Showing posts with label Probability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Probability. Show all posts

Saturday, 4 March 2017

A reason for Euler’s number e within Nature and Physics, linked to the Logarithmic Spiral and Fibonacci numbers

There are many good videos on YouTube that explain the mathematical nature of the number e. But this video is different it is going to explain a universal process that is a physical property of the Universe giving us a reason why the number e is so important in so many totally diverse subjects. 

 Euler number e can be found everywhere in such diverse things has radioactive decay, temperature change, probability theory, electronics, harmonic motion, chemistry, biology and how the growth rate of interest on money is relative to the length of each time period it is calculated to. These are just a few of the subjects that are connected to Euler’s number e.

But there is one thing that connects all the diverse subjects that the number e is connected to and that is they are all processes over a period of time. And I believe this is the key to understanding why the number e is everywhere in nature and physics!

Friday, 25 November 2016

Why fluid dynamics mimics Quantum Mechanics with the wave particle duality of light Photons and matter in the form of electrons.

The video: Why fluid dynamics mimics Quantum Mechanics.

Scientist have uncovered a great similarity between fluid dynamics and the wave particle duality of quantum mechanics. 

 Bouncing droplets experiment and its similarity to quantum mechanics.
They set up an experiment of an oil-filled tray placed on a vibrating surface. When a drop of the same fluid is dropped onto the surface of the vibrating fluid, the droplet bounces on the surface of the fluid, rather than simply losing its shape upon impact. This bouncing droplet produces waves on the surface and these waves cause the droplet to move along the surface. This system was used to reproduce one of the most famous experiments in quantum mechanics called the double-slit experiment. The bouncing droplet can represent the ‘particle’ nature of a photon or electron and the waves on the surface of the fluid can represent the wave nature that can go through both slits at the same time. If we break the experiment of bouncing droplets down into individual parts and ask ourselves what each part could represents in the quantum world of the atoms it could give us a greater picture or understanding of quantum mechanics. We know that the Universe is never at absolute zero therefore there is always the spontaneous absorption and emission of photon energy forming photon oscillation or vibrations. This process will naturally form the continuously vibrating surface of the tray in the experiment. We know that light has momentum and that momentum is frame dependent. Also we know that the light photon forms the movement of charge with the continuous flow of electromagnetic fields relative to the atoms of the periodic table. Therefore the droplet can represent a photon, electron or an atom within its own reference frame and the waves can represent electromagnetic waves with charge being an innate part of all matter. It is interesting that even if the bouncing droplet represents a whole atom surround be an electron probability cloud the atom can go through ether slit with the probability cloud going through both forming an interference pattern. And this can take place in just three dimensions over a period of time without the extra dimensions of String Theory or the parallel universes of Hugh Everett Many worlds interpretation.
 Walking droplet experiment in a circular tray.
The waves generated by the bouncing droplet reflected off the circular tray wall. This restricted the droplet within the circle. The droplet and the wave interfered with each other to create motion that appeared to be totally random, but over time, it proved to favor certain regions over others. It was found most frequently near the centre of the circle, then, with slowly diminishing frequency, in concentric rings whose distance from each other was determined by the wavelength of the wave. 
 The quantum experiment of an Electron in a circular corral is almost identical to the walking droplet experiment in fluid dynamics.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Why are there Arrows of Scientific Explanation? We find a sense of direction in science, take biology it is based totally upon chemistry; chemistry can be shown to be founded on physics and physics leads us down to the most elementary particles of matter like electrons.

If we keep asking the ‘why?’ question we find a sense of direction in science, take biology it is based totally upon chemistry; chemistry can be shown to be founded on physics and physics leads us down to the most elementary particles of matter like electrons. These arrows of scientific explanation form a remarkable pattern and seem to converge at a common source at the very small. This has lead to vast funding for experimental projects in the form of particle accelerators. In the theory explained here this convergence begins with the light photon in the form of photon electron couplings or dipole moments. 

These arrows of scientific explanation that converge at a common source represent a universal process with the future unfolding photon by photon, a good example of this is photosynthesis with the future coming into existence relative to plant growth. 

This is an interactive process unfolding relative to the atoms of the periodic table with the maths of quantum mechanics representing the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process. The uncertainty of everyday life is represented at the smallest scale of this process by the probability of quantum mechanics. With classical physics representing processes over a period of time as in Newton's differential equations. This theory can answer the question of why there is no flow of time in the subatomic world of Quarks, Protons and Neutrons. It is because the process that we see and feel as ‘time’ is formed on the surface of the atoms with photon oscillation or vibration interacting with the electron probability cloud of the atom. 

