Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World
Showing posts with label Yarn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yarn. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 October 2024

In my hands

On our recent trip I found a small wool shop, from the window I could see the owner had a wall of sock yarns, I popped in to see if she had any 2 or 3ply, and was lucky, I loved both these shades of green and hope to make myself a couple pairs of socks. I have used 3ply once before, these are 3ply. Our village shop only stocks 3ply in white, so I'm not being disloyal.
I have done some more to my blanket, I am loving the colours I am using, they sing of autumn, doing each row (diagonal) is giving me less ends to stitch in, I hope when I knit the edging I can hide the ends without having to sew them in. It's already keeping my lap warm as I am making it, the design allows me to crochet along and back again without turning my work, which is really handy.  
I do love this author, this is a set of books where David Raker an investigator looks for missing people, this was a different plot, he's called to a local police station where his wife is, she is confused, so is he, his wife died 8 years ago. A really interesting plot, which twist as it should and and ending I did not see coming. Book 71 read this year. 
Another author I enjoy, as a dad you want everything perfect for your daughter, how do you feel when she has found the one, is Ed over protective, or crazy as his wife is starting to think, it's a clever plot, leading you on, how does it end, surprisingly. Book 72 read this year. 
We popped to B&M with daughter, she took the children on a shopping trip recently and let them look at the toys, it's George's birthday next, we were able to get him his present and also a present for him and Will for Christmas, both boys can be difficult to decide what to get them. Molly is much easier, I don't want to get her a doll, but almost anything with a unicorn on will keep her happy, it's a very early start, most of the older grandchildren prefer money. 

We had a lovely time with daughter, both boys were at school and Molly was in nursery, as much as we love the children it was brilliant to have time with her, we went into B&M and Dunelm, which is next door, I picked up a few things. Hubby wanted to look for new towels for our bathroom, having used towels from Dunelm, we knew they are good quality, he wanted to come away from white towels which I always love, so we now have a sage green set, our old hand towels will be used in the kitchen and the bigger towels we will give to our local animal rescue centre, all we now need to to finish decorating the stairs and do our bedroom.    

Monday we were tired most of the day, so we stayed home, Tuesday we met daughter, afterwards we popped to Lidl to stock our fridge, so in all an expensive day, Wednesday was dull and showers expected, so other than a walk to the village another day at home, I did some work in the garden. This morning is sunny, we have both been to our dental check up, rest of the day at home enjoying a fine day.                                 

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Christmas baubles

 Loads of people use different things inside their needle felting items they make, the rovings when used can soon add cost to projects, I have this huge ball of yarn leftover from knitting, so I had a go at making a centre for a bauble, yarn, well wool works very well, using my 3 needle tool, the strands bind together very well, and I was able to make them truly round shaped, I made 6.

Without plans I looked at what fibres I had, I would liked to have a few of these as extra little gifts this Christmas, I wrap the rovings always in the same direction, it makes the basic ball look neat. I do have a few ideas for these using different colours.
Next was time on Internet, see what others had done, watch a couple of videos, checking what colours I have and deciding on the designs. Two are the start of robins, the red ones will be Santa's, the blue I will use for my sister, and the white, possibly a snowman. I not sure these will be finished anytime soon, I'm hopeful I can get going with them.
I have been using small biscuit cutters for these star shapes, I always wanted stars on the blue bauble, my sister loves blue, making one of the red's into Santa is fun, I'm not sure you can immediately guess it's him, I have a bit more to do. By now I hoped to have them all finished, but I'm not feeling up to crafting.

These took much longer than I wanted, I required some new needles for my clover branded triple handle, the best price we could find was on Ebay, hubby ordered 3 packs and then the problems started, nothing arrived, seller ignored hubby's messages, speak to Ebay, seller sent replacement, wrong size arrived, seller ignored hubby's messages again, speak to Ebay, who sent hubby return label, just waiting now to see if we get a refund. I found another company who sell them (still much cheaper than from Hobbycraft), they arrived as promised. Finally we have our refund, it's been a pain, and just makes me realise why I don't use Ebay. 

