite number of dynamic ref-frames that make up our Universe.
The photon is the carrier of the electromagnetic force and therefore forms the flow of electric charge and the movement of electromagnetic fields.
Modern physics has no deep explanation of the nature of charge but in this theory positive and negative charge is merely a deficiency of the other, within the same physical process!
The deficiency is a difference in the rate that time flows within an individual ref-frame or system and the physical process is ‘time’ itself as a process of continuous energy exchange or what I like to call continuous creation forming the continuum of time.
This makes sense when you think that elementary charge (large scale systems) can be spread over a finite volume whose absolute size may range from that of everyday objects up to a star or even a large region of interstellar space.
Therefore because we have one universal process from the atom to the plasma Intergalactic space it is only logical that we will have the formation of these large filaments that stretch over millions of light years as the electromagnetic force distorts the geometry of spacetime.
This fits in with the reality of our everyday life because a collection of more than two charges gives the potential energy of the system as a whole. In this theory the potential energy represents the future potential that we all have within our own ref-frame because the process represents the flow of time itself.
The precise definition of the difference in potential energy between two configurations or ref-frames is as follows: it is the work done by forces external to the system solely in changing it from one configuration to the other.
This gives us a totally objective understanding to the electromagnetic force we have to do work by putting energy into something to create the potential of our own future within that ref-frame.
To achieve anything in life we have to do work or take action therefore the Planck constant of quantum mechanics is a constant of action in the process of continuous energy exchange that we see and feel as the flow of ‘time’ unfolding quanta by quanta or moment by moment!
This makes even more sense because in Maxwell’s theory of ‘magnetic fields’ any moving charged particle creates a magnetic moment. Because positive and negative charge is an innate part of matter that keeps cancelling out this process is universal and continuous forming the continuum of time moment by moment.
It is time variations within magnetic fields that act as a source for electric fields and time varying electric fields is the source of the magnetic fields. When one field is changing in time, then a field of the other is induced. This will be relative to the position and momentum of the objects creating the time variation, the atoms themselves interacting with the electromagnetic waves. Therefore we have new photon energy coming into existence relative to the position of the atoms forming what we see and feel as the flow of time.
The greater the energy in space the greater the curvature of spacetime and the stronger the electromagnetic field is at that point in space and at that moment in time.
A person with a scientific background might say that ‘time’ is form by the continuous disorganization of entropy explained in the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
But what they can’t tell you is where the organization comes from for the continuous disorganization of statistical entropy?
In this non linear theory of ‘time’ the organization is continuously being formed by a process of spherical 4π symmetry forming and breaking.
Nothing in the Universe has greater spherical symmetry than an electron and as ‘time’ unfolds here and now within each ref-frame. With each new photon electron coupling continuously forms the organization for the disorganization of entropy.
Photon energy cascades down creating greater degrees of freedom for the disorganization of statistical entropy. Time symmetry does not begin billions of years ago with a Big Bang because time, space and energy are all linked together in one universal process. The outward momentum of light forms the Arrow of Time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π within the reference frame of each object or life form.
Therefore we can look back in ‘time’ in all direction from the centre of our own ref-frame. Looking back in ‘time’ over billions years and still see not uniformity and blandness, but every greater structural filaments stretching over 4 billion light years in length.
Such structure can only really be formed by an infinity of possibilities!
Monday, 28 January 2013
What is Life? This is the question asked by the physicist Erwin Schrodinger.
Video 'What is Life?' explaining an artist theory on light and time.
This is the question asked by the physicist Erwin Schrodinger in his book ‘What is Life?’ In chapter 1. Schrödinger explains that most physical laws on a large scale are due to chaos on a small scale. He calls this principle “order-from-disorder”.
Schrödinger focuses on one important question:
"how can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry? Schrödinger concludes that the complexity of life cannot be totally explained by classical physics, but is due to the discrete nature of quantum mechanics.
In chapter VI Schrödinger states:
“...living matter, while not eluding the "laws of physics" as established up to date, is likely to involve "other laws of physics" hitherto unknown, which however, once they have been revealed, will form just as integral a part of science as the former.”
This video explains a new theory explaining a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking that forms the organization for the continuous disorganization of entropy.
Instead of having “order-from-disorder” due to chaos on a small scale we have each new photon electron coupling forming a sphere of 360° degrees of uncertainty or 2π with an infinite number of degrees of freedom within each reference frame. Only an infinity of possibilities could form the diversity and complexity of life! In this theory all life has a common geometry. This forms a mathematical base for Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. Therefore the diversity of life is not based just on the survival of the fittest but on a self created beauty for its own sake! The uniqueness of every life form of every sunset of every moment can only be created out of a potential infinity of possibilities. This theory gives us a rational interpretation of Quantum Mechanics based on the mathematics and physics of some of the greatest minds the world has ever seen.
