Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Karen Castor Dentel Wins FL House District 30

Karen Castor Dentel (sister of Rep. Kathy Castor) wins the Florida House seat for district 30. Here is the statement from Florida Democratic Party chairman Rod Smith.

“We congratulate Karen Castor Dentel on her decisive victory tonight. Throughout her career, Karen has been a strong advocate for children and families in central Florida and she will take that same leadership to Tallahassee.

“Karen’s victory tonight is not just a win for middle class families but for those who are tired of the broken politics of the Republicans in Tallahassee. After waging what was one of the most despicable campaigns in American politics - fueled with special interests cash - Will Weatherford and the Republican’s false, disgusting attacks against a mother and schoolteacher will not be forgotten.

Dentel's victory is particularly sweet after The Committee to Protect Florida falsely linked her to convicted rapist Jerry Sandusky. CPF is a PAC run by incoming House Speaker Will Weatherford. It is nice to see Dentel beat this garbage.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rod Smith Wants Hearing Over Lost Gov. Scott Emails

Florida Democratic Party chairman Rod Smith is asking the Florida legislature to hold hearings on Gov. Rick Scott's transition team losing emails. There is zero chance of Senate President Mike Haridopolos and House Speaker Dean Cannon of taking their oversight duties seriously. This is why elections matters. If one chamber of the Florida legislature was Democratic hearing could be held.

Smith's letter is under the fold.

Read more »

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stop Alex Sink, Please Stop Alex Sink

St. Petersburg Times columnist Adam C. Smith named Alex Sink "Loser of the Week." The Florida Insider poll asked political operatives who would be the strongest Democratic candidate. Charlie Crist, Rod Smith and Pam Iorio polled higher than Sink. Losing to Rick Scott, a guy that paid the largest Medicare fine in history and is currently polling at freezing temperatures, has a way of to make Democrats not want Sink to run again.

Sink appeared at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner to keep herself in the spotlight. Smith asked Sink if she was planning to run for governor in 2014. Sink said is was too early to say. It is not too early to say if Sink has no plans on running. For some unknown reason Sink has it in her mind that she can unite Florida Democrats and beat Rick Scott. Sink was able to do either things in 2010. How is four years going to make a difference?

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Florida Democratic Party Letter to the Editor Campaign

The Florida Democratic Party is running a counter letter writing program to Gov. Rick Scott's initiative. FDP Chairman Rod Smith is asking voters to voice their disapproval to their local newspapers. Newspapers usually are wise to these spamming attempts. It is rather humorous that Scott's letter to the editor PR campaign is being lampooned.

Stephen Colbert made fun of Scott's letter to the editor campaign last night.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Tip/Wag - Scented Razors & Rick Scott's Approval Rating
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Quote of the Day

"Yet another reason to love him>>>Rod Smith boots (a-hole) Jon Ausman from @FlaDems State Executive Committee."

Peter Schorsch, on Twitter.

Ausman was removed ans suspended from the Executive Committee. Ausman is hated by Florida progressives. So Schorsch's tweet isn't surprising.

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Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Jon Ausman Removed From Executive Committee

On April 30th, Judicial Council voted to remove Jon Ausman as Florida Democratic Party’s State Executive Committee. Ausman was found to repeatedlty have broken the Florida Democratic Party's rules of conduct. FDP chairman Rod Smith reviewed the Judicial Council's ruling. Smith decided to suspend and remove Ausman as committeeman. Below is Chairman Smith's letter on his decision.


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Tuesday, February 08, 2011

What Should Be the Democratic Message on Rick Scott's Budget

I am getting emails from the Florida Democratic Party of news articles of how Rick Scott's budget didn't keep his campaign promises or how the budget will never pass. This is horrible messaging which is standard operating procedure of the Florida Democratic Party. FDP chair Rod Smith delivered this highly uninspiring message.

This budget is a frontial assault on the quality of life of every Floridian and will not create a single job nor spur our economy forward; instead it takes us further into the economic ditch," Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith said in a statement.

The right message is Scott's budget is going to increase the tax burden on the poor and middle class. Here is a breakdown of the current tax increase of the poor, middle class and top 1 percent.

Lowest 20% - 13.5 percent

Middle - 9.2 percent

Top 1% - 2.6 percent

If you make over $509,000-a-year expect Scott to back tax cuts for the top 1 percent. Not exactly a "I feel your pain" moment.

Florida has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the country. Scott has proposed lowering the corporate tax from 5.0 percent to 3.5 percent. Scott hopes to eventually eliminate the corporate tax. Never mind Scott is proposing this when Florida is facing a $3.5 billion budget shortfall.