My desire to craft is very low, I have in the past two days picked up my knitting, I've finished one sleeve, these are for me easy designs to follow, I am not reading, I have a book but it's not calling. Luckily I don't have any crafting to make for Christmas this year, so no pressure, I've not touched my cakes whilst I have these bugs, I hope to marzipan them all soon.

Hubby has piled my Christmas boxes in the spare room, I don't have plans on when to start, I normally get it all done in one day, this year I will take my time.

This post was started weeks ago, the issues getting replacement needles and then these horrible bugs have slowed it all down. I will keep going as I do love them, I have in mind a project I want to start needle felting in the new year, I also now know how to finish my wet felting project, which I did a course back in July

Monday, 13 November 2023


I have just finished my second sock, it was much easier to match the patterns, I did stop and think about matching as I started the first sock, and started at a defined spot in the colour pattern. I do like to see the patterns matching, I'm sure no one would notice if they did not match. BUT I would know. I have to sew the ends in, not to many, should not take long, I did enjoy using 3ply on this small project.
I have started with my blanket, this is DK yarn, I do knit loose and always use a smaller needle, but because this is a blanket, and I would like it warm and strong, I decided to use 3.5m needles, so the squares are smaller and dense, I'm not worried if they are not square, as long as they all look the same. It's a fun easy pattern, it directs you to knit each pattern in all the colour choices, rather than following the layout on the blanket, I am doing my third design. 
I got these tea towels in Dunelm, I love the fabric, they won't be used for drying dishes, I have an idea for the green one with Merry Christmas on, the other will go into my stash. I did see some lovely fabric Christmas tree ornaments when I was out, I might have a try at making some for myself.
In a devil may care moment I went online to look for 3ply sock yarn, I was very surprised not many sites have any selections, my local shop does not sell 3py. I found a site selling German sock yarn, which I like, I fell in love with the hand dyed blue colour, I was cross with myself as the purple is cotton, which I don't use for socks, I have a ball of white in my stash which is the same weight, I will have a think of how to use them. The 3rd colour is just shades I love. 

I have not done anymore to my needle felting, I have an issue, which once sorted I will post about, no desire to get my sewing machine out at the moment. I am not making my Christmas cards this year, I have everything I need to make them other than desire, I did get some nice packs back in January at half price, I can't see me making cards again, I have kept everything, I'm sure grandchildren as they get older will use what I have, if not the local school will get everything.

Friday we took the bus to our local hospital for a quick check up, afterwards we stayed on the bus and went into town, just a couple bits to get, we had lunch out and then back home for the afternoon. 

Saturday was sunny and bright, a line of laundry was done, hubby walked to the village for Remembrance service, I did a few things in the house and then outside picking up leaves, and a general check around of the garden, I have started to make a small wildlife pond, something I have wanted for ages, I need some plants, I will post when it's looks finished.

Sunday we had Molly for a visit, mummy took George to a party and Will slept over at Grandma's house, she is much better and was chatty the whole time, she was very putout because the patch of garden outside the patio doors was messy, we did not go out, she kept going to the glass door and telling Grancha it's messy sort it. We did see George but not for long, mummy had to get back for Will. Hubby baked loads, we still have lemon cake made a few days earlier, he made a blackberry and apple tart and a few mince pies, everything taste brilliant, he also made home made soup on Saturday, so loads of tasty things to eat. 

Thursday, 2 November 2023


 .....is a terrible thing, as is our local craft shop face book page, Sarah the owner knows just what she is doing, this Christmas blanket comes as a pack in a box, knitted in DK, I'm bored, I don't need it, but it's something to do, I'm sure the little ones will love it. Sarah ordered 4 packs and whilst unpacking her order, she has already sold 3. 
Just being nosey, seeing what else was in the order, Sarah got these out, Aran yarn, I loved making my 2 chunky cardigans, and thought it would be good to have another. Everything has been added to my stash list, not the planned start to November. 
I have done more on my socks, I do love the feel of 3ply, and if everything goes well, I might make another pair, they do not grow as fast as my other socks, but with all this rain I do have plenty of time to craft. 

I am going to start my cardigan before finishing the socks, I love the colour of the yarn, I decided to make this one shorter, I do love the two I made from the design shown above, but a shorter one is a nice change. I am finding myself keeping really warm at the moment, I wear my normal light jumpers, which I wear through out the year, I pop an Aran cardigan over the top and it's really snug. 

