Showing posts with label cat litter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat litter. Show all posts

Monday, January 12, 2015

Speak The Truth In Love. When Your Spouse Complains. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Majestic Monarch Butterfly. Update.


For "Scripture Sunday":

Speak The Truth In Love.


"What we say and why we say it has a huge impact on our relationships. Can telling the truth ever have bad results? Is it okay to lie for a good reason?

“Is it OK to lie for a good cause?” was the question asked in a recent TED conversation. The answers that came in were interesting.

One replied, “In my opinion the basis for moral action is loosely speaking to ‘maximize others’ well-being/minimize the harm you do to others.’ A rule such as ‘never lie’ is thus in my opinion not in itself the basis for moral action, but rather almost always a direct consequence of trying to be moral in the first sense. Lying can in my view therefore sometimes be moral.”

But can it really?

image Another person quoted a religious figure who provided a more traditionalist conclusion: “It is a sin for someone to lie. When he lies for a good cause, i.e. to save someone else, this is half a sin, because the lie is for the benefit of his fellow man and not for himself. However it is also considered a sin; therefore, we should keep it in mind, and not fall into the habit of telling lies for insignificant things.”

So, is it okay to lie for a good cause? What does God say about lying and truth and our motives?"

Read More at: By Ralph Levy


Marriage Builder - When Your Spouse Complains

image "When one spouse complains, typically the other becomes defensive. Learning to deal with complaints before they become destructive is critical to the success of every marriage."

From Jimmy Evans: "Early in our marriage, Karen and I had an enormous amount of anger between us. We fought all the time. We couldn't talk about anything because it almost always led to a fight.

That's a dangerous way to live in a marriage. Chronic anger causes severe health problems. Did you know people in bad marriages actually have shorter life spans? Anger consumes our energy and wears us out.

How do you deal with anger in your marriage?

First, don't deny it. In Ephesians 4: 26-27, the Apostle Paul says that we will be angry. When this happens, admit it. Don't bottle it up. Suppressing anger may feel helpful in the short term, but unexpressed anger can be devastating. The pressure will build and build until you explode.

Cultivate an atmosphere of honesty within your relationship, so you and your spouse both feel free to complain and express anger. You have to be able to share anything with each other. I've counseled individuals before and one person will tell me something important about their thoughts or feelings.

I'll ask, "Have you told your spouse that?" They'll answer, "Oh, no. They'll go ballistic." What that means is the atmosphere in their home is not safe. They aren't free to complain because that kind of honesty can be dangerous to their marriage.

Allow your spouse to be angry. But when your spouse does offer a specific complaint, you must respond in a healthy way.

Don't get defensive. The best customer relations counters are the ones that take back a defective product and replace it with no questions asked. It's easy.

That's the kind of attitude we need in marriage. Defensive behavior makes it difficult. It makes a spouse feel they don't have a right to complain. In fact, defensiveness is a major predictor of divorce.

Early in our marriage, Karen would tell me something that was bothering her. She would explain that there was a problem and I would respond, "No, you're the problem. If you would just get your act together, everything would be fine."   That is not helpful.

Don't let your anger "age." Paul told the Ephesians not to let the sun go down on their anger. He meant that anger should be dealt with immediately. If you let it age—if you let it simmer and stew—it gets worse. It begins to fester.

Long-term anger turns into contempt. It turns into bitterness. It becomes poisonous and hardens your heart to whatever made you angry in the first place. Don't hide your anger in hopes that it will just go away. It turns toxic.

Don't stonewall. This is when communication totally shuts down. It's a response that means you're not willing to talk at all. "Do not talk to me about the children. Do not talk to me about money. Don't talk to me about my behavior."

A marriage with no communication is a marriage that's in trouble. We need to be able to complain to each other. We have to talk things out—but we have to do it without getting defensive, throwing a fit, or insulting each other.

Dysfunctional families don't talk. Functional families are honest and work things out when one spouse has a complaint. What kind of family is yours?" 

More and video at:  and


The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

An Amazing Fact: "Not all garbage ends up at the dump. In fact, Earth’s largest landfill isn’t on land at all. Every year millions of tons of plastic and other floating garbage is washed, blown, or dumped into the Pacific Ocean. It comes from rivers, boats, and populated beaches around the coasts of the great sea. Gradually, a constantly revolving whirlpool of ocean currents and wind gather and push these items into a virtual vortex of trash. This forms a floating rubbish convergence zone bigger than the state of Texas.

This galaxy of garbage, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, stretches more than a thousand miles across the central North Pacific Ocean. It is found in ocean space between Japan and California, while hovering a few hundred miles north of Hawaii. There are places where this tangled mass of nets, bottles, and bags is so thick you can walk on it, but most of the garbage patch is a minestrone soup of rubbish. Despite its continental size, the patch is not visible through satellite photography because most of its contents are a snow of plastic confetti suspended beneath the surface of the ocean.

This swirling synthetic sea presents a deadly minefield of debris. Each year thousands of ocean-going birds, fish, and mammals are killed trying to survive near this growing gauntlet of garbage. Turtles eat the plastic bags, thinking they are jellyfish. Birds eat the plastic particles, thinking they’re fish or shrimp, then starve because the indigestible polymers give them the false sensation they are full.

