I've scoured all the online pregnancy and birth sites, but nowhere does it say that a good way to stimulate labour is to watch a succession of witty, sparky, visually-gorgeous films in which a deadbeat loser becomes accidentally embroiled in a criminal plot through a case of mistaken identity - with hilarious consequences.
I saw that as no reason not to give it a try, however, which is why Mr BC and I recently dug out both The Big Lebowski (which I'd never seen before) and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (which I had).
Now obviously there's nothing I can tell the highly pop-culture-literate readers of this blog about The Big Lebowski that they don't already know, and what with film criticism being very low on my list of skillz, there's nothing much more I can say about Kiss Kiss Bang Bang that I didn't say last time.
So I'm just going to point out that both films have excellent soundtracks, and here to demonstrate that fact is one track from each, which - if you don't have them already - I thoroughly encourage you to download and enjoy at your leisure:
From Kiss Kiss Bang Bang:
Felix Da Housecat - Silver Screen Shower Scene (mp3)
(Buy from Amazon)
From The Big Lebowski:
Kenny Rogers and the First Edition - Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In) (mp3)
(Buy from Amazon)
In the meantime, I'll just go back to waiting for the contractions to start...
About Gregg Jevin
4 days ago
Have you tried going for a long walk? But this contradicts my previous suggestion to rest as much as possible.
But you 'll only get all stiff. So try walking, perhaps.
It's such a tiresome time. But you'll be looking back at it very fondly soon when baby demands your attention.....
I'm not really all that bothered about it, Sylvia - in fact I'm quite enjoying the peace and quiet. Plus it gives me a chance to spout loads of old rubbish on this here blog, hurrah!
I'm sure I heard a million old wives' tales in Russia about how to get things moving, but have forgotten them all. You'd probably have to put some plant under your pillow. Anyway, you're in no rush. Yes, blog away. And eat curry.
Excited for you in advance.
it's good, being able to check in here, rather than plague you with txts or one facebook. mind you, every silence is open to a wealth of (mis)interpretation. hope they have wifi in the birthing centre. your public awaits! x
I'm off to Ireland on Thursday, so could you just get on with it please, so that I can send congratulations before I leave.
On the other hand, I'm going there for my birthday, so if you could manage to hold on until the 15th, the kitten and I could have a joint celebration next year.
Lawdy, the comments that came off that KKBB post.
Them was the days, eh?
Ooh, The Big Lebowski is a great film. So now I should see Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which I've never seen or even heard of outside of your blog.
Good point about soundtracks. I wonder what it'll do to Blue Kitten's sensibilities to have all these experiences right before she pops out? Clearly she'll be a culturally savvy, hip chick right from day one.
I blame it on the blogging. I picture Mr BC trying to usher you to the hospital while you say 'Hold on just one more minute, I haven't finished this post yet...'
Can you hang on now till Saturday!?
Daughter Molly will be 10!
Felix Da Housecat... tune. Serious, serious tune.
The Ladytron cover is also literally quite good.
even bouncing on a trampoline wouldn't shift my overdue bump. relax, enjoy the peace, scrub some floors, have a dance to the aforementioned felix da housecat = tune. meh. really enjoy the blog. babies are ace, enjoy it!
BiB: I haven't tried the curry tactic yet (or any other tactics really), maybe this evening...
RG: Still here! Will attempt to leave message on blog before departing for 'birthing unit'.
Dave: Hm, might not make it for Thursday, but have a super holiday, and happy birthday for next week.
Tim: Yes, there must be something about severed body parts that gets people going.
Valerie: Oh, you definitely should. It's very funny in a dry, understated kind of way, and Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer are both great in it, and it's stunning to look at. There's a scene where the two of them are in a bar that's adorned with tiny red lights and it looks amazing. I tried to find a screencap but no luck. And I did find myself wondering the other day if the Blue Kitten could hear stuff I'm listening to if I'm using earphones (answer: no).
Annie: Ooh, I could finish the blog post in the car on Mr BC's iPod Touch...or not...
Spence: I will do my best.
Oli: Ooh, I didn't know Ladytron had covered it, off to look for that right now.
Ribbletonia: Bouncing on a trampoline? Blimey, you were adventurous! I'm impressed with your pub project, btw, hope that's all continuing to go well.