I popped into town on Monday to get our fruit and veg, I did have a look around, as I am stumped on what to get hubby for Christmas, yes I know it's only November, but I do like to get things sorted before the stampede which is the run up to Christmas. We have set a £25 limit on gifts to each other, and my problem there is nothing he wants, and I can't think of anything he would use and enjoy. For a change the morning was dry, the bus journey home long as the traffic was backed up again, we sat for ages waiting to get past the closed lane, but for once there were people working. 

Tuesday we had a birthday in sign group, so it was more of a social morning, hubby spent the time outside, he has cut back our side flower bed, and dug out the salvias, they were too big. Hubby also started in the Magnolia tree, its a big job, he has filled one dustbin with shredded leaves, hopefully we will get another dry spell to get the tree finished, just a small bed to dig out and we are ready for landscaper.

Yesterday I did something very different, Sarah at our craft shop is struggling as the shop is busy, she does not want to take anyone on as she knows there won't be enough work for 3 people in January. So I am volunteering for a couple days a week to help out, just for 8 weeks, I know enough about most of her products to help customers, I had loads of fun with like minded ladies of all ages. Just 4 hours for my first time, I'm in all day on Saturday as Liz, her right hand lady is having a day off, it did not feel like work at all, so much fun.

We have got through the night loads of rain from storm Ciaran, we are still on an amber alert of wind, going to be a bumpy day.

Monday, 11 September 2023

Enjoying the moment

Knit and natter was good fun, I met a lady who lives 3 doors down from our house, a lovely mixture of ladies, the guys just stopped to chat and move on, one lady wanted to knit something different, so I suggested socks, Winwick mum is the queen of socks, so I printed this free pattern, I got myself a ball of yarn and we can knit together. There is another meeting at the end of the month, I will try and go again. 
Grace loves this side of our bench, it's in dappled shade all day, with cool air coming up, a perfect spot to sleep, she is a bit deaf, so she sleeps soundly, I can walk up to her, take a photo and not disturb her, so pleasing she feels so safe in our garden. Purdy has a few spots she likes to sleep, if I walk towards her, she jumps up, so no photo's of her. 
We had another family BBQ on Saturday, this time hubby got out the pool, the little ones enjoyed themselves, splashing for ages, it's placed in the shade of the Magnolia tree, all the water was scooped out and used around the garden later in the evening. There is nothing better than happy children squealing and splashing water. All the wasted water disappeared on our fake grass, which makes it perfect for them to run and play on. We see loads of things on Internet, reference how hot the plastic grass gets, whilst ours can be warm, it's never too hot, our cats lay on it, I sit on it without issues. Molly and George spent the most time in the pool, it's in shadow most of the afternoon, just simple pure fun.
Important sewing, Chris Moose was hand made by myself, many years ago for hubby, he never had a soft toy as a child, he was suffering from old age, (Chris not hubby), he is over 30 years old, coming apart at seams. Now his legs are all secure, and his antlers are stitched to his ears, this helps them stand up. The red Christmas material used on feet and ears have all faded but intact, the felt on his antlers is beginning to thin, but for now they will be OK. He sits on a cushion in our bedroom, Will was so pleased to see him fixed.

Another perfect few days, we have spent some time outside, there is some shade in our garden, we do like to be outside, we are not doing much in the daytime, Saturday was a perfect family day, made special as Will stayed for a sleepover, we had takeaway pizza later, it's Wills favourite. Both Molly and George slept in the car journey home, mummy had to wake them up, everyone had an early night.

Sunday as normal when Will sleeps over was an 6.30am start, it was warm 17° outside, so the door was opened to the garden, it was good to feel cool for a change. We did get rain, it felt so refreshing, lasted all day, enough for the garden to have a good soak, water butts are full again, we were lucky George had a party to go to on Sunday, so we had our family BBQ on the sunniest day of the weekend. I drove Will, home, had cuddles from the little ones and then back home for a relaxing afternoon and evening.

I am sniffing and sneezing, not sure if it's germs from the little ones, or just from sitting in the pool with them, hubby is the same, if we get any worse will have to take a covid test.