Scott has proposed repealing the drug tracking law designed to deal with pill mills. Scott refused to give a reason. Considering Scott's shady past at HCA/Columbia, this should give people concern. Can anyone think of a mainstream politician that is against cracking down on drugs? Seriously.

Scott has accused the unemployed of being too lazy to look for work. The Florida legislature is working on bills to cut unemployment compensation from 26 to 20 weeks. Scott will sign the bill if it hits his desk. The 12 percent of unemployed in Florida could be looking at homelessness.

Scott proposes to eliminate $1 billion from Medically Needy program. Pregnant women and children lives will be at risk from not getting health care. These are people that do not have private insurance. Patients will be denied organ transplants from the cuts to the Medically Needy program. Arizona citizens have died from Gov. Jan Brewer denied patients transplants.

Scott's budget proposes $3.3 billion in education cuts. The result would mean layoffs of teachers. The cuts would mean there would not be enough teachers to follow the constitutional guidelines of the class size amendment. Scott education budget would violate the Florida constitution and set up legal battles.

Scott is a horrible politician. Scott has low poll numbers and needed to unveil the budget to a mainstream audience. Instead, Scott chose a Tea Party rally. Scott is politically operating as if he is still running in the Republican primary. Scott is governing a state with a Democratic voter advantage. These Democrats stayed home in 2010. They didn't switch over and vote for Scott. High approval for Scott's policies is not going to happen with regressive proposals and poor communication.

Scott is an unconfident politican that barely beat the poor campaigners known as Bill McCollum and Alex Sink. Scott has alienated the media and they are now hammering his budget. The Tea Party doesn't make up the majority of Republican voters. Republican and Democratic voters are going to be angry when there aren't enough teachers for their children. These voters will also be angry when they can't get Medicaid or other state heath care. I'm guessing a lot of these voters won't be too happy about Scott making it harder to go after pill mills.

It is absolutely sad that the Florida Democratic Party can't hammer Scott on his budget. Scott's base of support is weak and even other Republicans won't back Scott's budget. (Florida Republicans knows Scott isn't popular.) The Florida Democratic Party should attack Scott for waging class warfare against the poor and middle class. Democrats should be pounding the message that people could die because of Scott's health care proposals. Many people are hurting in the economy and Rod Smith and Eric Jotkoff haven't attacked Scott and other Republicans for their insensitivity to the unemployed. And the Florida Democratic Party wonders why they keep losing elections.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

The Fight For the District Kingdoms

In November of 2010, Florida voters approved ballot amendments 5 and 6. Florida will be awarded two new Congressional seats in 2012. Amendment 5 and Amendment 6 was designed to change the way Congressional districts are drawn.

Amendment 5

In establishing Legislative district boundaries:
(1) No apportionment plan or district shall be drawn with the intent to favor or disfavor a political party or an incumbent; and districts shall not be drawn with the intent or result of denying or abridging the equal opportunity of racial or language minorities to participate in the political process or to diminish their ability to elect representatives of their choice; and districts shall consist of contiguous territory.

(2) Unless compliance with the standards in this subsection conflicts with the standards in subsection (1) or with federal law, districts shall be as nearly equal in population as is practicable; districts shall be compact; and districts shall, where feasible, utilize existing political and geographical boundaries.

(3) The order in which the standards within sub-sections (1) and (2) of this section are set forth shall not be read to establish any priority of one standard over the other within that subsection.

Amendment 6

In establishing Congressional district boundaries:
(1) No apportionment plan or individual district shall be drawn with the intent to favor or disfavor a political party or an incumbent; and districts shall not be drawn with the intent or result of denying or abridging the equal opportunity of racial or language minorities to participate in the political process or to diminish their ability to elect representatives of their choice; and districts shall consist of contiguous territory.

(2) Unless compliance with the standards in this subsection conflicts with the standards in subsection (1) or with federal law, districts shall be as nearly equal in population as is practicable; districts shall be compact; and districts shall, where feasible, utilize existing political and geographical boundaries.

(3) The order in which the standards within sub-sections

Changing the redistricting process as been a longtime goal for Florida progressives. Newly elected Florida Democratic Party chairman Rod Smith said the he will fight to legally make sure districts are drawn under the voter approved constitutional guidelines. Florida Senate President Mike Haridopolos snidely remarked, "I call it the full employment for lawyers' bill." The voter approved amendments were not a "bill." It makes me wonder if the new Florida Senate leader understands the legislative process.

