Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

10 December 2010

Titles and covers

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
There are books that the title doesn't attract you, and because of that you don't read them. Other books you feel the desire of reading them because of the cover. Those two are reasons that are partly true in my case, I realize now, after I've read To Kill a Mockingbird.
Words like 'chillun' (for children) ans 'suh' (for sir) really transport you to the Alabama world of the 1930's.

20 October 2009

Wayne White

Wayne White. Mireille Mosler. USA

Gay #1: I'm just nervous about holding the baby.
Gay #2: Haven't you ever held a baby before?
Gay #1: Yes, but not babies that matter!
--Candle Bar, Upper West Side, Overheard by: Jason Bowman

28 June 2009

Paul W H Kan with Mary Ellen Mark

USA. Own site.

I thought you were just kidding about Michael Jackson being dead, but the 8 days of coverage in the 2 days he's been dead has convinced me.

23 June 2009

Brock Davis or Laser Bread

USA. Own site.

Remember pet rocks? Disco? Mood rings? That unattractive British lady who sang well? Swine Flu? Twitter? Yeah, those were crazy times.

04 June 2009

Christofer Culver

USA. Yautepec.
via ZarZar

Dr. Seuss is darned clever
and the kids love me to read him,
but his rhymes fuck my tongue up
and I want to beat him.
The end.


18 May 2009

Alice Neel

USA. David Zwirner Gallery

There are 11,455 confirmed cases of free Coldplay album downloads. Two dead.

13 February 2009


USA. Own site.

Maybe you can be a began. It's like a vegan, but you can eat bacon.

11 February 2009

30 January 2009

Sara Ksenia

USA. Crafty Raptor.

If Blagojevich is serious about wanting to help ordinary people who have no voice, he should get a gig as an American Idol judge.

20 January 2009

Maria Kalman

USA. Own site.

CONFIRMED: Obama to announce the MacTablet tomorrow.

13 January 2009

Nick van Woert

USA. Own site. Via Trendbeheer.

I will pay someone $100USD to programmatically disable the "Forward" button on my mother's email accounts. Must include work and home.

12 January 2009

Youngna Park

USA. Own site.

Martin Scorsese's eyebrows deserve a lifetime achievement award.

09 January 2009

Xaviera Simmons

USA. Lmcc.

I believe that children are our future. Teach them well and let them pay for the trillions in deficits we're about to rack up.

07 January 2009

Ryan Johnson

USA. Mash.

After 12 hours of not smoking, accidentally drinking from the Pepsi can/ashtray wasn't so horrible. That I went back for a second sip is.

05 January 2009

Greg Lamarche

USA. Own site.

After a 12 day break, you'd think I'd feel more refreshed. Then again, you'd think I would have taken more showers. badbanana (Tim Siedell)

30 December 2008

Mel Bochner

USA. Own site.

This is the Gone With the Wind of Steven Seagal movies.

CcSteff (Stephanie)

29 December 2008

Raoul Gatepin

USA, France. Own site.

There are now days more photos than prints.

09 December 2008

Elizabeth Perry

USA. Own site.

If I wore a calculator watch, I would set the alarm every hour to remind me I'm a big nerd for thinking about wearing a calculator watch.