Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World
Showing posts with label head pots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label head pots. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 April 2024


 I have been shopping, from a good supplier, Coastal Succulents, Cacti and Alpines, based in Somerset, they are not the cheapest, but they do have some very different plants. I am hoping betty's new hair will grow and look as good as the advertised photo, it has already grown loads. The string of pearls worked but it was time for a change.

I also got a praying hands, back left hand corner, I have changed this trio of pots about, the living stones were not happy, so they are in a pot in the greenhouse, the Haworthia Cooperi I have put into the right hand pot in front, I think it will be better on it's own, it's a baby off the original plant which is now huge and in the greenhouse, three of these plants were purchased in March 2021, so I am happy they are growing so well, these stay on my desk.
We all love a free plant, this one Mangave 'snow leopard' was in my parcel, I've planted it and popped it in the sitting room. I do like the red edges to the leaves, I've not seen this plant before so growing it will be fun, it already looks to be growing another leaf.
My pregnant onion has bumps, I can see three, hopefully babies, it's sat on my desk by our huge window, a very sunny spot. I have loads of tiny flies off this plant, a bit annoying, but not enough for me to move the plant.
I got a new plant for my spaceman pot, sadly I don't know what it is called as it came from the garden centre in a tiny pot with a generic label, looks good, this trio on my electric wood burner always looks good, we only ever have the lamp on in the dark evenings so it's a perfect spot for them. 

I do love the weird and wonderful when it comes to houseplants, same with my choice of pots, most of which I get off line as local garden centres are very mainstream with their plants, no pretty flowers here, spiky, weird rules for me. I have a wall of shelves in the greenhouse which has more evil ones, away from the grandchildren. 

My desk is clear of seedlings, everything is back in the greenhouse, hubby is happy, he hates the cluttered look, I don't mind for the few weeks to be able to watch them grow. Other than inside the greenhouse there is little to do in the garden, give it a few weeks and I will be busy again. 

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Back outside

I purchased this white Jasmine from Asda for just £2, I thought it would fill a gap along the back fence, I picked a nice looking plant, plenty of new growth. Finding a spot to plant it I thought would be an issue, but I realised I could move this middle paver forward to match the one in front and have enough space for the roots, I have the temporary green little fence to protect it, this is a working area. I just hope it grows up the back fence now. 
Kirt has new plants for his hair, I used the grass in the pond section of the garden, it was getting too big for him, hubby chose these, they should be very colourful and very different, I'm not a person who likes to keep moving plants around, but it will be nice to see something different. 
I also got 2 alpine plants for this square pot, I have been looking for something different, I did not want anything which would grow too tall, I was looking for plants which stay green, these will have tiny white tinged with pink flowers, so a very different look.
I got this plant in Wales, I've never seen one before, I don't know if it's a bulb or plant, I love the tiny blue flowers. This year I will keep it in a pot, I will look it up on line for the care instructions.

It was nice to have some dry sunny days over the weekend, but with the return of the rain, the weather is keeping us inside, my fake grass walkways makes it easy to get outside as they drain well and not at all muddy. The broad beans are full of flowers, I'm watching for any sign of pods forming, I don't have anything else in the raised beds, hopefully I will get to plant more in the coming weeks.

My seeds in the greenhouse are mixed, some are further on that others, the tomatoes and cucumbers are all doing well, I have sown some different herbs, I am watching for my runner beans to sprout. The potatoes in two bags are doing well, as is my carrots being grown in tubs. 

Thank you for all your comments regarding George, he will always have a weakness in his chest, his oxygen levels drop at night, mummy (daughter) is very tired as she was waking through the night checking on him. Sadly he was back into hospital on Tuesday late afternoon, his oxygen levels fell again quickly, he has been on oxygen ever since, loads more test, which they can compare to his test results from Thursday, it's such a worry.  I am spending time with George,  which allows mummy to shower go for a meal and not worry about him, his is a nanas boy, I was lucky to be with him when the music lady visited his bed, he loved the instruments, and was happy to play along. Our local hospital is just brilliant, it's a shame A&E suffers from the same issues as every other HNS hospital. I'm back in visiting again today, daddy is looking after Will and Molly, George has improved today, so hopefullythey will allow him back home.