Senate Democrat Gary Siplin has voiced his disapproval of Amendment 5 and Amendment 6. Siplin has been known to vote with Republicans. The only thing Siplin is concerned about his his own Senate district.

Siplin and Rep. Corrine Brown said the new redistricting guidelines will not protect African-American voters. The amendments are written to protect minority voters. What likely concerns Siplin and Brown is that computers will be used to redraw districts. Sen. Haridopolos planned on using computers before the approval of the amendments. The amendments require that the districts be drawn in a reasonable square and contoured manner. Siplin's and Brown's districts bear closer resemblance to Jackson Pollock paintings than anything with right angles. The same can be said for every member of the Florida legislature and the Congressional delegation.

Brown and Republican Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart have filed a lawsuit against the new redistricting law.

BROWN: "I was extremely disappointed in the passage of amendments 5 and 6. Congressman Diaz-Balart and I introduced a lawsuit this morning, and will continue our fight against these misguided, deceptive amendments in the federal courts. I am absolutely convinced that if they are carried out as prescribed, our state will immediately revert to the time period prior to 1992, when Florida was devoid of African American or Hispanic representation."

The ACLU has filed a motion against Brown. The ACLU is a defendant in the case. The ACLU called pre-approved Amendment 5 and Amendment 6 districting process a "rigged and broken system." The Florida Supreme court approved the ballot language of Amendment 5 and Amendment 6. It is doubtful Brown's and Diaz-Balart's lawsuit will go far.

Now that the new districting system is in the Florida constitution what does it mean to Democrats? Unfortunately. The success of Amendment 5 and Amendment 6 becoming law alone will not change the fortunes of Florida Democrats. Republicans have filibuster-proof majorities in the Florida House and Senate. There are only a handful of Democrats that will be working on redrawing districts on a federal and state level. It is hard for Democrats to change the rules of the game when they do not have enough elected officials to field a team.

Haridopolos, Marco Rubio, Ray Sansom, and David Rivera have been involved in various corruption scandals related to they service in the Florida legislature. Hoping for Republicans to draw up districts that will take away their dominance is pure fantasy. The Republican Party of Florida and legislative GOP members will mount a fierce campaign against fair district changes.

The Florida Democratic Party is broken. Democrats are putting their faith in a new chairman who has lost two statewide races and most famous moment is the much mocked helicopter ad.

It is doubtful Smith is going to significantly increase Democrats chances of getting elected to the Florida legislature any time in the foreseeable future. Haridopolos' prediction of lawsuits looks increasingly likely. The redistricting fight will get uglier as Florida again becomes a presidential battleground state.

"For he that holds his kingdom holds the law."

William Shakespeare, King John, 3.1

The people that make laws in Tallahassee have every intention of keeping their kingdom.

Update: Gary Fineout tweeted this.

Plus, U.S. Reps. Brown and Diaz-Balart have now changed lawsuit so it is against (Rick) Scott and SOS (Kurt) Browning.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Florida Democratic Party Chair Election

On January 8, 2011, the Florida Democratic Party will make Rod Smith King officially announce the new party chair. The suspense is killing me. Who is it going to be out of the field of one candidate?

Florida Democratic Party To Elect Party Chair On January 8th Near Orlando
Thank Chair Karen Thurman For Her Service To Party

The Florida Democratic Party State Executive Committee will meet at the Gaylord Palms Hotel on January 8th to elect a new Party Chairperson to finish the term of Chair Karen Thurman, who recently announced her intentions to retire. Additionally at the meeting, Florida Democrats will thank Chair Thurman for her career of service to the State of Florida and the Democratic Party.

Who: Florida Democratic Party State Executive Committee

What: Meeting to elect next State Party Chair

When: January 8, 2011
Meetings begins at 10:30 AM
Election expected around 1:00 PM

Where: Gaylord Palms Hotel
6000 W Osceola Parkway
Kissimmee, FL 34746

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rod Smith Officially In

Rod Smith surprises no one with this statement.

“I’m running,” Smith said Wednesday.

It is official. Rod Smith is running for Florida Democratic Party chair. This has been the worse kept secret in Florida politics.

Update: Alachua County DEC’s state committeeman Terry Fleming stepped down. Smith will take the position so he will be eligible to run for FDP chair.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Rod Smith Likely Next FDP Chair

Rod Smith sounds like a man who is going to become the Florida Democratic Party's next chair. Smith is talking to Post On Politics as if he knows he has the job.

“I want to be a unifier. I don’t want to create division,” said Smith, a “This isn’t like a lot of campaigns. This is about trying to make sure that you first do no harm. Right now I’m focusing on trying to convince people that this is the right thing to do for me and for the party but I also remain open to listening to people’s concerns.”

