Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Happy New Year!

Marcus had to return to work last night so we rang in the new year a little early. We watched the ball drop live in New York City and considered it 2008 here as well (even though it was really just 10:00...no biggie right?).

Anyway, while we were celebrating our early New Year we were talking about all the great things that lay ahead of us this year. We will both be graduating from UVSC in April and will then be moving on to Texas to hopefully buy a house, start a career (Marcus), and enjoy a new lifestyle...one where we should actually be able to have a normal schedule! Wahoo!

We are looking forward to an anniversary trip to Hawaii in February, an Osmond family trip to Disney World in March (which is where we'll be for Connor's 2nd birthday), a possible trip to Maryland in April where Marcus might have the opportunity to present his research at a National convention...and who knows what else.

I have about a million and two resolutions...maybe with that many I can actually accomplish atleast one of them. We'll see!

Happy New Year Everyone!

1 comment:

Laney Namanny said...

Isn't crazy, we are almost done!! It almost seems unreal..