Sunday, May 10, 2015

Not In the Tea Party Bible

“When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God."

- Leviticus 19:33-34.

If the tea party actually read the Bible they wouldn't be so quick to bash immigrants. Unless they are racists.

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Monday, March 09, 2015

Wingnut of the Day: Michael Willette

Maine state Republican Senator Michael Willette thought it was a good idea to post this anti-Obama status on Facebook.

Willette is now backtracking from his less than brilliant Facebook post.

“I apologize for posting this on Facebook. Like too many people these days, I fell into the trap of posting something first and then thinking later. It was an error in judgment,” he said.

It is bad enough to post a racist post. It is quite another thing for Willette to not have the courage to stand by his racist rant.

Side note: I continue to be amazed at how Republicans think the President that ordered the attack on Osama bin Laden somehow loves terrorists.

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Racist of the Day

Jim Boggess is the owner of Jimbo’s Deli in Flemington, New Jersey. Boggess had the idea to hang a "White History Month" sign in the window of his restaurant.

In case you doubt that Boggess is a racist - keep in mind that he also hung a Klu Klux Klan T cross in his window.

“The ‘white’ had a cross. It was a cross ‘t,’ which is used by the Ku Klux Klan as a symbol, right,” resident Bhakti Curtis tells CBS New York. The 't' in question has since been changed.

The sign has since been removed. Apparently, Boggess learned that being a blatant racist isn't the greatest marketing strategy.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Quote of the Day: Ron Paul Edition

"I was always annoyed with it in Congress because we had an anti-war unofficial group, a few libertarian Republicans and generally the Black Caucus and others did not—they are really against war because they want all of that money to go to food stamps for people here."

Ron Paul, in an interview with Lew Rockwell.

Ron Paul served in the House of Representatives. He could walk down the hall or pick up the phone to find out why the Black Caucus is against wars. Of course, that would require actual work on his part.

You know why Ron Paul had a racist newsletter? The reason is Paul has some incredibly racist views. This is what Paul told the Dallas Morning News in defense of an article he wrote for his newsletter.

“If you have ever been robbed by a black teenaged male, you know how unbelievably fleet of foot they can be.”

This guy is horrible.

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Monday, February 16, 2015

Less Than Great Moments In American History

Notice how much the language of segregation sounds like the soc-called religious freedom arguments used to discriminate aganst gays.

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Monday, September 01, 2014

Quote of Day: Racist Fox News Edition

"How long do you think Sean Hannity’s show would last if four times in one sentence, he made a comment about, say, the President of the United States, and said that he looked like a skinny, ghetto crackhead? Which, by the way, you might want to say that Barack Obama does."

Brent Bozell, on Fox News.

Note to Bozell: you can't spend your career crying about liberal media bias and then say the first Black President looks like a crackhead. That just shows your hypocrisy ans the fact that you aren't even smart enough to hide your racist contempt of Barack Obama. Well played, dumbass.

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jon Stewert On the Fox News Coverage of Ferguson

This is one of the best commentaries Jon Stewart has delivered on The Daily Show. Fox News has a history of factually inaccurate racist attacks. New Orleans has a mostly black population. Bill O'Reilly accused the victims of Katrina to be drug addicts.

Many, many, many of the poor in New Orleans are in that condition. They weren't going to leave no matter what you did. They were drug-addicted. They weren't going to get turned off from their source. They were thugs, whatever.

O'Reilly came back from vacation to attack Al Sharpton and justify the shooting of Michael Brown. To show how bad of a journalist O'Reilly is, he reported that Brown broke police officer Darren Wilson had a broken eye socket.

CNN debunked the story that Wilson's eye socket was broken.

Now, CNN’s Don Lemon has reported that Wilson did not, in fact, have a broken eye socket, but was treated at the hospital for swelling around his face and eyes. Lemon has not revealed the source of the information, citing instead “a source close to the investigation,” which, frankly, is just as shady as the opposing rumors.