Based on just two postulates:
1. The quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function explained by Erwin Schrodinger wave equation represents the forward passage of time itself. Therefore the future is unfolding photon by photon within each individual reference frames.
2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Question and answers on an artist theory on ‘Time’ as a physical process
Video on the physics Quantum Atom Theory
1. Is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function of quantum mechanics represents the forward passage of time itself with the future unfolding photon by photon, quanta by quanta!
2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!
Question and Answers:
Nick, I really enjoyed this video. I as well stand for the idea of [constant creation], but I have some problems with the acceptance of the ideas of [free will]. I agree that we are all participants within the constant creation, but I think it is more of a [choices from the pallet] provided by the paradigm, or choices made by us, as opposed to the will to create. In other words, our [free will], is not allowed to operate outside of the know paradigm.
Yes we choose are actions from the centre of our own reference frame this is relative to the possibilities and opportunities that are possible from that position in space and time. As you say “this is not allowed to operate outside of the know paradigm” In this theory the ‘paradigm’ are the laws of physics.
I don't see how this theory that photons set time could ever work. At most points photons are flowing in all directions yet time does not reverse or move chaotically simply because light is scattered. Further, lasers are coherent light and therefor should set time based on the direction they are sent. I would be able to reverse time simply by turning the laser around
Everything radiates light continuously because we cannot achieve absolute zero. In this theory the outward momentum of light from each object or life form forms the arrow of time for that object or life form (ref-frame). Time as a process of continuous change is formed by a laser the momentum only ever goes one way. This is an interactive process therefore we can create lasers, electricity and computers because the photon is also the carrier of the EM force forming electrical potential as the future unfolds!
I have been viewing your uploads for some time, however I must confess my amateur understanding of mathematics, physics and philosphy. I just wonder have you spoken to a proffessor? or established peer who might be able to direct you or help confirm the theory in practise? I wish you all the best and want you to know I will continue to view your videos and support your work.
Thanks! Yes a professor of mathematics looked at this theory he said “physics is like that I think you will find it is”. It was odd he seemed to have no idea of what we know and don’t know about the physical world. The EU has just given him a million Euros to study Game Theory it is a funny world!
In an event in time, where electrons or photons are generated and released, if some of those photons or electrons were moving faster than light, would they arrive at the viewer before the event happens? I wonder if this is how premonitions, and intuition, work? It amounts to knowing the future, just before it actually happens.
It is an interesting question! They say nothing can travel faster than light, but in this theory we form our own time by slowing up the rate that time flows relative to our energy. When in meditation or when we are very relaxed we have our lowest energy level and our intuition is at its highest so there could be a link!
Yes they do think this! But in this theory permanence is an illusion because we have continuous exchange of photon energy forming the continuum of time. And time is an illusion as a single time lime from the Big Bang to the present day. Time is non-linear each object and observer has its own time line interacting with EM waves or light forming the future photon by photon.
But the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function only works one way in time we can always workout the position and momentum in the past. It imply that the future can affect the past only if time is linear if we have a time line or arrow of time for each ref-frame this can be explained objectively. We do have time independent and time dependent Quantum Mechanics. When an atom is already undergoing a chemical change we have time dependent Quantum Mechanics and we can measure this over a period of time. But we do have time independent Quantum Mechanics with a probability function and uncertainty. In this theory the ‘moment of now’ is formed by a photon electron coupling. This happens when light waves come in contact with an electron (matter) and collapses into a new photon or quanta of energy. At that moment in time we have matter antimatter annihilation forming the arrow of time, antimatter representing the past and quantum uncertainty representing the future!
If time is not linear then what about action and reaction and if we went back in time and stopped an action would its present and future reaction just vanish? How would one explain the energy transference of an object that just vanished, say a loaf of bread?
This theory fits in with the reality of our everyday life. Even a loaf of bread will have its own ref-frame relative to its energy. It will also have its own time line or history of being made. As the future unfolds photon by photon we can we interact with it to make toast or chip butty would be nice! We can eat it but nothing every just vanishes because of the law of the conservation of energy
art is my religion ^^ great video. i like that idea. sometimes i feel that you don’t need any knowledge of physics to understand the whole universe. it is mirrored in our consciousness
It is true we can understand this directly by intuition maybe intuition is the only way to understand this completely. But to create something physical it helps to have an understanding based on physics. Thanks for the comment!