Post On Politics reports that Smith will make the announcement about becoming the new chair on Monday. I'm amazed at how little debate there has been about whether or not Smith is the right choice. This is happening very fast without a lot of vetting of Smith.

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Karen Thurman Quits

DNC chair Tim Kaine released this statement.

“I would like to personally thank Chairwoman Karen Thurman for her steady leadership at the Florida Democratic Party. Over the past six years as Chairwoman, Karen has successfully built the infrastructure and modernized the operations of the Florida Democratic Party. Her focused efforts to empower our party’s grassroots activists will continue to benefit Democrats across Florida. I would like to thank Karen as she retires for her commitment to public service, for the reforms she has made at the party and her career spent fighting to improve the lives of Floridians,” said Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine.

So much for talk that Thurman couldn't be forced out because her term was not over.

Peter Schorsch and Joy-Ann Reid report the black caucus is less than thrilled about the possibility of Rod Smith becoming the new chair.

The black lawmaker, who spoke to TRR on background, didn’t express support or opposition to Smith, but did point out that Alex Sink’s running mate failed to deliver north Florida for the ticket. “He ran for governor and lost, he lost to Jim Davis in the primary” the lawmaker said. “And then he lost as lieutenant governor to Alex Sink. In my mind, three strikes and you should be out. We need change in the Democratic Party. We need new blood. We don’t want to see the same good old boy system. There are too many smart, diverse people, too many cultures and too much history for all of that to be lost, and to deal with that good old boy syndrome that Rod Smith represents.”

The Panhandle strategy was a massive failure. It appears the Florida Democratic Party needs to lose a few more election cycles before they get serious about running 21 century campaigns.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rod Smith Potential FDP Chair Candidate

Finding Jimmy Hoffa would be easier than knowing Karen Thurman's whereabouts right now. The media has not been able to get a hold of Thurman. Peter Schorsch just might take down a Florida Democratic Party chair. My advise to Ms. Thurman is life goes on and take a long vacation. This isn't the end of the world.

Thurman is on her way out. If Thurman wasn't she would have dug in her heels and told the media she isn't going anywhere. The Miami Herald reports Rod Smith is in the running to replace Thurman. Don't get to excited. Smith was a team member of Alex Sink's disastrous Panhandle strategy. Sink's goal was to get votes from the ultra-conservative Panhandle. The strategy was a massive failure.

Smith, seemingly a no-show on the campaign trail this year in high-profile events, was the spearhead of the failed strategy to appeal to white, rural voters and conservative Democrats, who appeared to vote in droves for Republican Rick Scott's ticket. Meantime, South Florida Democrats -- and especially black Democrats -- felt a little left out. So many stayed home.

Meet the potential new boss - same as the old boss.

I wrote that the problems extend beyond Thurman. Smith has lost two statewide races. I like Smith politically, but he doesn't seem to know what it takes to win in Florida. If the Florida Democratic establishment are going to use to same strategy of no message poor campaign organization then it really doesn't matter who is in charge.

Florida Democrats need to go after young voters and recruit candidate that will appeal to the base. Alex Sink tried the Panhandle and Kendrick Meek did his Florida nursing home tour. The result was older and rural voters going for Republican candidates in the general election. People will say that young voters sit out midterm elections. I say there was no effort from the state party to get young voters active. If the FDP wants to keep ignoring young voters then they do so at their own peril.

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rod Smith Sighting

Rod Smith come out of the hiding to speak on BayNews9.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rod Smith Sighting

ALERT! There has been a Rod Smith sighting. Since Rod Smith has been selected as Alex Sink's running mate sightings of the Lt. governor candidate have been about as common as Big Foot. Like Big Foot, we hear that Smith is on the campaign. Also like Big Foot, no one knows where the hell Smith has been keeping himself. Someone has photographic evidence that Smith actually exists. Take a look.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

WTF Was the Bill McCollum Campaign Thinking

It is hard to believe Bill McCollum spent what little campaign money he has on an ad parodying the "Rick Rolled phenomenon on Youtube. This is actually worse than Kendrick Meek's "Find the Real Democrat" ad. The Florida campaign season is more and more resembling a weird dream sequence from Inception. Someone give me a kick so I can wake up from this nightmare.

Side note: This ad may do for McCollum's campaign what the "Windstorm" ad did to Rod Smith.

Update: GottaLaff shares her thoughts on the "Rick Rolled" ad.