Sunday, 19 November 2023

Going to pot

I do love a nice plant pot, and if its silly, quirky or strange, then I want it. This trio sit on our woodburner in our sitting room, the little man is an egg cup, but perfect for my brain succulent. Will, our grandson gave me the spaceman, which looks great with this succulent in.
Bette had her hair cut back, I put new soil in and now it's a case of letting the string of pearls grow, it's never been a complete success,  but I'm still trying to achieve a full head of hair. The sunglasses, which I ended up with, caught in a scam a couple years ago, finishes her off, she is sat in a sunny spot.
On my kitchen window sill, both these pots were gifts to me, my family and friends know my taste. I also have a white bird, which is in the greenhouse for now.
Outside this chicken was a watering can, hubby popped a few holes in the bottom and it works as a pot, in the summer the plant engulfs the pot.
Never forgetting Kurt, he has had new hair this summer, soon I will move him to a sheltered spot, most winters his hair dies, the pot does get water logged, I will watch and hopefully get his hair to survive.
My final pot shown here, looks like a thimble, given to me by a friend, makes a perfect pot for my knitting and crochet bits, a better use than a plant pot, everything in one place. My needle felting lady and cat finish this corner of my shelf in the office.

This is my make me smile post, we have been away for the weekend, and as you are reading this we will be driving home or even back at home, depending on the time. Just two nights away, in a hotel in Weston-super-mare, which was our home town for 9 years when our girls were at school, hubby has met up with loads of men he served in the Welsh Guards with, I've been chatting with their partners, the reunion took over the whole hotel for the weekend. I took a book and yarn to start knitting another pair of socks, but it was so much fun, I did not have time to start either. 

We decided not to visit family this trip, I have a busy 4 weeks ahead, lot's booked in to do, so coming back home sooner will give us time together before our busy period. It's that time of year, not called the silly season for nothing.

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Not blue

Kirt has new hair  he is looking much better it's not the same grass as before, the light does look good through it, I thought he would like a change, we all play about with our hair. I have popped the old plant at the back of the garden so the birds can steal more dried grass.

I have purchased a white lavender plant, I was pleased telling hubby I had taken loads of cuttings for new plants when he said the lavender is blue, I checked back through my posts and indeed the plant is blue, so once this is settled, I will take cuttings. This plant cost £12, and we would need six, so I'm happy to wait a year before changing the tubs by our entrance door.
As we were wondering around a garden centre looking for the above plants, hubby said, 'I like that', pointing to a green parasol, we both loved the design, we had been discussing getting a new one, they had different colours so the blue one came home with us. It's been a bit breezy and the base is holding it firm, so a great addition, I love the spokes, it's really pretty and holds steady. It won't fit through the hole in the middle of the table, and hubby can't make the lower hole any bigger, so we will keep moving it until we find the best spot.

I got some simple warm lights for our bunting, our garden does not get any light at night and this fence section is dark. I rest my case on the fact I'm a woman of certain age and I love loads of lights, these are solar, and static, they could flash, but I don't like flashing lights.

So a simple coffee one morning with friends, became expensive, but most of the things we needed, using the garden in the new layout, is working, the parasol gives loads of shade around the table. Hubby put the pergola on our local Facebook page for a good price and it has sold, another step towards our new garden layout. I have not added the cost of the parasol to my stash and garden list, big things always come out of the household budget, especially if hubby wants it as well.  

I did not watch Chelsea this year, I was happier sitting in my own garden, than watching perfection on TV. I have gone off Monty Don, I'm not watching Gardeners World, I loved his garden, but I now feel its just the same each year, I want realism, and more about plants, their history, their native habitat, and more detailed care. 

I have done more of my cross stitch, no other sewing, I don't have a knitting project, and I'm not reading much, We are in our garden most of the day, the sun is hot, the breeze cool, so together it's pleasant, just little bit's to do, mainly weeding and dead heading. We are walking more, trips around our local park most days, chatting to dog walkers, it's a social place. 

