Friday, May 29, 2015

The Rest of the Recent Reno Redo

Tuesday the kiddos were back in school. Bella and I got our walk before I set out on a few errands. For the rest of the day I kept the Mount Rose Highway hot. It leads down to Galena High School where I picked up Lucy, and to the Rolling Hills neighborhood near the church where we picked up Tucker's friend, Bryce, for a musical practice back at the house. We went back down the hill to take him home, and then back up to supper. During the afternoon I put together a cottage pie with the Sunday leftovers. Served with a wedge salad, it went down well. After supper, back down the hill to the church for the boys' biking-merit-badge activity. One more trip down and up the hill to pick them up when the activity was finished. Root beer floats for everyone to celebrate a good day.

Wednesday, when all were safely in school, Bella and I went walking. Late afternoon the parents returned from Montana, and that evening Lucy had a Galena High Orchestra concert at the Atlantis. It was actually very enjoyable. The director is an interesting fellow with a penchant for talking, but overall chose some good pieces for a nice concert.

Thursday I went for an early walk, and then was convinced to join Rob and Anna for yet another walk. I packed and readied before Anna delivered me at the airport for my flight to SLC. I took Trax and Frontrunner back to Provo. That all went well, except I lost my ticket. If you know me, you know I MUST have my ticket. Although they rarely if ever inspect for tickets, I was sure that this time they would, so I made the journey with mild anxiety. Kris picked me up at the station and after supper, I headed to SNAP. It seems that I spent a good portion of the day walking and ended up with a record (for me) 30,000 steps!

 Ready for a good day at school

 Bella led me up the Thomas Creek Trail

 It is a great time for wild flowers

 These appear to be cousins of the sunflower

 California Poppies

 A visit to the Reno Kirkland Temple for dog food, etc.

 One of about six trips down the Mount Rose Highway

 Getting the wheels back on for a 7-mile bike hike

 The evening sky that always pleases

 Root beer floats as dusk settles in

 This was so Finn could see that everyone's sewers are sanitary

 Me and my shadow

 A joyful reunion

 The magical Atlantis was the concert venue

 That's Louisiana on the back row

 Anna and Lucy

 These lovely little things spotted amongst the sagebrush

 Wonderful walking paths

 The kiddos are off to school before yet another walk

 RNO to SLC on Delta

 Trax from the airport to the North-Temple Frontrunner station

The mountains of Provo from Frontrunner

I always enjoy a trip to Reno. Life should be back to normal now, but because you never know, we shall see how life unfolds. That's all for now.



Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day in Reno

Memorial Day in Reno is different. There are no dead ancestors here, and because the weather was not agreeable, we did not go to Tahoe as we had imagined we might. It was okay, however, because the kids had activities with their friends. The boys went biking with Gus Hart and Alex Koelling, Lucy went shopping with the Koelling women, and Emma and Josie Koelling came here to play with Clara. Everyone had a splendid time. A bit later in the afternoon we went to see Tomorrowland, followed by dinner at Chipotle and dessert at Yogurt Beach. I finished the evening with a walk to finish off my steps.

 Emma, Clara, and Josie

 Gus, Anders, Tucker, and Alex

 Serious gamers

 Saw Brig's name in the credits

 Not like Provo theaters on a holiday

 The restaurant we wanted was closed for the holiday, but this was fine


 As the kids get older, the mixes get less strange; only
Clara had gummy worms

The Utah state flower in Nevada will be my Memorial Day
nod to flowers and remembering ancestors (though I don't
think any of ours had to eat sego lilies to survive)

The kids are in bed, ready for school tomorrow, so I will turn in soon, too. That's all for now.



Back to Reno

In a recent phone conversation with Anna, she mentioned that they were headed back to Billings for a second look. I inquired about child care and she indicated that they were having trouble finding someone with ease. Katy couldn't come because of work and Courtney had seminary conflicts. I reminded Anna that I am retired and would be happy to come. Before the day was done I had a ticket for a Saturday night flight back to Reno. Rob and Anna left the car at the airport with a hidden key, as we passed like ships in the night. I had a few errands on the way to the Hastings home, so the kiddos were fast asleep when I arrived. Sunday we went to church. Back at home I cooked and everyone else relaxed. The boys and Clara went down to the creek with hammocks, books, and Bella. When all my chores were finished I joined them for some time on the grassy banks of the creek in a small grove of aspens. It has been raining here, as it has in Provo, and the skies have been magnificent! I expect no less from Reno.

Ready to leave SLC

 Always pleased to support Gavin

Great Salt Lake

There is a beautiful sunset happening down there under the clouds


Church in the morning

Headed up the Thomas Creek trail to join the kiddos

 The rain has made the creek full

An idyllic spot for a Sunday afternoon

Iris amongst the grass

Happy together

Dickie and Clara chewing grass

Joined by the boydeboys

Sunday dinner 
Roast pork, braised apples, tatties, parsnips, and GRAVY
Late afternoon spectacle: approaching storm

 The skies were beautiful in every direction

I enjoyed sitting on the deck, taking it all in

The sun setting west over the Sierra

Today is Memorial Day, but weather is cool with rain expected, so we didn't go to Tahoe as we had wished, but the 3 older kids are off on adventures with friends. I will post whatever activities do materialize. That's all for now.

