Showing posts with label Chilean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chilean. Show all posts

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ensalada Chilena

Here's another favorite dish from Chile. I love this salad. A lot. This is my own version of a staple Chilean Salad (or "Ensalada Chilena") that was always served at ward parties, backyard barbecues, and occasionally showed up on restaurant menus.

I never measure the ingredients for this dish, but I think a recipe would look something like this...

3-5 ripe tomatoes*, cut into wedges
1 medium onion, finely sliced into half-rings
2-3 Tbsp. olive oil
Juice of 1-2 lemons or limes (according to taste)
Sea Salt
1 tsp. of dried parsley (or coriander)
Diced avocado or cucumber, optional (this is not authentic to the salad, just something I like to add every once in a while)

In bowl toss onions in salt. Squeeze onions in hand to "temper" -- this takes away their sting and makes them easier to eat raw. Do this a few times until softened.

Add tomatoes, olive oil, lemon/lime juice, parsley, and salt to taste. Toss to combine.

*Tomato Note: I've just learned in the last couple years that putting your tomatoes in the fridge is "the worst thing you can do" for their flavor. I leave them in a bowl on the counter and they get really red, juicy and extra flavorful throughout the week.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Completos (Chilean-Style Hot Dogs)

During high school, I lived in Santiago, Chile for two years while my parents served as Mission Presidents for our Church. I feel so lucky that as a sixteen year-old girl I was able to learn firsthand about the beautiful culture of Chile and its people.

It's been almost ten years, but I remember the details of life in Chile like it was just yesterday; like the smell of fresh bakery bread and the taste of a Completo. There are not a lot of Chilean dishes that I truly love -- but this hot dog is one of them. Even if you are a hot-dog-hater, I am pretty convinced that you'd change your mind if you had an authentic Completo. Now, I won't claim that I make them the same way an average Chilean would -- but I make what tastes good to me.

As luck would have it, I married a handsome fella' who served an LDS Mission in Chile (but we met years later on U.S. soil). He appreciates Completos as much as I do. Isn't that romantic?

Here's how to make your own Completo...

1 pkg favorite Hot Dogs
1-2 Tomatoes, diced
2 Avocados, mashed
Juice of 1 lime
Salt & Pepper
1/4 - 1/2 Onion, finely diced
Ketchup, optional
Hot Dog Buns (bakery-fresh, when possible -- I like this relatively quick recipe for homemade buns -- shaped into hot dog buns instead of hamburger buns, of course.)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spread hot dogs on a foil-lined baking sheet. Bake for about 8 minutes. (Of course there are other methods to cooking your hot dogs -- this is just what I typically do.)

Meanwhile, mash the avocado with lime juice and salt & pepper.

To prepare: Place hot dog in bun and layer with mayonnaise, ketchup (optional), avocado, tomatoes, and onions. ENJOY!

Eating with the Caceres family in Til-Til.

With my sister at a bakery in Santiago.
Chileans make the Best.Bread.Ever!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Arroz Primavera

Marianela Gomez
2 c. Rice
3 Cooked Potatoes
1 pkd of Ground Beef
Chopped Onion
2 c. Peas
1 c. Corn
2 cubes of Chicken Bullion
Garlic Salt
4 c. Water