Today other than a walk to our village, I have nothing planned, I hope to do some craft, maybe get my sewing machine out. I have finished editing my 2021 book, I am hoping for another email with a good discount soon, I have started importing 2022, I am on a roll. 

Saturday, 25 March 2023

Planning and playing

I was tutor in our sign group this week, Shelia is giving us all a turn at a leading the group, I decided to have a visit to the zoo and practice animals signs, I purchased a pack of  cards, I only used a few, each person picked two cards and signed them to everyone. After I gave them the fingerspelling sheet, again everyone was able to complete it. It was fun once I had decided what subject to use, I used the BSL site for the fingerspelling signs, I would not want to have to decide every week how to spend our time.
Wednesday morning we spent time at the Portsmouth Downs Syndrome association party, they hold every year to celebrate our wonderful children. This local branch is a magnificent support group for the whole family, lots of happy people mixing and having fun, there was even a tiny one week old baby there. We are so lucky they are so good at what they do, supporting our children through out their growing lives, George has extra schooling sessions to help prepare him for school next year.  
I really should not have purchased more yarn, this is Aran, I got enough to make another long cardi, I just love the colour, I have already started on the back. 
I have finished the back using this fleck yarn, it does knit up well, the pattern is easy to remember, so it grew quickly. Instead of starting a front, I used my new yarn, as I am using different yarn than the pattern suggest, I would like to make this first, so I can ensure I have enough yarn, the brown fleck I have had for years and have more than is required by the pattern. The pattern is easier to see on the purple, and I am ensuring I don't make any mistakes this time, I hope to finish the back over the weekend.

Blogger is giving me old unpublished unseen comments, I've had a few in the past couple of days, I always check my spam file as I often find a comment in there. I really don't know what is happening. I can still only comment anonymously on my phone, but I'm OK using my desktop.

We both had dental appointments on Thursday morning, both had a bit of work, not cheap but necessary. I popped into Wilkson's and got four packs of summer bulbs for my raised bed, I am hoping once planted they will help fill the space, I will get a few nemesia plants, which I adore, and hope I won't need anything more in that bed. 

Friday we got our new made blinds, hubby popped out, I stayed at home as we were due a postal delivery which we did not want to miss, we had a lazy day at home. Hubby is planning the decoration of our spare bedroom, it should not be too hard work other than replacing the small radiator with a bigger model. 

Today we had planned a walk in the woods, George and his nursery are again fundraising, we did the walk last year, George was then using his walker, now he runs everywhere, again it's for Portsmouth Down Syndrome Ass. Another grandchild growing up quickly, hubby will walk with us, as grandma is away. Molly has spots, which daughter thinks might be chickenpox, so I will find out soon what is happening today, I have suggested I stay home with Molly, I think daughter will take in the weather conditions. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Catching up

The lovely Miss G, Andrew is my daughters hairdresser, his alternate ego has been fundraising for local charities for 26 years, our local hospital has had the most support from him. Once he knew George has Downs Syndrome, he offered to help support the local charity, afternoon tea at a local hotel was so much fun on Sunday. It's the first time I've seen his show, not normally a show I would go to, but it was very enjoyable and just look at those legs. 
 I have done loads of stitching, I am on the last quarter of this project, my day times are spent out in our garden, any work outside at this time of year is repaid many times over so stitching and craft times are reduced. The pale green and yellow square are the hardest to stitch, the silks being so pale.  
Book 44 read this year, this is the 4th and last book in a series, somehow I have managed to read book 2 and 4, this should have been book 1 in the set, which I ordered from our local library, but I did not realise it was the last book until after I had started reading it. Another great book, I love the journalist in this book, he's a dad as well and makes an amusing story line.
I have purchased some double knit yarn from our local shop, I loved the shades, originally I got one ball for socks, but I love the shades so I got a couple more and a contrast for a summer jumper. I will have to look in my pattern books and find something I like, I have an itch to knit. It's James C Brett, Fairground DK.

Daughter was back at local hospital, this time with baby Molly, George passed his bugs on, Molly had trouble breathing on Sunday, daughter called 111, they sent an ambulance, who took Molly and mummy to the same ward George was in, so daughter has been dealing with the same doctors and nurses, now with the youngest. After two days they were sent home in the evening, tired but home, now we need everyone to gain their strength, I feel so much for my daughter having had weeks with them all having the nasty tummy bug, and them all being so ill, then George having difficulties breathing, and now Molly. Will is full of health, and happy to be at school, I truly hope they can all be well again, first night home neither Molly or George slept well.  

