Showing posts with label Paradox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paradox. Show all posts

Monday, 25 September 2017

The Polarization Paradox with visible light and microwaves Quantum Mecha...

                                              In this experiment using polarizing filters we see a phenomenon that cannot be adequately explained by classical physics. This is a dramatic example of the measurement changing what is being measured. Some people say this is the 'observer effect' and is linked in some way to consciousness. But it is not because we can repeat the experiment with microwaves that are not even visible to the observer. These experimentsis similar to the Quantum Venn diagram Paradox

Friday, 11 April 2014

An objective quantum theory based on just two simple postulates, an artist theory on the physics of time!

Simple diagram highlighting the logic of this Quantum Theory

An objective quantum theory based on just two simple postulates:
1. Is that the spontaneous absorption and emission of light represented by the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function forms the forward passage of time itself with the future coming into existence photon by photon with each new photon electron coupling or dipole moment.

2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the wave function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! 

This diagram highlights the symmetry and geometry of this Quantum Theory. This dynamic process is also represented by the mathematics.

This theory explains an interactive participatory Universe. The wave-particle duality of light is acting like the bits or zeros and ones of a computer. This forms a blank canvas for life to form its own future relative to its position and the energy and momentum of its own actions. The Planck constant of quantum mechanics represents a constant of action in the process that we see and feel as time! This is a process of continuous energy exchange continuous change or what I like to call continuous creation!  The spontaneous absorption and emission of light is forming an Arrow of Time for each reference frame. Photon energy cascades down forming greater degree of freedom in each reference frame for the increase in entropy. Please share on Facebook and subscribe on YouTube it will help the promotion of this theory! 

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Could the Twin Paradox be explained by time as an emergent property?

Video expaining the Twin Paradox within an artist theory on the physics of  'time' as a physical process.

Why does one twin age and the other remain young? The answer to this question is explained in this video by an artist explanation of time as a physical process. In this theory time is formed by time dilation. Objects form their own time by slowing up the rate that time flows (time dilation) relative to their energy and momentum. The twin that stayed young was in a reference frame that had an increase in acceleration and therefore an increase in energy. This increase in energy would have caused an increase in time dilation slowing up the rate that time flows in that reference frame. This is why the twin that went on the space journey stayed young relative to the twin that remained on Earth. This theory uses Einstein’s relativity to create a solution to the twin paradox based on time dilation and a deeper understanding of quantum mechanics. The Twin Paradox is explained in this video by diagrams and animations that give us a logical solution!


Sunday, 11 August 2013

Time machines to travel into the future! A real possibility?

Could UFOs be from our own past? In the theory explained in this video time travel into the future is possible. This is based on Einstein's theories of relativity. In special relativity moving clocks run slower and in general relativity clocks run faster higher in a gravitational field. Therefore we can see the greater the energy of an individual ref-frame the slower time runs within that ref-frame. This is called Time dilation and is a totally natural process within the dynamics of our Universe. A good example of this is the Twin Paradox a thought experiment of identical twins, one of whom is an astronaut and the other stays at home. The astronaut brother undertakes a long space journey moving at almost the speed of light, while the other remains on Earth. When the travelling brother finally returns to Earth, it is discovered that he is younger than his sibling. This experiment could be turned around and instead of using the energy for travelling in space it could be used for the effect of time dilation itself. In this way we could use time dilation to travel into the future!

This theory is based on just two postulates:

2. Is that Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! 
This is all based on just one equation (E= ˠ M˳C² )∞  the Lorentz contraction of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space and time. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame formed by the energy and the infinity symbol represents an infinite number of ref-frames that make up our Universe.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Potential and kinetic energy relative to the paradox of photon energy

Video explaining the predictions of Quantum Atom Theory an artist theory on the physics of time.
Modern physics understands potential and Kinetic energy very well and it fits in with our understanding of everyday life! But when it comes to quantum mechanics we have no objective understanding of photon energy that fits in the classical physics of our everyday.
If we think of potential energy as energy that is not yet come into existence we can form a picture of photon energy that is objective and fits in with our everyday life!

Because the Universe is never at absolute zero everything is radiating light wave continuously. Therefore even an object that is not moving and only has potential energy is radiating photon energy continuously.

Our eyes can only see a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum of light therefore we cannot see this process unfolding.
But in this theory Quantum Atom Theory this process forms what we feel and comprehend as the flow of time with Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π statistically representing the uncertainty of everyday life.
Time is an emergent property with an Arrow of Time for each individual reference frame with the future continuously coming into existence photon by photon.  

The quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function of quantum mechanics represents the inward absorption and outward emission of light with each new photon electron coupling representing a new moment in time within each ref-frame.

This is a totally interactive process that is continuously forming a blank canvas that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! Therefore we have potential and kinetic energy continuously coming in and out of existence within its own ref-frame.

This makes even more sense because the photon of quantum mechanics is also the carrier of the electromagnetic force that forms the movement of electric charge and electrical potential

Electric charge is an innate part of all matter and in this theory electrical activity in the brain is the most advanced part of this universal process. Therefore we can comprehend and measure this process from the centre of our own ref-frame as the flow of time.