Friday, 12 May 2023

Lovely things

I took a risk and gave up following the placement of colours, and stitched what I liked, it's a very simple design which was easy and enjoyable to do. I want to stitch the final gap just above this, making all the edging bits done, something lacy again. I think I am now working on the final quarter. 
In the garden mum's peony is blooming, the pink just shines out, I love this plant, I have had it for over 20 years. I also have my first bud on my bowl of beauty, which has been planted for years. The pale pink plant in my raised bed had leaves only, I'm not expecting blooms for a couple of yours. 
I still have my sewing machine out, I was going to make the gaps in the bunting I made earlier this week smaller, but I decided to make the second set, I will give the first to my sister. I have almost finished another project, which I will show in another post, I so love sitting at my machine creating stuff.
I have been looking for a new grass for Kurt's hair, but I have been watching the small birds swoop in and take some for their nest building, so for now he can stay as he is. 
After reading this book, I will never get into a driverless car, it's wrote with tongue in cheek, good plot, clever ending, as always a great read, book 8 read this year.
Who loves a bargain, I am on the mailing list for Clarks Outlet, I get more emails than I like, but I do open them. Often I will click to see the offers, these leather trainers were reduced from £100 to £70, still to expensive for me, a couple days later I get a deal of the week email, these trainers were £30 and free delivery. That's not to be missed, there was a free return label inside, should I need it, which I don't, lovely good quality soft leather, inside and out, they should last me years. I do have 2 light weight trainers, neither are waterproof.
With all the showers all I can do is craft and read inside, it does feel good to get things finished, I have a few more things to do, then I can have the joy of a new start, I do have some knitting to finish, and more machine sewing.

I would love to do some gardening,  I have plants which need to get into the ground. We both are missing sitting drinking coffee outside, the dry weather is very slow to arrive. Neither of us enjoy shopping, and can't get out for refreshing walks.

We had the day out on Thursday, trip to the bank and then shopping, hubby's suit is looking tatty and he has a function to go to, not cheap, he could not find anything, so we will need another trip. I did not look at any clothes for myself. I got drenched walking home from Pilates,  I only live 5 minutes walk away, this weather is not drying up, it does feel like one of our wettest springs. 

The new fence panels are due to arrive this morning,  a few days early, so hubby can paint them before they are put in place. So today, is another day at home, I don't mind I can always find plenty to do, it bright and dry, so hopefully an hour in the garden.

Monday, 24 April 2023

On a sunny day

My trio of Acers are stunning, the colours, they blend and clash in equal measures, and fill this area and are a joy to see. I do trim these back to keep them smaller and neat, I use the steps to my greenhouse daily. The red acer is the faster growing plant, but I do try and keep it smaller, so the better colours of the other two shine. 
This Acer tree planted a couple years ago is also looking good, this is next to our decked seating area, it's a nice size and shape, it was the perfect decision where to place it, we thought for a long time to ensure it had space to grow. We now see more small brown birds in this area, the tree gives them cover, so they are braver and come closer. 
I have 3 peony's this year, mums is as old as me and has lots of buds, the bowl of beauty has it's first bud, it's been in the ground four years, and the pale pink one I moved has leaves growing. This is pleasing, as these will stay where they are and give blooms each early summer. 
Kirt's hair is dead, I think the pot got water logged and the cold snap finished it off, two of the grasses in my sink are also gone, the black one in the front and the blood grass in the back are both still OK. The grasses always struggle in the sink over winter, but normally they come back. I am not a grass lover, but I do like these smaller ones.
My Camelia has another flower, and loads of buds, it's happy in this tub in a sunny sheltered spot, it is in shade later in the afternoon and evening. We can see this tub from the sitting room, so the blooms make a scruffy section look beautiful. 
My mind is full of gardening, I have bedding plants in the greenhouse, I have marigold seeds under a cloche in the garden, if they don't grow I will get bedding plants, hubby loves them. My alpine plants have perked up and will be ready to go out soon. Nothing much else to do in the garden, except sit and enjoy it, once plants from the greenhouse are outside I will give the greenhouse a good clean and sort all my nasties. But for now we sit and watch the rain showers and enjoy the sunshine in between. 