“The source says it is not true, at all, he did not have a torn eye socket,” Lemon said. “Unequivocally.”

The story of Wilson having a broken eye socket was first planted in the blogosphere by Jim Hoft. Hoft is known as "The Dumbest Man on the Internet." Hoft has a history of either running with false or factually inaccurate stories. The fact that O'Reilly would report Hoft's claim says much.

Hoft ran an X-Ray that people believed was of Wilson's eye. Charles Johnson found it to be a stock jpeg you can find on Google.

And there’s more evidence that Hoft is trying to pull a fast one again; here is the original image posted at the AAPOS site, showing a CT scan of a blowout fracture (on the left), compared to the image posted at Gateway Pundit by Hoft (on the right):

Notice the difference? In the version posted by Jim Hoft, the text at bottom right that says “UNIV OF IOWA” has been crudely erased. Caught you, Jim.

This gives you an idea of the level of fact-checking done by Bill O'Reilly.

How you can tell O'Reilly is spieling racist garbage is when he compares the Michael Brown investigation to the OJ Simpson trial verdict. OJ Simpson was accused of murdering two people. Michael Brown was shot dead by Darren Wilson. The two things have nothing in common. O'Reilly uses OJ Simpson to demonize Brown. What O'Reilly will not mention is that Michael Brown had no criminal record.

Bill O'Reilly is a horrible person.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tea Party Activist Tom Tillison Supports Voter Suppression

The least shocking news ever is that Orange County, Florida tea party activist Tom Tillison supports voter suppression. Money quote from Facebook.

I'm a white Republican, of course I advocate for voter suppression. Haven't you been paying attention! LOL

That Tom Tillison. What a jokester.

Fun fact: Tillison wrote a hysterical post on how Satanists were helping Charlie Crist's campaign against Rick Scott.

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Monday, August 25, 2014

Quote of the Day: Police State Edition

I personally believe in Jesus Christ as my lord savior, but I’m also a killer. I’ve killed a lot. And if I need to, I’ll kill a whole bunch more. If you don’t want to get killed, don’t show up in front of me, it’s that simple. I have no problem with it. God did not raise me to be a coward.”

Dan Page, police officer in charge of crowd control during the Ferguson protests.

Money quote.

“I’m into diversity. I kill everybody, I don’t care,” Page said.

What a true lover of Jesus.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Booker and Paul Discuss Crime Sentencing Reform

Sen. Cory Booker and Sen. Rand Paul have an excellent discussion on MSNBC about the racial problems with the criminal justice system. The senators also talk about expunging criminal records for nonviolent drug offenses.

Booker and Paul both come out strongly against solitary confinement for minors. The ACLU has described solitary confinement as a human rights violation.

Solitary confinement of youth is itself a serious human rights violation and can constitute cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment under international human rights law. In addition, the conditions that compound the harm of solitary confinement (such as lack of psychological care, physical exercise, family contact, and education) often constitute independent, concurrent, and serious human rights violations. Solitary confinement cannot be squared with the special status of adolescents under US constitutional law regarding crime and punishment. While not unusual, it turns the detention of young people in adult jails and prisons into an experience of unquestionable cruelty.

It is time for the United States to abolish the solitary confinement of young people. State and federal lawmakers, as well as other appropriate officials, should immediately embark on a review of the laws, policies, and practices that result in young people being held in solitary confinement, with the goal of definitively ending this practice. Rather than being banished to grow up locked down in isolation, incarcerated adolescents must be treated with humanity and dignity and guaranteed the ability to grow, to be rehabilitated, and to reenter society.

This is a rare interview when two lawmakers go on cable news to actually talk about policy.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wingnut Alert: Stephen Steinlight

Via Peacock Panache: Stephen Steinlight is a policy analyst at the Center for Immigration Studies. If you don't know who he is. Don't feel so bad. I never heard of the guy before today.