It is estimated this nebulous, floating junk yard, also called the Pacific Trash Vortex, may contain over 100 million tons of debris, and it’s growing every year. While it is the largest, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is not unique. It is only one of five gigantic gatherings of garbage found among the seven seas of the world.

Did you know the Bible says that God will cast our sins in the depths of the sea? But the good news is that they don’t float! “He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea” (Micah 7:19).
So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts. - Psalms 104:25


In the Animal Kingdom:

Help Save The Majestic Monarch Butterfly

"Don't let this North American crown jewel slip away. Urge the EPA to come up with a monarch butterfly rescue plan.

The monarch butterfly is one of the most recognizable and revered butterflies in all the world.

Each year, the monarchs begin a remarkable journey when they fly north to lay their eggs—some as far as 3,000 miles. For three brief generations, each lasting only one or two months, the monarchs mate and breed. The fourth generation of butterflies then returns to Mexico where they hibernate in a remote forest for six to eight months, until it is time to repeat the process.

It is a process that has continued uninterrupted for 250,000 years, but the last 15 years have seen dwindling numbers.

In the US, modern pesticides are killing milkweed, a primary source of nutrition. In Mexico, illegal loggers destroy their habitat.

Monarchs are the only known species of butterfly to migrate each year, seeking abundant food in the summer and warmer climates during the winter. Unfortunately, modern pesticides are killing milkweed in the U.S., a primary source of nutrition, while illegal loggers destroy their habitat in Mexico.

Take Action: Urge the EPA to intervene.



It has been another cold week.  Not much outside work going on.   Three stray feral cats that have taken up residence here have been going into the enclosed canopy carport and using it as their personal litter box.  They thought that it was much better than doing it out in the cold I suppose.  We sprinkled the ground with paprika one day, pepper the next, which seemed to work, and next we will try mothballs.   I furnished them with a real litter box and litter, and one did use it.  We can't trap them, they are too clever. The situation might get out of hand if they breed, so we will have to do something with these two females and one male.

One big thing happened this week.  The person who used my credit card that was stolen in the robbery, was finally arrested.  They were found with some 'controlled substance', too!  So now we, you and me, will be supporting them for a while.  I wish there were some way of retrieving the things that were stolen.  I had lost almost all the pictures of my kids when they were little in the house fire and then the flood.  The only ones that I did have were stolen in the robbery as they were in my checkbook case, which I left at the house while I was in hospital.

Jay and I went shopping on Wednesday and picked up some 2x6's for the ceiling in the greenhouse extension to the storeroom.  We also got some bargains at the thrift shops.  I got some lovely sweaters, and Jay got some winter shirts.

Something went wrong with Ray's car, so I took him to the doctor on Friday.  The doctor sent his prescription to CVS.  We went grocery shopping and got a few parts at Lowes waiting for the prescription to be filled. When Ray called them, they said it would be another hour, and then it was another half-hour.  So we just dawdled around Conroe most of the day.

On Sunday, Ray and I took this computer out into the workshop, opened up the big workshop door, then opened up the computer and gently blew the dust out with the compressor.  Then we moved the computer desk and everything back to it's old place in front of the patio door that leads to the screened–in porch.  We moved my sewing machine back to where the computer was, and oiled it.  I might get some sewing done now.

Jim, the mechanic down the street, finally made the diagnosis that Ray's car needed a coil pack, so I took Ray to get it, Jim installed it and all is well now.

Ray and I went to church bundled up in several layers, as it was cold and rainy.  They can't keep the chapel very warm as it is an old building with not much insulation. The Bible readings were Deut. 6:5, Psa.139, 145, Exo. 1-6:1, Isa 27:6-28 and Jer.1:1-2:3.  The Teaching was about the 'Destructiveness of Sin'.

The potluck was good as usual.  We never know what the members will bring to the dining hall.  We had salmon hors d'oeuvres, salads, turkey chili with turkey sausages, turkey meatloaf, beef enchiladas, beef tacos and fixin's, and lots of different veggies.  Pumpkin pie, cake and cookies for dessert.

I had wanted to watch one of my favorite shows 'As Time Goes By' on PBS at 7.00pm, but fell fast asleep.  It had been a happy though tiring, rainy day.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Message Christianity Ignores. Don’t Copy Pagan Ways. 10 Ways to Unknowingly Crush Your Cat’s Spirit. Update.


For "Scripture Sunday":

The Kingdom of God:
A Message Christianity Ignores

"The Gospel accounts are very clear about the focus of Christ’s message. Yet the gospel of the Kingdom of God is nearly absent from Christianity today.


The Kingdom of God is currently in heaven. But it will be established on earth when Jesus returns.

"The myriad of churches that make up Christianity profess that their religion is based on Jesus Christ. Nearly all claim Him as their founder and say that their teachings are based on what He said and did 2,000 years ago. But, sadly, there are many doctrines where mainstream Christianity ignores or actually rejects the teachings of Jesus Christ.

This month’s column makes a bold assertion: Mainstream Christianity does not teach the same message that Jesus Christ brought when He walked the earth 2,000 years ago.