In this theory we create our own subatomic particles relative to the energy that we decide to use in particle accelerators. This is fundamentally the same as an artist creating a work of art relative to his energy or actions. In this way it possible to have an objective understanding to the subatomic world of Quarks, Protons and Neutrons that fits in with the reality of our everyday life. The link between the two is the light photon oscillation or vibration. Light Photons are responsible for all electron and proton interactions everything we do in our everyday life from moving a mouse to control our computer to dancing upon a dance floor relies on the exchange of photon energy! This energy is shifting and changing electric and magnetic fields! This also represents the flow of positive and negative charge that had it origin with the positive protons and negative electrons. Therefore we can see a link between the subatomic world and the fundamental nature of reality of everyday life!

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Could the parallel universes of String Theory be just future possibilities and opportunities within our one three dimensional Universe?

This video explains the parallel universes of String Theory as just future possibilities and opportunities within our one three dimensional Universe of continuous energy exchange with the future unfolding photon by photon relative to the atoms of the periodic table. 

In this theory called (Quantum Atom Theory) we have just one three dimensional Universe that is a continuum with a future that is always uncertain. The mathematics of String Theory and Hugh Everett Many Worlds Interpretation represents the dynamic symmetry of this process. In the mathematics of Hugh Everett Many Worlds Interpretation each parallel universe is at right-angle to each other. In this theory this represents electric and magnetic fields always being at right-angles to each other with the future unfolding photon by photon! Also the symmetry that we have in the mathematics of String Theory that they interpreted as a ‘string’ represents a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking in this theory. There is no logical reason why a ‘string’ should form greater organization or greater disorganization as in the entropy we have in the second law of thermodynamics. But a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking relative to the atoms of the periodic table can form ever greater entropy with the possibility for greater symmetry formation as we see in cell life.  The driving force for this process is the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy. 

The Universe is a continuum with the future unfolding photon by photon relative to the atoms of the periodic table we comprehend and measure this process as a period of time. We have an infinite number of line symmetries within a sphere representing an infinite number of possible time lines as the future unfolds with each new photon oscillation.  The momentum of the light will always be at right-angles to the surface of the sphere and it is because of this dynamic geometry that electromagnetic fields are always at right-angles to each other. The two dimensional surface of the sphere forms a dynamic boundary condition with the inner concaved surface and outer convexed surface giving us a geometrical reason why charge comes in two types of positive and negative. This theory can also explain quantum entanglement the polarization or spin will be the same for the whole surface of the light sphere at the same moment in time therefore spontaneously having opposite spin on opposite sides of the light sphere. This dynamic geometry fits in with the nature of charge that can be spread over a finite volume whose absolute size can be as large as a region of interstellar space that can seem to move faster than light forming quantum entanglement. This symmetry can even be seen on the International Space Station in near zero gravity a candle flame forms a sphere that is interacting with the environment of the two dimensional surface of the sphere. This process is universal because the Universe is never at absolute zero therefore everything is radiation light photon energy. We experience this process with photon energy from the Sun cascading down forming greater degrees of freedom for entropy or disorganization forming the ever changing world of our everyday life. The same process forms the possibility for ever greater organization that we see with photosynthesis with the future unfolding relative to each tree, flower and even with each individual blade of grass. Because light has momentum and momentum is frame dependent we have a process where everything forms its own reference frame relative to its energy and momentum or actions. Therefore we are experiencing a process of continuous creation a developing reality which is centred upon itself at each place of its existence. This is a totally interactive process with the wave particle duality of light and matter (in the form of electrons) forming a blank canvas that we can interact with forming the possible into the actual. We have an emergent future unfolding relative to our own actions! 

This geometrical process can be expressed mathematically with the spontaneous absorption and emission of light represented by the probability function or quantum wave particle function Ψ. In this theory the mathematics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process. With the Planck Constant ħ=h/2π being a constant of action at the smallest scale of this geometrical process. We see and feel this process as the passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π with Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π representing a potential sphere 4π of future uncertainty. We observer this sphere as the visible three dimensional Universe as the stars above us and the objects around us and can choose what to observer and what objects to interact with. In this theory we have one three dimensional Universe of continuous creation with the future unfolding relative to the eye and hand of the beholder!

