Every year Planned Parenthood, which is not interested in planning anything but abortions, gives out its yearly award called the Margaret Sanger Award. Last weekend, the honor went to Hillary Clinton for her work throughout her career in public service because she supports women’s health and reproductive rights. Jay Leno joked about this on his show saying: “In an unusual gesture for a sitting secretary of state, Hillary Clinton was given Planned Parenthood's highest award. In her speech she revealed her number one recommended method of birth control: pantsuits.” What is this Margaret Sanger award? I learned from Conservapedia that Margaret Sanger, who founded Planned Parenthood, argued for woman's liberation from the domination of men. She advocated economic independence and withdrawal from the traditional family unit, particularly marriage. She wrote “No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose c...