We had Molly and George on Friday morning for a few hours, they are so full of fun and laughter, they both fell asleep in the car on the way home, I sat and did some more cross stitching most of the afternoon and evening.

Saturday I had a delivery from Ikea, daughter gave me a storage unit with 2 big containers, I ordered 2 medium and 2 small containers, most of the books, games and toys are now packed away, the 2 existing big units and popped them under the stairs, all very neat and tidy. The storage unit will be handy once we stop keeping toys, it's all very sturdy.

Sunday I removed everything from the spare bedroom, we are having a new carpet fitted today, it's the last part of redecorating the room, I have loads to put back into the room, the bed has two huge storage drawers, one we keep spare bedding in, the other games, which we do not play and lap blankets. Hubby wants me to pass on the games, but I'm not sure, will we play them when we are less active, there is room for them. I also want to put less back in the wardrobe and drawers, it's a dumping place for things which we use, but has no real home. Plenty to do today. 

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Last week in November

The green pot has last years Amaryllis bulb, the white pot has my new bulb, I have planted them differently, using much bigger pots and having the bulb sit higher up in the compost, which now I know is the correct way. I have re-potted another bulb, but I'm not sure it will grow, there are still 2 more bulbs in the greenhouse in leaf, but no flower stalk. 
I was given these sweet pots for a birthday present, there is a 3rd one, on the box it suggest you use them for herbs, the pot is a bit small for herbs. I love succulents, and these are a perfect size, the big plant in the yellow cup, I've had in a big gravy boat with other plants, but it was too crowded, so I have made this it's permanent home. The green pot has shoots from an expensive plant I purchased back in March, it would be nice to have more of these plants, I have 6 planted in here. 
My birthday gift from my brother, 14 days later I have lost all the bottom leaves, this has been in the office, which is warm and sunny, but sadly not enough for this plant, I have moved it in hope I can stop the drop. 
Kurt has new hair, the previous grass did not weather well, I cut the tips back as it got very long and then it just looked untidy, this grass is the 3rd type he has had, the 1st blood grass was too thin. I think this should look good, it's from my sink, I planted it in the ground, but a cat has been sleeping on it, 
The garden looking tidy, with this blue sky it could be July or August.
I loved this book, it's a real good read, twisted all the way through, so many ' he did it, no she did it' and after it was solved another twist, just brilliant, her sequel is not due until next summer, I can't wait.  this being my 44th book read this year, I already have my next lined up.

Monday morning we spent time outside, sunny but cold, we cut back the Magnolia tree, it's a necessary job each year, otherwise the tree would be too large for the garden, the top needs cutting back, but we can do that in the spring, hubby picked up all the leaves, not that it stayed clear for long, as I always say, any work on this tree is a labour of love. I have also cut back all the late fruiting raspberries, we had a bumper crop this year, the 3 decorative plant frames have been put into my shed, the back section is now clear. Everything tender is now inside the greenhouse,  the 30mins I spent in the greenhouse was bliss, it's lovely and warm inside, so many plants are thriving in there. 

Tuesday I went to sign class, it was at my neighbours house across the road, so no traveling, Shelia our tutor was unwell and did not attend (flu bugs) so it was more of a social gathering, which was fun.  Hubby and I popped to an out of town shopping place, it's our nearest M&S store in afternoon, for just a couple of things.  I treated myself to a pair of jeggings, just because I liked the colour and a couple sports bras, I am loving no-wired bras, so comfortable. I am having a much slower week this week. Today I think Molly might be have some time here, the boys are at nursery and school, mum can get a few hours on her own, then crafting, I have almost finished another item.

Thank you for all your kind comments about my finished cushion and our George, family has always been so important to us, having his family home so close has allowed us to be able to support and play with all 3 children, and help mummy and daddy. It is sad when our other grandchildren live so far away, Covid has taken all the joy of making trips anywhere, we always found time to visit our parents regularly, but this busy world their family weekend time is filled with clubs and other interests, we see less and less of our grandsons. 