I don't know if the NHS still stretches to this kind of thing but couldn't you go and be like Joan Sims in some Carry On film where she happily keeps not getting round to having her baby but enjoys lots of hospital fried breakfasts? Blue Cat would say, "Oh gawd," a lot and faint to kazoo sound effects.
Don't forget the muted trombone that accompanies Kenneth Connor looking a bit peeky.
Not to mention the swanee whistle when Barbara Windsor's blouse pops open.
Has anyone written a scholarly volume on the sound effects/musical stabs in Carry On movies? A job for Jonathan Coe, I reckon...
Hope you don't have any false alarms! I found those very dispiriting....
Hope you're having a good day.
Would that there might be anything as exciting as a false alarm, Sylvia. As it is I am now booked in for an induction next Tuesday 16th. Bah.
The Big Lebowski was the start of my love affair with the Coen Brothers. And another example of my susceptibility to slightly overweight tall men. The 'Dude' sits alongside Hugh Bonneville, Gerard Depardieu and Mr C.
Boo to inductions. At least it's not Christmas Day, when my induction began, ending on the afternoon of December 27th, by which time I growled like a tiger when a nurse came within even 5 feet of my fanny. Gosh, that was tiring. I believe the only 'rememdies' with even the slightest scientific merit in them are nipple-twiddling and sex. It's all to do with the oxytocin, apparently.
cello: Hm, your Hugh Bonneville fixation seems to be growing in intensity! Has he appeared in your dreams yet, growling 'don't mess with me, I'm an archaeologist!'? Your induction sounds absolutely horrific, but it did result in the quite lovely C. junior.
He seems very cuddly, that Hugh Bonneville. I may have to give up on my Andrew Marr fixation at this rate - can't cope with more than one delusion at a time!
Being a long term gestator, I can only offer my sympathy and support - nothing I tried ever helped. Still, just enjoy the peace and quiet for a few days more.
Wishing all three of you well over the next few days (and beyond, obviously!) Not long now, in any event.
Put a kids channel on your tv and turn up the volume when all the toy ads come on. The little critters can hear a toy ad from five miles away, you'll be able to lure her out with the promise of some pink girlie tat for Christmas!
Not been about for ages but had to come on and wish you luck. My two were 7 and 9 days late respectively, hang in there.
Realdoc! Crikey, how are you? Thank you for the luck-wishing, and thanks to Sylvia and Marsha and Janey too. Nothing to report yet...
It was that very line,P, asserting his privileged status in such a manly way, that pushed me over the edge of the crush.
By the way, apologies for unhelpful comments about inductions. I'm sure you will have no problem at all, given your sprightly and responsive cervix (I'm guessing here) as opposed to my idle and sluggish one.
Not unhelpful at all, cello, I like to know what I'm letting myself in for. Although I have now (not because of your comment!) officially entered the realms of the Very Grumpy, hence no blogging for the last few days.
I also seem to be developing a crush on Hugh Bonneville, largely I fear as a result of Lost in Austen...
As for grumpiness, I think it is an essential prerequisite of being ready to produce. When I snarled at my midwives to just leave me alone, they just nodded knowingly and said 'Ah, it looks like we should be finished by teatime'.
Best of luck, Patroclus! Hope all goes brilliantly.
A good shag always helped bring on the labour in my experience...
They always make me laugh in tv programmes when the heavily pregnant and invariably glamourous mother-to-be is standing in a shop or pub then suddenly clutches her stomach, gasps in pain and drops to her knees, exclaiming "Oh my God, I think the baby's coming!" In my experience, you'll be sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea thinking "Oooo, that was a bit of a twinge, I wonder if this bloody baby's finally decided to make an appearance...AT LAST" And around 28 hours later, you'll know if you're right!
You could try that walking now. If only to get some fresh air. Just make sure you're near a loo at all times.....and don't lock the door.
I did go for a long walk yesterday, with no tangible results, although there was a very pretty view of Penryn from the other side of the river. Now I'm hoping that making and consuming apple and blackberry pie will do the trick. I'm also wishing I could just give birth in a box under the bed, like cats do. So much less hassle all round.
3.5 hours later it may all be over ??? Is it? are we "aunty's"??
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