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The physics of Quantum Mechanics explained as the Ultimate Theory of Time

This theory is outside of mainstream physics. But I believe the day will come when quantum mechanics will be seen as the physics of 'time' as a physical process! With classical physics representing process over a period of time as in Newton's differential equations. In this theory the mathematics of quantum mechanics represents the dynamics geometry of a physical process that we see and feel as the continuum of time. This is a process formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy. This forms a continuous process of energy exchange that forms the ever changing world of our everyday life. The Universe is a continuum with the future coming into existence photon by photon with each new photon electron coupling or dipole moment. This forms the movement of positive and negative charge with the continuous flow of electromagnetic fields. Consciousness as electrical activity in the brain is the most advanced part of this process and can therefore comprehend this process as 'time'. With a past that has gone forever and a future that is always uncertain in form of a probability function. Therefore each individual is in the center of their own reference frame as an interactive part of this process being able to look back in time in all directions at the beauty of the stars! At the smallest scale of this process this uncertainty is seen as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle with the Planck constant being a constant of action in the dynamics of space and time! 

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Question answered on Quantum Atom Theory an artist theory on the physics of 'time' as a physical process

Comment or question:

Schrodinger's wave equation is comprised of two parts, the time-dependent and time-independent components, hence your explanation collapses in on itself due to the fallacy of circular argument. There's also the fact that wavefunctions apply to all particles, not just photons, hence your photonic axiom is incorrect. Also, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle applies to numerous quantum state combinations, the energy and momentum relationship only being the most popularly known, hence your use of it does not include the theory in its entirety.

Answer to question:

Schrodinger's wave equation is comprised of two parts because when an atom is undergoing chemical change it can be measured as a process over a period of time. When the atom is isolated all we have is the probability of Schrodinger's wave equation that in this theory represents the probability we have with any future event at the smallest level. The wave function and the wave particle duality will apply to everything because when the atom interacts with light it forms a photon electron coupling or dipole moment. The electron represents matter therefore we have the future unfolding relative to our own energy and momentum. This future will be totally uncertain because of the probability at the heart of each atom. This can be seen mathematically in the different ways we can formulate Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle! We have uncertainty between energy and momentum ∆×∆p×≥h/4π with the 4π representing the spherical geometry of three dimensional space. There is also uncertainty between energy and time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π with 2π representing cylindrical geometry that is need for the Arrow of Time or for a time line from the past into the future. This process of continuous energy exchange formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light can be understood totally objectively as a process of continuous creation with the future coming into existence photon by photon with each new photon electron coupling or dipole moment. 

Oil painting with diagram explaining the Arrow of Time.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

An artist theory on the conscious perception of time

Quantum Atom Theory a theory on the physics of 'time' as a physical continuum or process.
Conscious thought is always in 'the moment of now' but modern physics has no understanding of 'the moment of now' or why we have a flow of 'time' with a past that can never be changed and a future that is always uncertain. I believe the great mistake of physics was not trying to explain 'time' as a physical process.
In the theory explained in the video above the future only exists as a probability wave function formed by the quantum wave particle function Ψ of quantum mechanics with the future continuously coming into existence light photon by light photon. In a Universe of continuous change formed by a process of continuous energy exchange the past is gone forever and only 'the moment of now' is real for each individual within their own reference frame!
The light photon oscillation of quantum mechanics is also the carries of the electromagnetic force. Consciousness the continuous flow of ideas formed by electrical activity in the brain is the most advanced part of one universal process in this theory. Therefore we can understand this process of continuous energy exchange continuous creation as the flow of ‘time’ itself with electrical potential linked to our own future potential possibilities and opportunities within our own reference frame!
If our eyes were more sensitive to electromagnetic light waves we would be able to see that everything is radiating light continuously. Even the hand and eye of the observer is radiating electromagnetic light waves continuously. In this theory creation is truly in the hand and eye of the beholder! . 
I believe this is what we are seeing when we see an artist at work we are seeing new light photon oscillations or vibrations continuously coming into existence relative to the actions of the artist. This is directed by his or her own consciousness a continuous flow of cause and effect within that reference frame.
We have conscious free will because the wave particle duality of light forms an interactive process continuously forming a blank canvas that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! This process is formed at the quantum level of the atoms by the quantum wave particle function Ψ of probability function that forms Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle forming the uncertainty of our everyday life.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

The Clockwork Universe and Sod’s Law or Murphy Law within an artist theory of light and time.

This is a Video on the Clockwork Universe within an artist theory on the physics of time as a physical process.

The Clockwork Universe Theory is based on the classical physics of Newton and compares the universe to a mechanical clock continuously ticking along, as a perfect machine, with its gears governed by the laws of physics, making every single aspect of the machine completely predictable.