Monday, 4 October 2021


My houseplants started on my desk and in the bathroom, my desk is looking good, I love Bette, her hair is filling out, as the ends get long, I have been  tucking them back, now I'm going to let them grow, she does have a full head of hair.
My desk is looking good, brain has grown, but there is plenty of room, this pot should last. The trio on the sill are growing, the expensive succulent now has babies, bonus for me, this plant was 4x's more than I normally pay. 
These are the other plants in the office, all have grown and are healthy. In order, pineapple, which was a baby off another purchased plant, string of hearts and spider plant, which I managed to save, I over watered it before. 
Bathroom, the pots are the same, but I have replaced the 2 smaller plants, as the previous plants got too big. The big pot was a birthday gift from daughter last year.
Kitchen, my African violet has stopped flowering, which is OK as I've had blooms most of the summer, these Christmas cactus cuttings are doing well here in their permanent place. I still have the mother plant in the greenhouse. 
I am sneaking more plant into our sitting room, I love leafy plants, the only flowers are Orchids, which I am getting loads of blooms. 
My coffee plant has lost loads of its lower leaves, its still a house plant, but I think it needs a bigger pot, I will need to read about its care to keep it healthy. I've had this plant since 2019.
We have always had a fake log burner, we don't use it for heating the room, but we do use the flicker in the cooler months, I always keep plants on here, normally only 2 pots. Will gave me the hedgehog and spaceman pots, he also loves the man with air plant hair, which I replaced last week, I kept the previous one alive for almost 3 years. 

Having plants growing around me is my idea of heaven, hubby puts up with them, he's not keen on houseplants, so I have limited the number I have, I do sneak them in on occasions. As the cooler months are closing in, and time limited in the garden, my house plants are my main focus, along with the succulents and Cacti in my greenhouse. 

It was a truly wet weekend, and with the extra traffic coming through the village, and long waits at petrol stations locally, perfect time to spend at home.  I have finished my sewing Christmas sacks for the grandchildren, photo's next time, they deserve a post of their own, can you tell I'm really pleased with them. I have also done loads of french knots on my friends cushion, I have run out of 3 colours, which I am not able to get local, so an order to Wool warehouse has been placed, the silks were on special, and I also got loads of reduced yarn. 

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Nanna's pot

Apparently this pot is for Nana, that's what Will said when he saw it in the shop, it goes with my others, he is called Neil, better than the name Will quoted, 4year old boy humour, Neil Armstrong, 1st man to step on the moon, we had a lovely conversation about space travel. 
Gardening, Science and General Knowledge all in one pot. 
We have had this resin rabbit a few years, he was a dark brown and looking very tatty, this was the best colour paint we had, hubby has done a great job, I love he still has his features. He's now back in the herb bed along with a few other rabbits. 
I have beautiful flowers in the greenhouse, and now with the hedge gone we can see them from our outside table, the white flower is a 1st time flower, the tiny pink ones flower a couple times a year. 
We have loads of late summer flowers, the begonia's and coleus are stunning.  
I am so lucky to have this fuchsia, it's a cutting I grew last year, the parent plant died over the winter, the colours are stunning and another chimney with Begonia's. 
Our wedding anniversary was a quiet one, daughter came over with Will and Molly, George was in nursery, we had lunch together, sat outside in the shade and watched and played with Will, loads of baby cuddles. Later we had fish and chips for tea, we stopped going out for a meal on our anniversary years ago, at the same time we stopped giving each other gifts, a card is all we give. 

Tuesday another bright sunny day, I had sign class in the morning, and the rest of the day at home, hubby was out most of afternoon, I can't say I did much, garden is tidy, house is tidy, I have knitting and a book to read, what more should I require. I had loads of nice comments, I decided to wear a summer dress, I have a few, and I decided it was wrong not to wear them, I want to wear everything I own, even my posh dresses. 

