I whipped around the roundabout in Sedona and took the exit that turns off into the nursing home where my friend, Betty, lives. She and I laugh together about everyday life. Betty has an engaging way of tilting her head to the side and smiling as we discuss baseball, family and purses. Betty loves my purses. She especially likes the ones that are colorful and have sequins. I like to brighten her day with samples of homemade sweets and greeting cards. Recently I designed a card for her with hopes to tickle her funny bone. Betty showed me her new CD player during my visit. It sits next to her recliner chair and oxygen machine. She turned it on and set the volume high as we listened to Cracklin Rosie by Neil Diamond. “Isn’t he wonderful, honey?” Betty asked. I told her he’s one of my favorites too. “What does that mean ‘store bought woman’?” Betty asked. I explained to Betty he’s singing about a bott...