Monday I stayed at home, just incase daughter needed me, I took my frustration and worry out on the house, it's now spotless and gleaming, both bathrooms had a deep clean, I have always done this in times of stress and worry, hubby made no comments, bless him. Most of the gardening is done, so I have time for reading and craft and a new knitting project.

Tuesday we popped to Asda, they are running the blue light card discount again, 10% off, can't argue with that. Afternoon was relaxing and knitting, photos soon, it's just a block of stitches at the moment. 

Sunday, 2 January 2022

A new year, same old me

 I've started my 3rd Luna rabbit, I had a bright idea to felt the inner ear, the pink felt is not as natural as the brown felt, it did not work, but worth a try. It's my first time at trying needle felting. 
I have joined the Luna Lupin little world Facebook page (thanks to Rachel and have already ordered some tiny shoes), I have also found another book I own can be used for clothes, the designs are knitted, so more fun. These animals are very addictive, but I'm sure Molly will love playing with them. 
I have this lovely 100grms of 4ply, from last Christmas, and I can't decide what to use it for, socks comes to mind, but I have loads of handknitted pairs. This is so soft, and I would like to use it, any idea's. It's shades of brown and red, Robin inspired and far too nice to be left in my stash. 
I have found out all my needle felting stuff, I purchased a couple years ago, I am ready to try and make animals, the colour balls of wool I got from Hobbycraft a while ago in their sale, and the bigger hank is from a hand dyer who I often buy yarn from. I have a couple simple kits to try, so plenty to practice with.

The tree and all decorations were packed away last Thursday, Friday I was able to give the house a good clean, not that it was dirty. We stayed up much later than expected on Friday night, the local fireworks were very loud, our cats were not happy, I sat with them until it became quiet outside and they could settle. Saturday we had a big family roast, with George sat at the table with us and Molly in the high chair, not that Molly is eating our food yet. 

I managed to purchase all the Christmas cards for next Christmas, I got them at our local independent shop at half price, I will take that as a double win. The only other bargain was 2 Christmas puddings at half price, one ate on new years day and the other one stored for later in the year, we realised on boxing day we had not purchased a pudding. Clever hubby got a part for my floor steamer and now it's working perfectly again, just a few pounds and it's sorted, hopefully to last a few more years. 

Normally I would be thinking about changes we are making this year, but there is very little to change, we are happy with our lifestyle, little waste, low spend, comfortable life. I now have my government pension, and we are going to build our savings, a few expensive items need replacing this year, we can do that through out the year. Only focus is weight, yes it's the same every year, smaller portions, walk more, so I don't need to record details here. 

Wednesday, 22 September 2021


I needed something to do, make plans and keep my mind busy, so I've started to think about Christmas, I know it's only September, but it does have a habit of creeping up on us. I have 3 stockings to make and this red fabric will be a great base, I would like some soft furry white fabric for the top. Whilst I was looking at my fabric, I pulled out fabrics with yellow on, it's not a colour I use much, but I had an idea forming for a gift. 
Not finding the fabric I wanted, we popped to a local charity craft shop, it's in a nearby village, the star fabric I got, just because. The brightly coloured piece, whilst not yellow is perfect for my project, the letter S, will also help with project, every thing here came to £2.50, 
I was doing some pages on my 2019 blog book, when I purchased these yarns for a jumper for Will, I never used them, so I have pulled them out, these are double knitting, I normally use 4ply. Daughter loves this pattern and has asked me to make it for George, so I am thinking, should I do stripes or each panel in a different colour, 4 shades of 1 x 50grm ball and 2 balls of red, or just purchase more. 
I have been playing with my sisters sewing machine, it's a simple set up, I did some straight sewing for hubby, stitches neat and perfect tension, so leaving in the black cotton I played, was happy doing designs and finally Wills name, sadly I can't get it anywhere big enough, so I will have to go to plan B. It was fun playing, but it has confirmed I don't want an embroidery machine of this style.  

