Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How Can We Possibly Have So Much Laundry?

Today is my laundry day,and like every other laundry day I have ever had I am wondering how on earth we ever accumulated so many articles of clothing! I swear, we must of been millionaire's for one day and blew all the money on clothes...I just don't remember that happening...hmmm. And how is it that I never feel like I have anything to wear? Maybe the clothes just look like double what is really there when they're wadded up in a dirty clothes pile than when they're folded in drawers and hanging in closets.

Just for the record, I am one serious de-junker and we donate clothes we do not wear anymore to D.I. at the the end of every season...and we usually don't buy much to replace what was given away. We are not clothes hogs...that's what makes this huge pile of laundry so mysterious to me. Maybe someone is sneaking they're dirty laundry in with mine.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

Why is it I can never find a matching pair of socks as well? The mysteries of laundry are quite the conundrum.