Showing posts with label New Years. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Years. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2014

Organizing Tips

I spent much of my weekend organizing my house.  In 2014, I plan to be uber organized. I am going to be that mom who is on-time for school, never looses a tap shoe (and then has to spend $25 before class to buy them...), always has socks rolled neatly in the drawer, and laundry will never pile up.  I can dream, right?

To really get organized and tackle all the projects I have on my list, I am doing one project a day. I compiled a list of 24 things that I want to organize in my house, ranging from a complete revamp of the laundry room, organizing my PSA Essentials Peel & Stick stamps, gutting my junk drawer, cleaning out the medicine cabinet, and filing paperwork.  Bring on the label maker!  By doing just one project per day, I don't feel as overwhelmed.  It's the only way to keep my sanity as I try to whip things into shape.

I'd also like to make organizing and whipping my house into shape fun.  Mae Armstrong of our PSA Stamp Camp design team proves that this is possible.

Mae designed a magnetic dishwasher sign, which makes an organized and well-run kitchen also a bit more decorative and enjoyable. Being that Mae is crafty, got a knack for design, and an organized momma, she came up with a solution to share for that age-old question: are the dishes in the dishwasher dirty or clean? She created a magnetic "Clean" sign!   Stick it on as soon as you've run the dishwasher.  Take it off just after you've unloaded it.   Never put a dirty spoon in with clean silver wear again!

Dishwasher - Magnetic Sign

Mae picked up wooden craft boards at Michael's and used her PSA Essentials Archive Peel & Stick stamps.   She choose the rooster stamp from the PSA Country Home Peel & Stick stamp set, too.  She added a vintage spoon stamp from her own stamp collection. 

To replicate, plan the letters and stamp away.  Then add four magnets on the back of the board.

 Dishwasher - Magnetic Sign

What a simple, fast and usable project! 

Dishwasher - Magnetic Sign2

I can see different ideas for this project already... 

Dishwasher - Magnetic Sign3

Dishwasher - Magnetic Sign4

What ways are you making organizing and order fun this January?  We'd love to hear your ideas - share them here on the blog or on our Facebook page!