I have been knitting Molly dress, I've done the top front and back, both were easy using a normal straight set of needles, I did some unpicking on the bodice pattern, something looked wrong, but when I got back to the spot everything was knitted correctly, it was only a few short rows, but annoying. Only the short sleeves to do, I can now see the finish line here, it's not a special gift, just ready for the cooler weather, I will get a pair of white tights to go with it. The middle eyelets will have some lovely pink elastic, don't think daughter would want ribbons. 
I would have liked to do more craft, but these sunny warm days sees me outside, making the most of every decent day. Most of my tender plants are back in the greenhouse, my begonias are placed so we can see the blooms from the house, I only put the 2 smaller pots in here, the corns in chimneys stay in the soil all through the winter. I have not started packing away all my shelf decorations and the glazed bigger ornaments, they all spend the winter months in my shed. 

Tuesday our sign ladies met at a garden center for lunch, it's one attached to a local country house, it's a very expensive place, I had nothing to get, which normally does not stop me seeing something, hubby got more heather's, they had different colours all natural, he came home really happy.

Today I am meeting daughter, not sure what we are doing, I think she is looking for lavender plants for her new raised bed. I'm tired after a poor nights sleep, so hopefully a calm child cuddly day. 

Sunday, 18 July 2021

At home

Another brilliant book, only just over 500 pages, this is book 3, so I'm reading out of order, very enjoyable story, my 30th book this year. I have started reading Lethal White, the storyline has been broadcast on TV, so I will see if I can read it after knowing the storyline. 
We stopped for a cheeky afternoon treat on Thursday at our village bistro, we did walk home taking the longer route, through our park. As always it was delicious, they do make a good cup of coffee.  
Yet another photo of Molly, this new baby is bringing joy to our family, we are loving seeing so much pink. She is just over a week old, we visited on Wednesday and played with both Will and George, and cuddled Molly, daughter is doing well, daddy is not going back to work for another week.
I have started her cot blanket, made with 4ply 100%cotton, it's going to be cot size, so cotton is best as it does not give off fluff. For both Will and George I used white and 3 shades, so I have kept this pattern going, it's easy to crochet.  
I am loving having a full craft bag by my chair, and doing such a colourful project, but starting a blanket just as a heat wave comes is not the best. I would like to get it done so it can go in her bedroom adding colour. 
Much of my time is outside, I always walk around the garden 1st thing, just checking, making note of jobs needed doing that day. My greenhouse door is always open at this time of year, I do have an automatic window opener, to help keep the heat out, I don't shade the greenhouse as our Magnolia tree shades it in the middle of the day, I do each evening spray the inside roof glass with water as well as the floor, which I think helps the plants inside. I have loads of cutting and seedlings in there, in hope to make more plants for next year. 

We are now spending more time outside, we had friends over Friday morning for coffee and cake, a neighbour popped in Friday afternoon, and in the evening hubby hoisted a committee meeting for 8 people.  Saturday was a day home together, we sat outside for our morning coffee and cake, chatting together, later we had a BBQ together, our Pergola gives so much shade on hot sunny days. 

Flies are again a huge problem outside, hubby found some great fly traps, which catch the flies and have to be emptied, it's the most disgusting job, but they do work well, we also light citronella candles on our big outside table. My lemongrass did not survive the winter, so I have planted mock orange plants in the huge trough, they are tiny this year, but should grow for next year, I hope to keep the plant smaller, lots of trimming to keep it in shape, they have a very heady scent  which should make sitting out a nicer experience.  

Today is another hot sunny day, nothing much to do, we have to clear the bathroom as we are having a new floor tomorrow, nothing much to move out, hubby is just ensuring everything is clear and tidy. We are hoping daughter will pop in with Will, George and Molly, it will be lovely to full our home with laughter. 

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Back to normal.

 I have ordered more yarn, this is 100% cotton, to make a cot blanket for Molly, I am so excited to be using shades of red and pink, I will crochet a granny square.

