Showing posts with label Personal Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal Tips. Show all posts
Aug 14, 2009

Page Rank Drop! My PR 3 to PR 0

This blog used to be a PR 3 blog but google penalized the blog just a few months ago. I am hopeful this blog gets the PR 3 back. The culprit for the PR drop I believe has something to do with diminishing backlinks and perhaps penalty for selling some blog space to advertisers. But am sure, google knows what it's doing and in due time this blog will get the Page Rank back.

Page Rank doesn't really matter that much today but it still says a lot about the blog and for many advertisers a PR is a major criterion. So for those who are starting their blogs, aim for a good page rank. Generate backlinks and make link exchanges wisely.

I will be away for some time and updates in this blog will be rare but I will be back and by then you'll see me blogging with my very own dot (.) com domain. hehehe..

Anyway, good luck to everyone who wants to make money online!
Mar 9, 2009

Free Megaupload Premium Account!

Looking for a Free Megaupload Premium Account?
Unfortunately it's not easy to find a megaupload premium account, free username or passwords. Buying a premium account is costly too. I don't have a premium account myself. What I do avail of are the free happy hours of Megaupload and the megaupload premium links generator. These work well in downloading files which are not too big in size. It's limited and sometimes you get error along the way but you just can't rely on those free megaupload premium accounts. I've tried downloading lots of files containing free premium accounts for megaupload but they don't work and I often get viruses. So it's not really safe.

If you really want a megaupload premium account pay for it or do what I do. Avail of the Happy Hours and try free megaupload premium link generators.
Mar 7, 2009

Free Rapidshare Premium Accounts and Generators!

How to get a free rapidshare premium account?

In reality free rapidshare premium accounts exist. Yes free rapidshare passwords, free rapidshare usernames. There are hundreds out there. I even downloaded a notepad file with over 140 rapidshare premium accounts. Did I use them? Yes tried using about 5 of these passwords in one single day and the results all did not work. After a few more days I tried using the other accounts but it's either the accound does not exist or the username and password don't match.

If you want to get a rapidshare premium account you either pay for it. That's not friendly to the pocket or you can ask a friend to share his rapidshare account with you. That's cost free but it requires a lot of trust from a friend towards you.

There are also free rapidshare premium generators online which I happen to use by chance, still not working. The only thing that works so far are the so called rapidshare premium link generators. What these generators do is to generate the premium link for the rapidshare file you want to download thus you get the faster speed and avoid the file limit download. But these generators would allow you a maximum of 5 files to download per day with file size limits to up to 500 mb only. Well, that's better in all aspects than waiting for 5mb file to finish downloading in an hour.

In my next posts I will discuss about where you can find free rapidshare premium generators.
Oct 2, 2008

Cheapest Pearl Jewelry

Christmas is only few months away and if you’ve been thinking of giving gifts to your loved ones and friends in different areas in the world do take into consideration the shipping costs in addition to the price of your gifts.

For male recipients gadgets are always in. However for girl friends or female loved ones, you can give them jewelry. Yes jewelry! Jewelry can last for years and they are always fashionable and trendy. That’s why it’s been my habit of giving jewelry to friends, and my nieces. Jewelry doesn’t have to be too expensive. Nowadays a good shopper can always find cheap yet quality jewelry. It only takes a little researching powered by the desire to give.

If you need my help, just recently I stumbled upon an online store selling cheap pearl jewelry- Classic Pearl Jewelry. This online store brags about their hand picked, hand knotted pearls, guaranteed 100% genuine pearls, and pearls appraised by IGI Graduate Germologists. You can find black pearl necklace, akoya, pearl necklace, and freshwater pearl necklace here among others.

Earlier I mentioned about shipping costs. Now if you buy from Classic Pearl Jewelry online store, you won’t have to pay for shipping expenses. It’s free. This applies to worldwide shipment. So think of what you are saving already.

Now, as for the prices of these jewelry, the range is somewhere between $24.99 to $90. If you are on a tight budget you can choose the cheaper items. The store guarantees the lowest price. Believe it or not, it actually offers to refund you the difference if you find a lower price of other products online. It’s my first time to see an offer like this. You can also return the item for the 1st year with or without cause with full refund. That’s too much of good offers.

Okay, that’s not all, you can also get 5% discount of all items you buy if you join the Pearls Savers Buyers Club. The club is free to join with no obligation of buying. You can cancel anytime you want.

The store is really great. I happen to learn of this very recently. Thinking of giving something to your loved ones this Christmas, consider the new information you find here as an option and shop till you drop figuratively. Lol..

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