The problem with the idea of a clockwork universe running like a perfect machine is that there is no explanation for Sod’s Law or Murphy Law the idea that ("Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong").

This might sound mad but to have something go wrong for someone you need individuality and uncertainty and what we could call statistical probability.

There is also no concept of free will in the clockwork universe theory and it gives us no reason for the second law of thermodynamics why the total entropy or disorganisation of any isolated system tends to increase statically over time.

The video above takes the classical physics of Newton and the uncertainty of quantum physics and combines them with Einstein’s relativity too explain a process that gives us a reason for the second law of thermodynamics and the reality and uncertainty of our everyday life.

This is possible because in Einstein’s relativity every object has its own reference frame when the object moves spacetime moves relative to the energy, mass and momentum of the object. Therefore every object is always in the centre of their own created ref-frame.

This is a universal process from the largest planet spinning around a star to the smallest living cells; everything forms its own ref-frame by slowing down the rate that time flows (time dilation) relative to its own energy, mass and momentum.

Just by walking across the room you will slightly alter your own experience of time and space and in doing so you will create your own future relative to your actions or energy, mass and momentum, forming your own arrow of time within your own created ref-frame.

Because this process is universal conscious energy in the form electrical activity in the brain is the most advanced part of this universal process. The continuous flow of ideas and emotions that form consciousness are always in ‘the moment of now’ within their own created ref-frame. It is this process of each one of us having our own individual ref-frame that gives the brain the concept of mind with each one of us having our own unique view on life.

Therefore we have the individuality for some people to feel lucky and others to feel unlucky and believe in sod’s law that "anything that can go wrong, will"

Gravity is not a real force in this theory it is more of an outcome or by-product of this dynamic process. Objects just free-fall towards the greatest energy or mass because it has the slowest rate of time therefore the greatest warping or curvature of spacetime.

All we need now is an explanation for the uncertainty of life and for this we have to look at the physics of quantum mechanics.

In this theory the physics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of time as a physical process. The uncertainty of quantum mechanics (Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π) is the same uncertainty that we have with any future event within our own ref-frame. The quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function that forms Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle represents the forward passage of time or Arrow of Time itself within an individual ref-frame.

Many people say that the probability function Ψ is just a mathematical function showing us that we cannot measure position and momentum at the same time.

This might be true if there was just one probability function Ψ but there is a probability function for every reference frame for every possibility for every experiment.

We can see this in the difference between an experiment in classical physics and an experiment in quantum physics. All classical experiments are a process over a period of time and many of them are totally predicable. We can do the experiment as many times as we like the outcome will always be the same. This can be seen as a kind of Newtonian determinism that we have in classical physics. But even here there is uncertainty because there is always the possibility something will go wrong with the experiment (contamination or contact with an external ref-frame or force) giving us a totally different outcome.
Experiments in quantum physics are always uncertain because of the wave-particle duality of light. How the experiment is set up will determine the nature of the light. In this theory light is a wave over a period of time and a particle in the ‘moment of now’ (photon electron coupling) and this process form the flow of time itself.

We have the electrons as clouds of statistical probability around each atom and light radiating out as waves of probability forming the uncertainty of life.

Because we cannot achieve absolute zero everything and everyone is radiating electromagnetic waves continuously therefore this process is universal and continuous. We measure this process of continuous energy exchange as ‘time’

 Light will radiate out in every direction forming a sphere and because a sphere has the greatest symmetry or organisation it will have the lowest entropy for the continuous increase in entropy that we see in the second law of thermodynamics. Photon energy will cascade down forming greater degrees of freedom for statistical entropy!

Any action or movement taken in the classical world of our everyday life will have to start with the smallest unit of energy the photon of quantum mechanics.

Therefore it is logical that classical physics is an approximation of quantum physics or that classical physics with the uncertainty of everyday life is based on quantum physics.

Therefore Sod’s Law or Murphy Law the idea that ("Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong") is illogical because everything is based on statistical probability.


Sunday, 11 November 2012

Can art explain physics? An artist theory on the physics of time as a physical process.

Video on Quantum Atom Theory

I believe there is a link between art, poetry and science and the thing that links them together is beauty. The greatness of a work of art or poetry can be seen right away by its beauty and simplicity.

The scientific theory explained in this video uses the same principle of beauty and simplicity to explain the physics of time as a physical process. In this theory what we see and feel as the continuum of time is formed by the continuous flow of light waves.

This process is visible to us because light waves are visible to us as rainbows of colour.