These are the blankets I made for Will and George, daughter asked me to make these as she remembers the blanket my mum made her, sadly she does not have it any more. At some point I will have to teach her to make these simple blankets, as she really wants to follow in this tradition and make for her grandchildren in years to come. 
This image is a pure joy, George getting used to his baby sister, Molly, we had no way of preparing George for her arrival, unlike Will who was involved all through her pregnancy and excited to have a new baby. George was scared of her cry and was not happy to be close to her, but at just two days old he is getting closer. 
I stayed with my daughter for a couple of days, just whilst they caught up with sleep and ensuring both boys were happy, Saturday, Grandpa, Grandma and Grancha (hubby) all visited together on daughters wishes, we had fish and chips for lunch, and a perfect family day, loads of giggles, all 3 children had loads of cuddles, mummy and daddy also had a restful day. 

Sunday was a slow start, Will went off with Grandma for a play day, mummy and daddy took George and Molly out to shop for pink things, I stayed behind and did a quick clean of the house, it did not take long as daughter keeps a nice clean house, and then back home for a quiet restful day, I did get a walk around our garden, everything is looking good. I caught the men's final at tennis, I missed so many matches this year, later still we sat and watched the England v Italy match, we are not football lovers, but have both enjoyed watch this England team play. It was the saddest moment to watch the penalty shoot at the end. 

Monday was a day at home, we stayed away from daughter and SIL, they need time together so make routines and bond as a family, it was preschool for Will, George is not too well so he stayed home, It was dull all day, I did manage an hour in the garden, popping stakes where needed and covering my mint to keep the rain out. Harvesting blackcurrants, salad leaves and cucumbers. The afternoon was spent reading, I do love to snuggle down on wet days with a book, and boy did it rain. 

Today I have sign class this morning, later we have no plans, I am waiting for some net to arrive so I can cover my fruit arbour, the birds are fed close by so my fruit needs protection, I do already have a net, but it looks scruffy, and I don't like it. 

Thursday, 10 June 2021

What are you doing?

I have made a blanket for the car/pushchair for both Will and George, so with baby number 3 due, it's time to start another, but I will be making 2 as yet we do not know if the baby is a boy or a girl.
I have always used Patons, Baby Smiles 4 ply, its 100% Acrylic, so very easy to keep clean and very lightweight, these are the leftovers I have in my stash. Sadly nowhere have I noted how much yarn I used, when I next see daughter I will weigh a blanket to give myself some idea, as yet I have not ordered any colours, I will start the pink based one 1st, I will also at the same time make the blue/green one, I will need more yarn. 
I am pleased with the start of this blanket, I will make it as much as I can before shopping for more yarn, I am trying not to have too much left over this time. I know my daughter would not just want pink and white, so I've added a few pale colours, I do like these colours together. 
2 more books read, these were from The Works, 3 for £5, both I enjoyed, both I did not find the ending any surprise, I have a Peter James book left to read. Books 25 and 26 read this year. 
More sweet peas from the garden, with a couple of daisies, 
I am very hopeful I have cracked growing sweet peas. 

My Christmas cactus has just 1 bud, I re-potted it earlier this year, it's still on the bathroom windowsill.
I took cutting from my cactus and now have more plants, the herbs in these pots did not do as well as I wanted, so hopefully these will have a pretty role in displaying these. 

Always at this time of year I have loads of different things on the go, the garden is my 1st place to be, but as I have said before I can't sit and do nothing, so crafting and reading helps fill my time. We both now enjoy our coffee breaks sat outside, in sun or shade, our new pergola works perfectly, we linger longer chatting together, after all the hard work in the garden over the past 11 years, we can now enjoy our outside space. 

It's another stay at home week, we have walked to local shops a couple of time, I was really pleased I popped corn flower seeds in last month and nothing came up, I love these blue flowers, so I was so pleased to get 3 plants in our local shop, I already have white daisies, and 1 small poppy plant, all in my raised bed, I love these 3 flowers together, I use them in my profile photo. I also have my sweet peas in the same raised bed, so maybe this summer I will get a corner full of colour. 

Youngest daughter is in her last 4 weeks of pregnancy, she is not feeling so good, been to local maternity unit a couple of times, we are all on standby, when the time comes, I will move into her house, much easier having the boys in their own environment, so exciting times are coming, so no idea if it's a boy or girl, either is great, but can you imagine how we will be if we finally get a girl after 8 grand sons, she might get spoilt a bit. 


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