The Center for Immigration Studies was founded by John Tanton. To say Tanton is a racist would be an understatement. Only a racist like Tanton would write a paper titled "The Case for Passive Eugenics." Tanton's paper is only four pages long. This is the final paragraph.

As with euthanasia, active eugenics will deservedly continue to be rejected by most persons, but passive eugenics should elicit their support. Far from being racist or genocidal, it seeks to improve the potential of minority groups, which will do more for their prospects than any increase in numbers which might be foregone through larger family size and reproduction outside the years of reproductive efficiency. Further, the beneficial demo-graphic effect of limiting the size of the human community will assure that more resources are available to nurture each child that is born.

Think Progress found a quote of Tanton desiring America to have a white majority. You know what kind of people want a white majority? White supremacists.

“I’ve come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that.”

Steinlight is even more open and outlandish than Tanton in his views on immigration. The Southern Poverty Law Center has this outrageous quote by Steinlight.

But the history of CIS make clear that it has always been part of a broad-based and well-planned effort to attack immigration in all forms. CIS Senior Policy Analyst Stephen Steinlight pretty much captured CIS' brand of "independent" analysis when he told the Inter Press Service News Agency in 2005 that immigration threatens "the American people as a whole and the future of Western civilization."

Therefore it is not surprising that Steinlight would advocate for the impeachment and hanging of President Barack Obama. You can hear cheers from the few elderly tea party attendees.
"A rash of opinion polls which have come out, not push polls, real polls, including one by Gallup that showed that 65 percent of the American people don’t want any part of an Obama-style immigration reform. But the idea of this [lawsuit] is vintage Boehner, it’s a political loser. There is no court that is going to stop Obama from doing anything. We all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? I mean, I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him."

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Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Boca Raton Racist Flies KKK Flag

Only in Florida.

A Boca Raton resident going by the name "Mr. Hayes" is flying the Klu Klux Klan flag, a noose and the Confederate flag in his front yard. This guy is proud of being a racist.

"As many people know, the white families are producing less children because the father and mother work and you have interracial marriages and gay marriages, so there are less and less white children being born every day," the man, who would only identify himself as Mr. Hayes, told Local 10's Roger Lohse. "So we're against that."

"Mr. Hayes" says he does not practice violence. However, the noose is a symbol of the lynching of black people during the ugly Jim Crow era of American history. Mr. Hayes is from New York yet hangs a Conferate flag. He isn't hanging that flag to celebrate his Southern heritage. That is for damn sure.

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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Quote of the Day

"This jail is full of blacks and they all act like thugs.… This may sound a bit radical, but if more people would arm themselves and kill these fucking idiots when they’re threatening you, eventually they may take the hint and change their behavior."

Michael Dunn, accused killer of Jordan Davis.

Dunn fired ten shots at the car Davis and his friends were driving in. Dunn went back to his hotel room, ordered pizza, drank rum and walked his dog. Dunn never notified the police of the shooting. The quote is notible because Davis is black and Dunn is white.

No gun was ever found on Davis or his friends. Dunn's own fiance testified that she did not see a gun. Yet Dunn's attorney's argued self-defense. The shooting happened over a dispute over rap music playing in the car Davis was in.

The jury came to a mistrial. The Stand Your Ground law has made it legal for white people to kill blacks.

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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Quote of the Day

"Yeah, well the minimum wage makes no sense whatsoever to me. I mean, honestly, it's just the teenage --black teenage unemployment act and this is the very groups that we need to have jobs not be put out of work because of the minimum wage so I'm really very much in favor of at least for teenagers getting rid of the minimum wage so we can bring them back into the labor force, get them the skills they need to continue being productive members of our society for years and years. I mean, that's the way I'd go on minimum wage."

Economist Arthur Laffer

I knew Laffer was an economic hack. I didn't know he was a racist.