This is a physical process of continuous energy exchange with a past that has gone forever and a potential future that is always uncertain.  

Friday, 25 January 2013

An artist theory on a non-linear theory of Time solving the Entropy Paradox.

The Entropy Paradox explained by an artist theory on the physics of time

A person with a scientific background might say that ‘time’ is form by the continuous disorganization of entropy explained in the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

But what they can’t tell you is where the organization come from for the continuous disorganization of statistical entropy? This is the entropy paradox at the heart of thermodynamics. The video above explains a non linear theory on ‘time’ with time unfolding here and now photon by photon with organization in the form of spherical 4π symmetry forming and breaking.

Therefore photon energy cascades down creating greater degrees of freedom for the disorganization of statistical entropy. Time symmetry does not begin billions of years ago with a Big Bang because time, space and energy are all linked together in one universal process. The outward momentum of light forms the Arrow of Time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π for each object or life form (reference frame).

This universal process also forms the freedom for free will for the creative process.

In this theory the opportunities and possibilities of everyday life can be represented mathematically by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π. This equation represents the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own reference frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!

This would not be possible if there was just one Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π for the whole Universe. But we have an infinite number of ref-frames each one having an uncertainty between position and momentum. These ref-frames are continuously interacting forming the uncertainty that we see and feel in our everyday life.

Time, space and energy are linked because the Universe is never at absolute zero everything is radiating photon energy continuously. This process has geometry relative to the energy forming the curvature of space-time in Einstein’s relativity.

The continuous exchange of photon energy (light) forms a process of continuous change that we see and feel as the forward passage of time itself with the future unfolding photon by photon.

This process is represented in quantum mechanics by the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function. Light photons are continuously interacting with matter (electrons) forming photon electron coupling forming the probability of everyday life.

The odd thing about the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function is that it only works one way in time we can always calculate backwards and find out what the position or momentum was in the past.

In this theory this is because the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function forms the Arrow of Time for an individual reference frame or object.


Sunday, 20 January 2013

Question and answers on an artist theory on ‘Time’ as a physical process

Video on the physics Quantum Atom Theory
I am on the World Wide Web promoting my theory on light and time. The basic principles of this theory are very simple and the whole theory is based on just two postulates:

1. Is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function of quantum mechanics represents the forward passage of time itself with the future unfolding photon by photon, quanta by quanta!

2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!

Question and Answers:

Nick, I really enjoyed this video. I as well stand for the idea of [constant creation], but I have some problems with the acceptance of the ideas of [free will]. I agree that we are all participants within the constant creation, but I think it is more of a [choices from the pallet] provided by the paradigm, or choices made by us, as opposed to the will to create. In other words, our [free will], is not allowed to operate outside of the know paradigm.

Yes we choose are actions from the centre of our own reference frame this is relative to the possibilities and opportunities that are possible from that position in space and time. As you say “this is not allowed to operate outside of the know paradigm” In this theory the ‘paradigm’ are the laws of physics.

I don't see how this theory that photons set time could ever work. At most points photons are flowing in all directions yet time does not reverse or move chaotically simply because light is scattered. Further, lasers are coherent light and therefor should set time based on the direction they are sent. I would be able to reverse time simply by turning the laser around

Everything radiates light continuously because we cannot achieve absolute zero. In this theory the outward momentum of light from each object or life form forms the arrow of time for that object or life form (ref-frame). Time as a process of continuous change is formed by a laser the momentum only ever goes one way. This is an interactive process therefore we can create lasers, electricity and computers because the photon is also the carrier of the EM force forming electrical potential as the future unfolds!

I have been viewing your uploads for some time, however I must confess my amateur understanding of mathematics, physics and philosphy. I just wonder have you spoken to a proffessor? or established peer who might be able to direct you or help confirm the theory in practise? I wish you all the best and want you to know I will continue to view your videos and support your work.

Thanks! Yes a professor of mathematics looked at this theory he said “physics is like that I think you will find it is”. It was odd he seemed to have no idea of what we know and don’t know about the physical world. The EU has just given him a million Euros to study Game Theory it is a funny world!

In an event in time, where electrons or photons are generated and released, if some of those photons or electrons were moving faster than light, would they arrive at the viewer before the event happens? I wonder if this is how premonitions, and intuition, work? It amounts to knowing the future, just before it actually happens.

It is an interesting question! They say nothing can travel faster than light, but in this theory we form our own time by slowing up the rate that time flows relative to our energy. When in meditation or when we are very relaxed we have our lowest energy level and our intuition is at its highest so there could be a link!
You have obviously done a great deal of study Nick. And I have done a little bit. And So, I believe your theory is correct! But many people still think that the confined boundaries between the pass, present and the future are a mere illusion. Although a constant and persistant illusion. I believe permanence is the illusion because we know at the quantum level of the atoms everything is in violent motion simulating rest and balance now through violent motion. A continuous process of change!