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Alex Sink Looking At Potential Running Mate

Word is Alex Sink is going to pick a running mate before the primary. The leading candidate is Rod Smith. Former Senate candidate Betty Castor confirmed to Tampa Tribune political reporter William March that Sink campaign is discussing candidates.

Former University of South Florida President Betty Castor, a close Sink political ally, said she didn't know what candidates were being considered, but, "I know there's some conversation going on, and the fact that they're beginning the process now suggests they're leaning toward an early pick."

I don't have a problem with Smith. I thought he would have made a stronger general election candidate against Charlie Crist.

Ron Saunders told March that Sink discussed with him the possibility of being Lt. Governor. Since Saunders opened his mouth we can count on Sink scratching his name off the list. Miami Mayor Manny Diaz is a choice I find interesting. Dan Gelber is in the Attorney General's race and probably won't be asked. Although, I like Gelber.

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Monday, June 08, 2009

Dan Gelber Official In Attorney General Race

In unsurprising news: Dan Gelber has announced he will run for Attorney General.

"The governor's decision made the Senate race very crowded, and at the same time it opened up every other statewide seat," said Gelber, a 48-year-old former prosecutor. "I want to be part of what I hope is a renewal for our state."

Translation: the Attorney General race was the only primary Gelber had a prayer in. The Democratic establishment is firmly behind Alex Sink and Kendrick Meek for the Senate and Governor races. Gelber will face Dave Aronberg in the Democratic primary. Neither candidate has state wide name recognition. A potential candidate with greater notoriety is Rod Smith. William March reports Smith will soon announce his intentions.

Gelber posted his announcement on Youtube. Gelber strikes the right tone and works in a good dig at Gov. Charlie Crist.

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Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Crowded Attorney General Race

The Florida Democratic primary for Attorney General is getting interesting. State Sen. Dave Aronberg announced he will run. Aronberg worked as an Assistant Attorney General under Bob Butterworth.

"Public safety is not some political theme to me. It is a passion. The people of this state deserve a true watchdog who will fight to protect them everyday - that's exactly what I will be," said Sen. Aronberg. "Corporations have their attorneys, and criminals have their attorneys. I will be the people's attorney," said Sen. Aronberg. "And as your Attorney General, I have one message for those who seek to commit crimes or fraud against our citizens: if you target Floridians, the state will target you."

Sen. Dan Gelber recently dropped out of the United States Senate race. Gelber is hinting at running against Aronberg.

"I have been overwhelmed by emails, phone calls and posts on my blog supporting my call for unity and urging me to consider running for Attorney General," Gelber said in a statement. "After spending nearly a decade as a federal prosecutor, the job of Attorney General is a place where I believe I can best serve our state. ... My hope was that there would be time for all of us to be thoughtful and to unify, but given Senator Aronberg's decision, I will my announce my plans soon."

The biggest name that has not announced his intentions is Rod Smith. Smith ran for Governor in 2006 and procecuted serial killer Danny Rolling. Smith is a adjunct law professor at the University of Florida's Levin College of Law and a partner at Avera & Smith Law Firm. Smith has a history of representing unions. Which will help him with the Democratic base. The question is does Smith want the job?

The Buzz reports Smith is looking "seriously at running for attorney general and not considering any other race." Smith would have prefered to enter the race with no primary challenger. The question is does Aronberg's and Gelber's intentions make the Attorney General race less appealing for Smith?

From a personal perspective, a crowded race is more interesting and forces the candidates to discuss the issues. Aronberg is the only official candidate. However, I have no problems with a three way race. I sure FDP chair Karen Thurman doesn't share my opinion.

Update: Gelber sent this email out to supporters.

A few days ago I receded from the U.S. Senate race in order to avoid the circular firing squad that has characterized too many past Democratic efforts. My hope was that with the opening up of every cabinet office (for the first time in 140 years [sic]) that Democratic hopefuls – like me -- would take a step back to give all of us time to reach a thoughtful judgment on how best to unify our party in a year when real change is finally within reach.

In fact, over the last few weeks many of the potential candidates had been in dialogue with each other and with others hoping to avoid the type of divisions that damage our ability to present a winning slate in November. I am grateful to have heard that so many of you share my concern and were also hopeful that our party could break free of its past missteps.

This afternoon my friend Dave Aronberg let me know that he was not waiting any longer and announced his candidacy for Attorney General. While I would have preferred a different timeline, I expect to be making my own announcement of my intentions within a few days. While part of me worries that this is déjà vu all over again, I am still optimistic that ultimately we will be able to deliver the change Floridians so desperately need.

Update: Smith is friends with Aronberg. Smith says he is still undecided on if he will run.

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