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dumbass of the Day: Racism Edition

Two Florida men decided it would be a good idea to dress as George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin for Halloween. Greg Cimeno, 22, dressed as Zimmerman with a "Neighborhood Watch" T-shirt. The very white William Filene, 25, dressed as Martin and wore black face make-up. The photo above was posted on the Facebook page of Caitlin Cimeno.

The Smoking Gun reports that Filene is listed on the Florida Department of Corrections web site for auto theft. I also found that Filene has been charged with loitering or prowling.Filene was sentenced to 18 months probation.

Filene was left a trail of racist remarks in social media.

In Facebook posts last year, Cimeno referred to elderly women who wore tight pants and tube tops as “tacos,” and, when requesting that a friend contact her, she wrote, “Text ne niggs.” In August, Cimeno also posted a photo of an African American girl wearing a t-shirt reading “Black Girls Rock.” In her accompanying caption, Cimeno wrote, “First of all, sorry Hun but mommy lied to you & secondly if I was wearing a shirt that said something like the truth 'white girls rock' I would be stared at and called a racist cracker.”

Sorry pal but you really do come off as a racist.

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

David McKalip Implodes

David McKalip has a zero political IQ. Anyone with half a brain knows you don't run for political office and attack Peter Schorsch. At least not without expecting Schorsch to come after your campaign. Schorsch fired off this tweet.

The story in which Dr. David mckalip refers to me as a "political terrorist" via clmitchperry.… sayfie

Creative Loafing political reporter Mitch Perry blogged about Schorsch asking McKalip about the Obama witch doctor email he sent out. McKalip flipped out at the Suscoast Tiger Bay forum.

"Of course I wouldn't send that e-mail. I apologized for sending that e-mail ... it was offensive," McKalip said.

McKalip then aggressively turned the question around, saying that his fight. to stop 'Obamacare' resulted in people trying to suppress free speech. He doubled down on his comments to Beau Zimmer of WTSP-TV, saying he wasn't going to tolerate "political terrorists" who in his opinion are just shills for big government and want to intimidate everyone else into silence.

Schorsch later responded that "As evidenced by the tone of his campaign, Dr. McKalip has obviously

Schorsch's question about the racially insensitive witch doctor picture that McKalip sent out was perfectly reasonable. McKalip is running for St. Petersburg City Council. McKalip seemed shocked that Schorsch would dare ask him such a question. The question is certainly fair after McKalip's campaign manager made a joke online about President Obama being killed.

Nick Finzer, McKalip's campaign manager, wrote a comment on WTSP's website that said, "I think I'd like to see Obama run down by a bull. Except that would make Biden President."

No serious candidate would have a meltdown after being asked about his most controversial political moment. No candidate with any real skill would hire a campaign manager stupid enough to joke about the death of the President. David McKalip isn't a serious candidate. He is a racist tea party lunatic.

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Monday, August 05, 2013

Ted Yoho Feels Racially Oppressed Because of the Tanning Tan

Republicans love to talk about how the rest of America is racist against white people. If you don't believe me then listen to Florida Republican congressman Ted Yoho.

Yoho explains: “I had a little fun with [John] Boehner and told him about the sun tanning tax. He goes, ‘I didn’t know it was in there,’ and I said, ‘Yes, it’s a ten percent tax.’ He goes, ‘Well, that’s not that big of a deal.’ I said, ‘It’s a racist tax.’ He goes, ‘You know what, it is.’ I had an Indian doctor in our office the other day, very dark skin, with two non-dark skin people, and I asked this to him, I said, ‘Have you ever been to a tanning booth?’ and he goes, ‘No, no need.’ So therefore it’s a racist tax and I thought I might need to get to a sun tanning booth so I can come out and say I’ve been disenfranchised because I got taxed because of the color of my skin. As crazy as that sounds, that’s what the left does right. By God, if it works for them, it’ll work for us [inaudible].”