Today I'm off to school at lunchtime, it's Wills 1st day and I will go with mummy to collect him, I have everything crossed he will enjoy himself, he is happy with the visits he has had 🤞🤞

My black bin has arrived, I had to change the bottom of the garden outside the greenhouse to fit it in, hubby drilled holes along the side at the bottom of the bin, I have a wire rack inside, I now have to wait until the Magnolia tree leaves start to fall, we will shred the leaves and leave them in the bin for a year. I am not sure what they will become, I hope leaf mulch, but I would be happy with any sort of mulch, which can be used next September around my beds. 

I've not yet tried my sisters sewing machine, I have had a look at the manual, I think it should do what I want, best thing is to find some time, a couple of days, set it up on dining room table and have a go. There is no rush I have plenty of time to make this project, or if I can't, time to order what I need, it's not needed until early December. 

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Back to nature

My outside table is still giving so much colour, the tulips were a birthday gift last year, how wonderful to enjoy the gift more than once. My begonia which is in a big blue pot is has started shooting, so I'm looking forward to seeing beautiful flowers here all summer. 
My tulips all around the garden have bloomed earlier than expected, I always grow them in pots, the bulbs rot in our heavy clay soil. The bulbs in my last photo here, were again a birthday gift and they have bloomed here for a couple of years, the hyacinth's have bloomed the best this year. 
My Peonies are both growing well, the smaller photo, is mum's plant and my prized thing in the garden. The 2nd was planted last year, it's 'bowl of beauty'. I am super pleased with this corner, I did loads of work here last year and finally things are growing, before it was just a bare corner. My latest Peony, is in a pot in the greenhouse, once the daffs have been allowed to die back, I will plant it in my side garden, all three colours are shades of pink and should look good together. 
I thought my trio of acers, were just 2 plants, but now all the leaves are formed, I do in fact have all 3 in one pot. My much older Acer is about to bust into colour.

This is my acorn, collected and planted with Will, I am hoping I can bonsai it, if it grows too big, I will have to find someone with a huge garden to take it on.  
Greenhouse is looking good, most of these were dug out of the garden last year, soon they will be planted back outside. 
The top level are the plants I purchased, all potted on, in a few weeks they will be huge and strong enough to be in the ground. Lower level I have again planted cornflower and poppy seed, I do want them in my back raised bed. 
Hubby went looking for a new BBQ yesterday, ours's is just too big, once we have our new one, we will pass the old one on, it has a few years useful life. Well, we were in a garden center, and I love the look of this plant, I have wanted one for ages, it's Albuca spiralis, Frizzle Sizzle,  I have read how to keep it looking good, for now it's in my office, but not on my desk. 
Betty is doing well, as is Proff, best name for a plant which looks like a brain, my new succulents also like their pot and place in the warm sun. They all sit well on my desk. 
My thoughts are now on one spot in the garden, the new BBQ will be stored in the garage, so I have an area along the neighbours fence with the low wall. This area has a concrete base, so I can't easily extend the side garden, but I do have a plan to add more flowers and colours, hubby listened to my suggestions, which include a small task for him, it is close to our gates, so I can't go too big, it a case of watch this space. 

The past week has been sunny very cold days, we did have rain overnight Sunday/Monday, which topped up the water butts, I have been watering some of my pots, the dry spell has started early this year, so much for April showers. Loads of laundry dried on the line, plenty of warm time in the greenhouse. It did rain again yesterday, most of the afternoon, so I'm happy with the promise of a couple dry weeks and warmer days. 

Our hairdresser popped in Monday morning, cut my hair and hubbies, his barbers are fully booked, she also does our neighbour across the road, we are all feeling much better. Coffee morning on Tuesday was fun, we walked to the café in village, they had their tables outside, wrapped up warm it was great to catch up with everyone, later a trip to Lidl's, top up shop, life is feeling a bit better this week. Wednesday we had George as the swimming lessons for Will have again started, both boys stayed with us whilst mummy drive daddy to an eye check up, so it was a toy, fun and laughter day. I have been reading, I got a lovely book from our charity shop on Tuesday, an I'm enjoying reading again.

Hubby has his 2nd jab on Saturday, mine is booked for next Wednesday, mine is Astra Zeneca which I'm happy to have, soon we are both sorted, still no plans to go shopping away from our village or the pub, just staying safe at home. 


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