Showing posts with label van. Show all posts
Showing posts with label van. Show all posts

Monday, March 24, 2014

New bear Emil and studio update

After struggling finishing this teddy, 
I spend the afternoon making the back cushion, for the bench in my studio.

 It really felt like spring today, perfect for some d.i.y. work.

 All materials gathered for the big job, hmmm,

 Hope the fabric will be big enough in the end, after tucking in all the buttons
 This here is my little stove, I don't know how it is called you can learn about it "here"
 This is the inside of my stove
 The first buttons getting through, it is hard to find the holes in the wooden backing. I have to pull 26 buttons in the cushion, All old buttons I found in my button stack.
 Securing the buttons, I used wax tread, (the same I use to pull in my bears eyes)

 And almost finished
 It fits!!!! :D

 I still have to make a cover for the mattress later
 This was the closet I talked about earlier, an A3 sheets fits in these trays, and you can pull these trays out

And I just could not resist, to put down a bottle with fresh flowers from the garden.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Playing with and in my new toy :D

 I want at least one wall in a warm color

 I made a cushion in the car, driving to Wiesbaden teddy show this weekend

 Here comes a couch
 To big, but we will fix that! ;)
 a present from my daughter for decoration
 Things I find and I can use

 I will use this display also in the van

Oeps not enough paint!! and shop is closed :( well patience is a good thing