Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Beyonce Voters Tumblr

Jessie Watters condescendingly described young single women as "Beyoncé voters."

Watters went on to say that Clinton needs to latch on to issues like this in order to win the White House in 2016. “She needs the single ladies vote, I call them the Beyoncé voters because of [her song] “Single Ladies,” he said. “Obama won single ladies by 76% last time and they made up a quarter of the electorate.”

Watters fails to understand that President Barack Obama won young women voters because Republicans like Todd Akin thought there was such a thing as "legitimate rape."

"First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape] is really rare... If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Watters isn't going to win Fox News any young female viewers with comments like this.

“She’s acting like Hobby Lobby all of a sudden is telling these women that work for them to wear a burka or something like that,” Watters said. “It’s like if someone said my boss is not buying me a gun, he’s denying me my Second Amendment rights. Having access to contraception is not in the Constitution, she’s dead wrong about that.”

Shorter Jessie Watters: it is okay for your boss to buy you a gun. Women who want birth control in their health care coverage should STFU. How pro-life of Watters.

There is now a hysterical Tumblr mocking the stupidity of the comments of Watters. Beyoncé lyrics are being used for photos.

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Sunday, August 04, 2013

Two Protesters Accuse Beyonce & Jay Z of Being Demons

I usually stay away from celebrity news but this was too good to pass up. Two Washington D.C. protesters accused Beyonce and Jay Z of being demons.

The Washington Afro-American newspaper spoke with Wade Montgomery and Rocky Twyman --founders of a group called Pray at the Pump, that asks for, and they say receives, divine intervention in the price of gasoline -- about their concerns.

Twyman told TheAfro that Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z are "virtually destroying our youth...If you go on the Internet, you’ll see stories about how they’re both part of the Illuminati and you can see Jay-Z’s use of the Satanic triangle symbol when he performs."

Part of me thinks these two protesters are punking people. This is too ridiculous to believe. These protesters make Pat Robertson sound reasonable.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beyonce - If I Were A Boy

Beyonc - If I Were A Boy
Found at

I love the fact that Beyonce is a huge star and married to the King of rappers. I like my pop stars larger than life. I thought it was great Greg Dulli and Liz Phair proudly wanting to be rock stars. Dulli and Phair were a lot more fun than Eddie Vedder.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Open Thread

Question: what does this day mean to you?

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