Everyone see their own rainbow! In just three dimensions relative to the angle they are looking at it. Two people in different positions will see the same rainbow in different position in the sky at the same time. This could just be a trick of the light or it could represent something fundamental in the dynamics of light and time.

You might be thinking that this is just because all the angles are changing and that everything is relative and you will be right. But the wavelengths the actual colours of the light are moving in unison because light is a universal constant independent of motion of the source and the observer.

In a New theory called Quantum Atom Theory the speed of light is a universal constant because each new photon oscillation or particle of light is also a new moment in time that forms the curvature of spacetime.

The continuous momentum of light forms what we see and feel as the flow of times. The spontaneous absorption and emission of light forms a process of continuous change or energy exchange that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual.
If our eyes were more sensitive to the light waves we would be able to see that everything is radiating light waves continuously forming a great dance of energy exchange forming rainbows of colour everywhere!

The energy and mass of a dancer spinning on the dance floor will distort the geometry of spacetime in just the same way as a planet spinning around a star. We all form our own future by slowing down the rate that time flows relative to our actions or energy and momentum. We will do this in our own created reference frame within a dynamic process that is relative to external reference frames.

Each individual ref-frame will have its own arrow of time with a built in uncertainty this uncertainty can be seen mathematically as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π of quantum mechanics.

Time is an emergent property and is formed by the probability function Ψ of quantum mechanics. Light will radiate out in all directions forming a sphere and because a sphere has the greatest symmetry or organization it has the lowest entropy for the continuous increase in entropy or disorganization that we see in the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

There are also an infinite number of line symmetries within a sphere and an infinite number of rotational symmetries. This forms an infinite number of potential future possibilities and opportunities for diversity of life!

I believe this is put across very beautifully in William Blake’s poem:

To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour.


Sunday, 14 October 2012

Grand Unified Theory an artist theory of the physics of time.

 I am on the World Wide Web trying to promote my theory on the dynamics of light and time (Quantum Atom Theory) this is an artist theory on the physics of time as a physical process.

This theory is based on just two postulates:

1. Is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function represents the forward passage of time itself quanta by quanta moment by moment.

2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!

This whole theory is based on just one equation (E = ˠ M˳C² )∞ the Lorentz contraction of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame formed by the energy and the infinity symbol represents an infinite number of ref-frames that make up our Universe.

I had a very interesting comment on one of my You Tube videos the other day and I have placed it below:

You are relating all of space and time to what Leibniz found in curves for his calculus: that the reference frame can never be small enough or corrected enough to account for every change. That things are not points, with "flow" between them (though masses look this way, which is Newton's version), but rather that all characterizations must take into account near past and near future directions of the curve; this is Kepler's insight as well.

Yes! The infinities that Leibniz and Newton found at the heart of calculus are given an objective understanding by the process explained in this theory. This is the best comment I have ever had! I think of mathematics as geometry we have infinities that Leibniz and Newton found at the heart of calculus because this geometry is dynamic. It is continuously coming into existence as a process of photon energy exchange, quanta by quanta. We see and feel this process as the flow of time.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

This is an invitation to see an artist theory on the physics of light and time!

 Short video on the physics of time

This theory is based on just two simple postulates:

1. Is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function explained by Schrödinger’s wave equation represents the forward passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π itself

2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!
This is difficult to picture in the mind’s eye, but I am working on the idea that positive and negative EM waves that form electrical potential also forms what we feel as future potential. When we look out at the Universe we see an infinite number of ref-frames all at once forming the uncertainty of everyday life. But in Quantum Mechanics we have to isolate the uncertainty to see it mathematically as a probability wave function Ψ.   

In this theory the great difference between classical physics and quantum physics is that quantum mechanics represents the physical process that we see, feel and measure as the flow of time. This is a universal process formed by the spontaneous emission and absorption of light or EMR. Consciousness (EM waves in the brain) is the most advanced part of this process and can perceive it as a past, present and uncertain future (Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π). Consciousness is always in the “moment of now” in the centre of its own ref-frame formed by Photon electron  couplings

Quantum Atom Theory is a gauge theory, each new moment or photon electron coupling is set at zero representing a new beginning with perfect symmetry! This forms the symmetry between the future and the past between matter and antimatter.  The antimatter is always annihilation as part of this dynamic geometrical process that we see as a past with electrical potential forming the future.

This is a totally interactive process of continuous change or energy exchange that has the dynamic geometry of spacetime. We all create our own future by slowing up the rate that time flows forming a curvature of spacetime relative to our own energy or momentum (actions) therefore creating our own future potential!