QM is symmetric with respect to the arrow of time. It works equally well in both directions. Interpretations of QM such as TIQM and Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory actually incorporate both possibilities. They're quite perplexing though because they imply that the future can affect the past. As strange as that may seem, there is some actual experimental evidence for that sort of thing.
But the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function only works one way in time we can always workout the position and momentum in the past. It imply that the future can affect the past only if time is linear if we have a time line or arrow of time for each ref-frame this can be explained objectively. We do have time independent and time dependent Quantum Mechanics. When an atom is already undergoing a chemical change we have time dependent Quantum Mechanics and we can measure this over a period of time. But we do have time independent Quantum Mechanics with a probability function and uncertainty. In this theory the ‘moment of now’ is formed by a photon electron coupling. This happens when light waves come in contact with an electron (matter) and collapses into a new photon or quanta of energy. At that moment in time we have matter antimatter annihilation forming the arrow of time, antimatter representing the past and quantum uncertainty representing the future!
Monday, 19 November 2012
Question and Answers on an artist theory of ‘time’ as a physical process
Video on Quantum Atom Theory
I am on the World Wide Web promoting my theory on light and time. The basic principles of this theory are very simple and the whole theory is based on just two postulates:
1. Is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function represents the forward passage of time itself quanta by quanta!
2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!
This theory is based on just one equation (E = ˠ M˳C² )∞ the Lorentz contraction ˠ of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows. The C² represents light radiating out in all directions at a constant speed forming a sphere 4π of electromagnetic potential. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame formed by the energy and the infinity symbol ∞ represents an infinite number of dynamic ref-frames that make up our Universe.
This theory is based on just one equation (E = ˠ M˳C² )∞ the Lorentz contraction ˠ of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows. The C² represents light radiating out in all directions at a constant speed forming a sphere 4π of electromagnetic potential. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame formed by the energy and the infinity symbol ∞ represents an infinite number of dynamic ref-frames that make up our Universe.
This is some interesting question I have been asked about this theory. Some of the questions are very abstract but I have tried to make the answer as simple and straight forward as possible.
I'm still very interested in your theory, for there is something beautiful about it, and there may, indeed, be something to it, but I don't think it tells us a lot about the question of "free will," per se. Another example comes to mind at the level of a billiard ball that has been struck, for example. Your theory may show us something about the forward chain of events, but what does it tell us about the "free will" of the billiard ball?
The movement of billiard balls can be based on classical physics. This is an approximation of quantum physics. The process explained in this theory is universal a billiard ball will have its own ref-frame relative to its energy or momentum. The rate that time flows within this ref-frame will be relative to this energy. A game of billiards is always played over a period of time! When billiard balls strike each other, the charged fields of the two balls repel each other if it was not for their electrical charge they could pass right through each other. The carrier of the electromagnetic force that forms movement of charge is the photon. Therefore we can see time unfolds photon by photon even for billiard balls.
I would use more aspects of modern physics to further validate the claims displayed. I also recommend making the distinction between the mind & the brain, that mind is fundamental to the brain & not the other way around, as that is a good subway into framing consciousness as elemental to reality.
In this theory we all have our own reference frame therefore we all have our own individual or personal view of life. Is it this personalization of the brain that gives us our idea of mind?
Yes that is absolutely true. Everyone has a Subjective Reality, (in which each person's view of everthing is filtered through their own personal reference frame), and then there is Objective Reality, (in which everyone of us participates and tries to understand logically, but possesses its own Absolute Reference Frame). The important point I believe about our minds is that as an intelligent Energy it can never be destroyed, even After brain death occurs. So minds must predate physical reality.
This is what I believe also “minds must predate physical reality” this makes sense because the ability for consciousness must have existed in the Universe from the very beginning for consciousness to have evolved.
If we think of electromagnet activity in the brain forming consciousness then it is only a form of light waves and consciousness is the most advanced part of a universal process.
If we think of electromagnet activity in the brain forming consciousness then it is only a form of light waves and consciousness is the most advanced part of a universal process.
The only way I can see for SP to work, is for local fields to be distorted for 'inertial frames' moving at high relative speeds. But why do the effects of acceleration in normal everyday terrestrial frames become redundant once the acceleration stops, and the moving frame is travelling at constant speed. Although this seems paradoxical, I think there has to be a simple answer to this. Are the forces we experience due to acceleration in normal terrestrial situations due to differential forces.
