Not every Supreme available for The Way, but all that I have painted so far! The Way is a Faction primarily focused on defending Pulp City and especially the Little Asia quarter from the grasp of the Jade Cult, but it is more than that. Its members come from a diverse array of Teams, and under other circumstances would be genuine enemies of one another, but within the ranks of The Way they have shared purpose.
The way is a good extra Team for players as many will have a couple of minis that are members, so definitely worth thinking about, and it definitely offers an eclectic mix of Supremes and a lot of choice.
Back Row:
- Twilight
- Stormblades
- Crimson Oni
- Sgt. Bale
- Amok (the huge guy in the centre!)
- Chronin
- Jade Hawk
- Tanuki
- Chimp Chi