Yoho is a freshman tea party candidate and an Obama birther. It is fascinating how the people that scream racism are the biggest racists.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

More On the Dream Defenders

Here is a video profile of the Dream Defenders protest. The Dream Defenders have vowed to occupy the capital until "Trayvon’s Law" is passed and signed by Gov. Rick Scott. "Trayvon’s Law" would repeal Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law.

The Dream Defenders mission statement.

On Thursday, July 18th, the Governor finally met with us, but provided no real leadership. Rather than calling for a special session, he is calling for a statewide day of prayer to end racial profiling. But faith without works isn’t justice.

We are taking a stand not only in Trayvon’s memory, but for our worth as people and citizens of Florida. We can not allow Gov. Scott to neglect his responsibility to protect the safety and well-being of all Floridians.

We are here until our struggle for justice is won. And if we are to keep moving forward, we need your support. Governor Scott told us that we need to increase our support. We know that the people of Florida and the nation are behind us but we need to show it. Can you demonstrate you support by signing our petition?

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Quote of the Day: Rep Steve King Edition

"It turns out to be the best vote that I cast, was my 'no' vote to the $51.5 billion to Hurricane Katrina. That probably was my best vote."

Rep. Steve King, in 2009

The thing King is most proud of during his 10 years in trying is attempting to deny federal aid to New Orleans residents literally underwater. Many of whom happened to be black. If you don't think King is a racist than you are in denial.

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Wingnut of the Day: Rep. Steve King

Republican Rep. Steve King can't help but say racist things about Hispanics. King told Newsmax that the children of illegal immigrant are actually drug mules.

He cites those illegals who were brought to the United States by their parents as young children, for instance.

"Some of them are valedictorians — and their parents brought them in. It wasn't their fault. It's true in some cases, but they aren't all valedictorians. They weren't all brought in by their parents.

"For everyone who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds — and they’ve got hands the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert,” King tells Newsmax. “Those people would be legalized with the same act."

How does King know that these children have "hands the size of cantaloupes"? Has King personally examined children of illegal immigrants. King says these crazy things without any facts. King doubled down and told Breitbart News that what he said was the gospel truth.

In an interview with Breitbart News on Wednesday, King pushed back against the Republican backlash by calling on people to review his remarks. He said, “they will understand that what I said is objective, it’s true and it cannot be logically challenged.”

Even fellow Republicans aren't buying it and are distancing themselves from King.

House Speaker John Boehner

“There can be honest disagreements about policy without using hateful language,” Boehner said in his statement. “Everyone needs to remember that.”

"Hateful language" is a polite way of Boehner admitting that King sounds like a racist.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor

”I strongly disagree with his characterization of the children of immigrants and find the comments inexcusable.”

Let's make things clear. Steve King is never going to march in a civil rights rally. King's has shown public disdain for gays and lesbians. King is against ENDA and made these bizarre remarks to Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council.

KING: And he said, “let me ask you a question.” “Am I heterosexual or am I homosexual?” And they looked him up and down, actually they should have known, but they said, “We don’t know.” And he said, “Exactly, my point. If you don’t project it, if you don’t advertise it, how would anyone know to discriminate against you?” And that’s at the basis of this. So if people wear their sexuality on their sleeve and then they want to bring litigation against someone that they would point their finger at and say, “You discriminate.” …This is the homosexual lobby taking it out on the rest of society and they are demanding affirmation for their lifestyle, that’s at the bottom of this.

King went as far as to accuse Attorney Eric Holder and President Barack Obama of racism. I love how racists project their faults on others.

When you look at this administration, I'm offended by Eric Holder and the President also, their posture. It looks like Eric Holder said that white people in America are cowards when it comes to race. And I don't know what the basis of that is but I'm not a coward when it comes to that and I'm happy to talk about these things and I think we should. But the President has demonstrated that he has a default mechanism in him that breaks down the side of race - on the side that favors the black person.

I hope the people in King's district are proud of their elected representative.

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