I received many flyers during the week, specially in the weekend!
Lately, more and more flyers about flowers, gardening, garden furniture, garden tools,...
There are so many offers, so many options...
But these are my favorite ones...with bird houses...
Typische Hollandse Vogelhuisjes ;-) They are so cute!
"In mei leggen alle vogels een ei."/ Em Maio, todos os passaros põem um ovo./ In May all the birds lay one egg.
Well, Spring has begun already... ;-)
Hallo Lente! /Ola, Primavera!/Hello Spring!
I like this flyer... so many
bloemen (flores/flowers)!
The Dutch like their gardens very much... :-) and when Spring arrives...
Aan de slag!/ Ao trabalho!/ It's time to work!
It's time to buy some
Tuinmeubelen/Mobiliario de Jardim/Garden Furniture...
tuinset (conjunto de jardim/garden set)
tafel (mesa/table)
stoel (cadeira/chair)
kussens (almofadas/pillows)
...and sitting outside (
buiten)...in the
achtertuin or in the
It's time to buy a new
vaas (vaso/vase) or new
planten (plantas/plants)...
We should, of course, visit different stores and compare the prices...
Alles voor buiten is binnen!/ Tudo para o exterior esta aqui dentro!/Everything for the outside is inside!
Een moment voor jezelf!/ Um momento para si!/ One moment for yourself!
Eindeloos genieten!/ Prazeres sem fim!/Endless pleasures!
In a
tuincentrum, we can find also...
kruiden (ervas/herbs)
fruitbomen (arvores de fruto/fruit trees)
rozemarijn (rosmaninho/rosemary)
olijfboom (oliveira/olive tree)
...and good stuff to take care of the
gazon (relva/grass) and the
bodem (solo/soil)...
meststof (fertilizante/fertilizer)
grasschaar (tesoura de relva/ grass cutter)
grasmaaier (maquina de cortar relva/lawnmower)
rubbermat (tapete de borracha/rubber mat)
More options are...
Leen Bakker
Garden Gallery
4 Seasons Outdoor Furniture
What do you think about the garden collections?
What is your favorite store?
What do you think about the prices?
How is your garden?
What do you like the most?
Share your experience if you want to. I'm quite new on this...this week, I worked very much, cleaning the
achtertuin (backyard) and searching for information to get it more confortable...
There is so much to learn and do...so many stores to visit, prices to compare...I want something simple and
gezellig (cosy), of course...What do you suggest?