Yes they do think this! But in this theory permanence is an illusion because we have continuous exchange of photon energy forming the continuum of time. And time is an illusion as a single time lime from the Big Bang to the present day. Time is non-linear each object and observer has its own time line interacting with EM waves or light forming the future photon by photon.
If time is not linear then what about action and reaction and if we went back in time and stopped an action would its present and future reaction just vanish? How would one explain the energy transference of an object that just vanished, say a loaf of bread?

This theory fits in with the reality of our everyday life. Even a loaf of bread will have its own ref-frame relative to its energy. It will also have its own time line or history of being made. As the future unfolds photon by photon we can we interact with it to make toast or chip butty would be nice! We can eat it but nothing every just vanishes because of the law of the conservation of energy

art is my religion ^^ great video. i like that idea. sometimes i feel that you don’t need any knowledge of physics to understand the whole universe. it is mirrored in our consciousness

It is true we can understand this directly by intuition maybe intuition is the only way to understand this completely. But to create something physical it helps to have an understanding based on physics. Thanks for the comment!

QM is symmetric with respect to the arrow of time. It works equally well in both directions. Interpretations of QM such as TIQM and Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory actually incorporate both possibilities. They're quite perplexing though because they imply that the future can affect the past. As strange as that may seem, there is some actual experimental evidence for that sort of thing.

But the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function only works one way in time we can always workout the position and momentum in the past. It imply that the future can affect the past only if time is linear if we have a time line or arrow of time for each ref-frame this can be explained objectively. We do have time independent and time dependent Quantum Mechanics. When an atom is already undergoing a chemical change we have time dependent Quantum Mechanics and we can measure this over a period of time. But we do have time independent Quantum Mechanics with a probability function and uncertainty. In this theory the ‘moment of now’ is formed by a photon electron coupling. This happens when light waves come in contact with an electron (matter) and collapses into a new photon or quanta of energy. At that moment in time we have matter antimatter annihilation forming the arrow of time, antimatter representing the past and quantum uncertainty representing the future!

Monday, 24 September 2012

Hugh Everett Many Worlds Interpretation and the parallel universe paradox

The Many Worlds interpretation is one of the most logical whys of explaining the paradoxes of quantum physics.
This interpretation is based on the mathematics of Hugh Everett in his equations each parallel world branches off at right-angles to each other in some ways this is similar to the branches of a tree.

Therefore we have an infinite number of parallel worlds or universes to our own universe but forever cut off from it.

This forms its own paradox where are the infinite number of parallel Universes in the Many Worlds interpretation?

The theory explained in the video above overcomes this paradox by explaining a process of continuous energy exchange.

The many worlds or parallel universes are just potential future possibilities within our one three dimensional Universe of continuous change continuous creation.

The right angle in the mathematics of Hugh Everett represents the magnetic fields always being at right angles to the electric fields forming electrical potential within each reference frame.

Our Universe is made up of an infinite number of ref-frames with the electrical potential of each ref frame relative to the energy or actions of the object forming the future potential.

This can all be based on just one equation!  The Lorentz contraction of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame formed by the energy and the infinity symbol represents an infinite number of ref-frames that make up our Universe.

This theory is based on just two simple postulates:

1. Is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function explained mathematically by Schrödinger’s wave equation represents the forward passage of time itself

2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

The possibility of time travel and UFO sightings within an artist theory on the physics of time.

This video explains a theory in which time travel into the future is possible and that there is a possibility UFO might be from our own past.

This idea might sound mad but it can be based on Einstein’s theories of relativity. In special relativity moving clocks run slower and in general relativity clocks run faster higher in a gravitational field.

Therefore we can see the greater the energy of an individual ref-frame the slower time runs within that ref-frame. This is based on just one equation the Lorentz contraction of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame formed by the energy and the infinity symbol represents an infinite number of ref-frames that make up our Universe.

This is called Time dilation and is a totally natural process within the dynamics of our Universe.

A good example of this is the Twin Paradox a thought experiment of identical twins, one of whom is an astronaut and the other stays at home. The astronaut brother undertakes a long space journey moving at almost the speed of light, while the other remains on Earth.

When the travelling brother finally returns to Earth, it is discovered that he is younger than his sibling.

This experiment could be turned around and instead of using the energy for travelling in space it could be used for the effect of time dilation itself.
In this way we could use time dilation to travel into the future!
There are videos on YouTube that suggest that the Germans were developing time machines in the 1940. I find this very hard to believe because the technology would have been beyond them.

But if time machines were developed in the 1940s it could explain the UFO we have seen in the skies since that date.

For the pilots and passengers in the ref-frame of such a machine a ten or twenty minute flight could represent ten to twenty five years in a ref-frame on the surface of the Earth. A flight of a few hours could represent thousands of years.

They would be able to look down seeing the Earth spinning at a faster and faster rate seeing the rise and fall of great civilizations.
In fact for the passengers of such a machine time would only be relative to the energy of the machine itself.

The rest of the video above explains an artist theory on the physics of time that is based on Einstein’s theories of relativity and on a deeper understanding of quantum physics. This theory explains a creative process that forms an infinity of possibilities that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!