Selling online is a great way to make money. You can sell gadgets, cellphones, mp3, mp4, digital camera, and just about anything. But selling requires capital, especially if you sell gadgets and other electronic products.
But you don't have to spend that much to earn money. Nowadays, Filipinos can sell ebooks online and still make a decent profit. Ebooks typically range from $.99 t0 over $500. A newbie in selling online doesn't need a big capital to start the business of selling ebooks online. There are many ebooks that are priced low and have resell rights with them. Resell Rights enable whoever purchases the ebook to sell it again at his own price. This is where monetizing comes into play. An ebook sold at $3 can be sold at $10. The price depends to the purchaser of the ebook with Resell Rights.
Ebooks priced at $1 to $20 sell quickier than ebooks priced at $20 and above. But it still depends on the kind of ebook sold. You can choose to sell adult ebooks which really sell like pancakes. In experience, I was able to earn a few hundred dollars selling an adult ebook with Resell Right. Pricing the ebook at $5, I earned $15 on the first day of selling it, and the profit goes on and on.
Other ebooks that really sell are ebooks about how to make money online and anything related to the internet and websites, like traffic generation ebooks, template ebooks, etc.
You can opt to never spend a peso in selling an ebook by creating your own ebook. But it requires a lot of thinking and planning to really come up with an ebook that will sell.
But you don't have to spend that much to earn money. Nowadays, Filipinos can sell ebooks online and still make a decent profit. Ebooks typically range from $.99 t0 over $500. A newbie in selling online doesn't need a big capital to start the business of selling ebooks online. There are many ebooks that are priced low and have resell rights with them. Resell Rights enable whoever purchases the ebook to sell it again at his own price. This is where monetizing comes into play. An ebook sold at $3 can be sold at $10. The price depends to the purchaser of the ebook with Resell Rights.
Ebooks priced at $1 to $20 sell quickier than ebooks priced at $20 and above. But it still depends on the kind of ebook sold. You can choose to sell adult ebooks which really sell like pancakes. In experience, I was able to earn a few hundred dollars selling an adult ebook with Resell Right. Pricing the ebook at $5, I earned $15 on the first day of selling it, and the profit goes on and on.
Other ebooks that really sell are ebooks about how to make money online and anything related to the internet and websites, like traffic generation ebooks, template ebooks, etc.
You can opt to never spend a peso in selling an ebook by creating your own ebook. But it requires a lot of thinking and planning to really come up with an ebook that will sell.