This is a very interesting question: “why do the effects of acceleration in normal everyday terrestrial frames become redundant once the acceleration stops, and the moving frame is travelling at constant speed” In this theory the answer is very simple at constant speed there is constant energy and therefore no variation in time dilation.
But upon observation (light-wave hitting the eye etc) wave-function collapses right? And also the wave-function of the other entangled particle collapses instantly. So is information transmitted superluminally. Seems like it! So strange...
It should not seem strange if we think of it as a continuous dynamic process that forms the geometry of spacetime. We see and feel this process as the continuum of time with an Arrow of Time for each individual object or observer within their own ref-frame.
May be it is possible. The whole reality could be continuous-spread out like a wave present everywhere. It may be our consciousness which is a discontinuous process meaning consciousness samples "the whole reality" in front of it at regular intervals. Because sampled pieces of "reality" are part of the "whole reality" it can be thought of as a particle and wave both, no ?
I am trying to understand too...forgive me if I didn't make sense :)
This is true in a way because consciousness or the observer can see ‘the whole reality’ in the sense that we see many different reference frames at the same time all reacting with each other. This can be seen is the Two Slit Experiment it has its own ref-frame until an observer turns on a detector and collapses the light waves.
I try to imagine entangement a locational spherical rings series sine wave-front's of future probability, cascading down compressing wave amplitude input +0/1- output, decompressing eXpanding sphere's dissipating gravity. Input +0/1-output oscillating Harmonically.
A wave-chain reaction between an infinite amount opposing vorticies, a cosmic sea harmonically oscillating mirroring spherical symmetries all around me, before coming contact with my eye, condensing and being made neural
A good way to imagine entanglement is to look at ripples on the surface of water. As each ripple expands out it is entangled relative to the centre of the ripple. If the ripples are formed by raindrops falling on the surface of the water you can think of each raindrop as a photon of light! And think of the photon as a new moment in time within the ref-frame of the ripple.
I dont get what you mean by infinities in the heart of calculus and curves... can you explain what that has to do with anything?
In this theory human mathematics is based on the geometry of this one universal process. The infinities in the heart of calculus and in Cantor’s continuum hypothesis are because this process forms a potential infinity of possibilities. We see and feel this process as the continuum of time.
A mathematician will form his own reality relative to his actions or energy, mass and momentum just like any other object in our Universe. Therefore it is only logical that he will be able to divide it into infinitely smaller parts finding infinities in calculus.
A mathematician will form his own reality relative to his actions or energy, mass and momentum just like any other object in our Universe. Therefore it is only logical that he will be able to divide it into infinitely smaller parts finding infinities in calculus.
Friday, 19 October 2012
Why is there something rather than nothing? An Artist Theory on the physics of time.
This video will explain why there is something rather than nothing; it will do this using only physics. But first it will explain how we came to be here in the first place. Only by first understanding how can we have any chance of answering the question 'why'.
This theory is based on just two postulates:
1. Is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function represents the forward passage of time itself
2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!
This theory is based on just one equation (E=ˠM˳C²)∞ the Lorentz contraction of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows.
We have C2 in the equation because light in the form of a photon electron coupling will radiate out in a sphere 4π of EMR from its radius forming a square of probability. We will see and feel this process as the flow of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π itself .
The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame formed by the energy and the infinity symbol represents an infinite number of ref-frames that make up our Universe.
Each photon electron coupling C2 represents zero representing a new moment in time (the moment of now) with the positive numbers marching off towards an infinite future, their negative numbers recede towards a limitless past (the positive and negative of EMW). This is a process in continuous flux, continuous energy exchange with the continuous flow of electromagnetic fields where the electric field is the capability at any point to do something! With the magnetic force due to electric current representing the rate of flow of charge forming a logarithmic spiral, the spiral of life,that is visible in all life.
Darwin’s theory of evolution can seem impossible even with the billions of years that we have had for the process to work. But if we have time unfolding photon by photon then we have an infinity of possibilities and the greatest proability is that life will arise!
Within such a process the greatest possibility is that there will be something rather than nothing.
With an understanding of ‘how’ we can answer the question why?
In this theory the different life forms will create their own reason why out of the creativity and diversity that is innate within the evolutionary process!
This process forms the uniqueness and individuality for individual intelligent life to create its own reason why in the form of art, poetry and in the scientific study and exploration of our Universe.
In the act of bring poverty and suffering to an end in the creation of great civilizations that maintain and encourage the diversity of all life.
With the creation of higher forms of consciousness and beauty!
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