Showing posts with label -drawing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label -drawing. Show all posts

24 August 2009

Roeland Zijlstra

Roeland Zijlstra. The Netherlands.

One in three Americans weigh as much as the other two.

04 June 2009

Christofer Culver

USA. Yautepec.
via ZarZar

Dr. Seuss is darned clever
and the kids love me to read him,
but his rhymes fuck my tongue up
and I want to beat him.
The end.


17 May 2009

Sabine Finkenauer

Germany. Own site.

My daughter is following me on Twitter. She's a very clever girl who would never suspect that I've known her Facebook password for months.trelvix

15 February 2009

Xu Xianglin

China. Joey Chang Art.

Today, I confronted a male co-worker about my suspicion that he wears makeup. Of course, he denied it. But the smokey eye never lies.

14 February 2009


Spain. Own site.

All I got for Valentine's Day was a happy marriage. And I'm totally cool with that. InsoOutso

LADIES OF TWITTER: I got you flowers! They're at the store. You just have to pick them up. And pay for them. Happy Valentine's Day! detweiler

12 February 2009

Karin Mientjes

The Netherlands. Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus
Fotografie Michel Mees

Her: "I like your necklace." Me: "Thanks!" Her: "Are those real?" Me: "...The plastic beads?" Her: "Yeah." Me: "...Yes." Her: "Cool."

22 January 2009

Enrique Flores

Spain. Own site.

What a relief, now that Obama is president, to know I'll never be disappointed again.

20 January 2009

Maria Kalman

USA. Own site.

CONFIRMED: Obama to announce the MacTablet tomorrow.

05 January 2009

Greg Lamarche

USA. Own site.

After a 12 day break, you'd think I'd feel more refreshed. Then again, you'd think I would have taken more showers. badbanana (Tim Siedell)

01 January 2009

Dr. Lakra

Mexico. Saatchi.

There is no conceptual art without sense of humor.
Marisa Polin

12 December 2008

One year Todays' Artist

Marisa Polin: Thanks for your visit
One year and 201 artists, from 45 different countries, later I am posting a drawing I made some days ago to thank you for visiting the blog.
Mexico, The Netherlands. Own site.

Remember before the internet, when we had to go outside in the flesh-burning sunlight to interact with other people? That was weird.

10 December 2008

Monika Aichele

Germany. Own site.

So, it's wrong to try and sell a senate seat, but theres nothing illegal about putting in a bid, right? Right? I'm asking for a friend.

09 December 2008

Elizabeth Perry

USA. Own site.

If I wore a calculator watch, I would set the alarm every hour to remind me I'm a big nerd for thinking about wearing a calculator watch.

03 December 2008

Gabi Campanario

Spain, USA. Own site

There's only one thing in the world worse than being talked about and that's paraphrasing Oscar Wilde.