Showing posts with label Portuguese Salads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portuguese Salads. Show all posts

6 February 2009

Portuguese Vegetables: Agriões

Agriões, as we call it in Portugal, are one of my favorite green leaf vegetables.
In the region I live, south Portugal, they´re a comon vegetable that can be found all year round.
I really like their taste both fresh and cooked. I use Agriões mostly to do soup and salads.
You need to wash them very well. After selecting the best leaves, I use vinegar and water to wash them. Most times I do Agriões salad with onion and others I mix with lettuce. Great to serve with any meat or fish.

9 October 2008

Easy Tuna Fish Salad Recipe

Hi everyone.
Today´s post is a mayonaise tuna fish salad I cook once a week. I do it often because it´s a good way to eat canned fish, which has benefic Omega 3, and it´s very easy to do. Sometimes, instead of tuna I use "Cavalas" or Sardines.


~ 1 Cup of spirals pasta
~ 2 eggs
~ 1 Cup sweet corn
~ 2 Cans of Tuna in olive oil
~ Delicias do Mar (Processed Seafood)
~ Mayonaise


Cook the pasta in salted water for 8/10 minutes. At the same time, boil the eggs and cook the sweet corn. Instead, you can use a pre-cooked corn can.
Chop the eggs or use a slice maker and do the same to "delícias do mar", which is an optional ingredient. You can replace it by another vegetable like carrots.
In a salad bowl mix all ingredients, season and it´s ready to serve 2/3 persons.

Bom Apetite!

29 September 2008

Octopus Salad

Hi everyone.
Today´s post is one of my recipes of Octopus salad. I love cold salads and I have different versions, this recipe is with vegetables.
In Portugal we have different types of tradicional salads that are served both as dish and starter, octopus is one of them. My favorite salads are Tuna, Octopus, "Ovas" (Fish eggs), Seafood, and Codfish, among others.
So, I bought fresh Octopus that had near 1,200 Kg:


~ After cleaning the octopus head and washing it well I cook the octopus in salted water with 1/4 onion and 1 tsp olive oil. I use a pressure-pan and cook it for 30/40 minutes in medium heat, depending on the octopus size. This one in the picture took 40 minutes to cook.

~At the same time, cook the vegetables in salted water and reserve, to cool. Then, cut the octopus and vegetables into a salad bowl. In this recipe I used:
~ Potatoes
~ Carrots
~ Sweet corn
~ Egg

As dressing, you can use olive oil and vinegar or mayonaise, like I did this day:

Bom Apetite!

11 September 2008

Lettuce Salad: A Different Portuguese Seasoning

Hi everyone.
Today´s post is about a Portuguese seasoning for salads I learned from my mother-in-law. I think this lettuce salad goes well with almost any dish. I like to serve it with roasted meat, grilled fish, codfish dishes, some pasta specialities, omelets and "Tortilhas", the Spanish omlet.
I mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl in the following order: Lettuce, onion, fresh corienter and mint leaves (chopped toguether), salt, olive oil, vinegar and water. Lettuce salads with this type of vinagrette sauce should be served right after being prepared.


~ Letuce
~ Thin slices of onion
~ Fresh corienter
~ Fresh garden mint leaves
~ Salt
~ Olive oil
~ Vinegar
~ 1 tsp water

Bom Apetite!