Jesus had a central message that formed the basis for His entire ministry and teachings.

He pinpointed this central message in the heart of His most famous sermon—the Sermon on the Mount. He made a statement about what should be the highest priority for His followers: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33, emphasis added).

Jesus Christ’s words are clear—the Kingdom of God is to be the No. 1 focus and emphasis in the lives of His followers. In fact, it was the core of His gospel message.

Christ’s gospel was not just about Himself

Gospel is a common word in the Christian world. Some think of it in connection with a genre of religious music, but most understand that it describes a message. It literally means a message of good news. Most churches include the word gospel in their mission statements. Typically, the gospel is described as the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it is seen as the message of His life, death and resurrection. (You can see this by doing a Google search of the mission statements of different denominations of Christianity.)

But was this the central message that Jesus actually taught? Was His message only about Himself?

A study of the Gospel accounts of Christ’s life pinpoints exactly what His message—His gospel—was all about!

Notice Mark 1:14: “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God.” That statement is pretty plain—Jesus preached the gospel about the Kingdom of God!

There are many scriptures that reinforce this fact. For example, Matthew 9:35 says, “Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom.”

At one point in His ministry, Jesus was about to leave an area where He had been preaching for some time. The people of that area tried to persuade Him not to go (Luke 4:42). Jesus’ response was, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent” (verse 43).

Let that sink in.

Jesus Christ said that one of His primary purposes for coming to earth was to preach about the Kingdom of God! That was His gospel. That was His message. That was His purpose. That is what drove Him.

When we understand that the thrust of Christ’s message centered on the Kingdom of God, we understand better why He made the statement in Matthew 6:33: “Seek first the kingdom of God.” He tells us to seek first the Kingdom because the Kingdom of God was His primary message.

This message is about the literal establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth at the second coming of Jesus Christ. See our infographic on page 29 to learn more details about what the Kingdom of God is.

But where is that message in mainstream Christianity today?"  More at:


Don’t Copy Pagan Ways of Worship

Deuteronomy 12:29-32

“When the LORD your God cuts off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess, and you displace them and dwell in their land, take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’ You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way; for every abomination to the LORD which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.”

God knew the traps that Satan lays with alluring ways of worship. He warned His people not to neglect His clear instructions about how He wants to be worshipped. He tells us to never assume that He would like to be worshipped in the way those who worship other gods worship them.

Yet Israel continually fell into this trap, creating a syncretistic religion that combined some elements of biblical commands with the religious customs of the people around them.

Looking at the history of Christianity, it becomes evident that a similar process took place, as pre-Christian customs and celebrations were accepted by much of Christianity, though rejected by those who remained faithful to the teachings of the apostles and prophets."  More at: By Erik Jones


10 Ways to Unknowingly Crush Your Cat’s Spirit

by Kathy Blumenstock

10 Ways to Unknowingly Crush Your Cat’s Spirit

"Famously independent, sometimes falsely assumed to be immune to feelings, cats are in truth super-sensitive to emotions, sound and stress. Perhaps because felines lack the eager-to-please openness of their canine colleagues, humans overlook the big and small ways that they can break a cat’s spirit.  Are you guilty of any of these?

Not Cleaning the Litter Box: Leave the box filled with kitty’s waste because some new litters promise freshness for multiple days--so you wait till the weekend for that dreaded chore of cleaning the litter box. Imagine leaving your own toilet unflushed all week long, and you’ll know how your cat feels.

Shouting: Raised voices will terrify your cat. Feline ears are extra sensitive to loud noises, so yelling is amplified to extreme levels. A cat who hears shouting will flatten her ears, lower her head and look for a place to hide, away from the sound and fury.

Punishing: Yelling “bad cat,” throwing things, motioning in anger and scolding your cat when she misses the litter box or claws your sofa, tells her you are unhappy, even if she has no idea why. Grabbing him and shoving her face in a mess will leave her petrified. Her eyes will darken in fear, but will not alter her displeasing behavior because all you’re teaching her is to be afraid.

Ignoring The Pain: Looking away when your cat repeatedly chews at a sore spot on her belly or furiously scratches at her ears. Cats are masters at hiding their discomfort, whether an infected tooth makes eating difficult or a urinary tract infection means litter box visits are pure agony. Monitoring your cat’s wellbeing means being a pain detective so you know what ails your cat, even if she can’t tell you directly.

Leaving the Lights Off: Left alone in a silent home when darkness falls, your cat will feel abandoned. Yes, cats can see in the dark. But why not provide a radio for murmured sounds of companionship, and a nightlight, a small beacon of brightness to remind Tabby that you’ll be home soon.

Teasing: Pulling on your cat’s tail (or letting your kids do so), blowing in her face, ruffling her fur while she’s sleeping, picking her up if she dislikes being handled, jiggling her in your arms—such antagonizing behavior confuses and depresses your cat, who wants to love you. Why goad her into feeling dislike instead?

Skipping the Small Stuff: Never grooming your cat, allowing her to experience the discomfort of hairballs. Not trimming her claws, so she snags them around the house. Not checking her ears for mites, even when she shakes her head repeatedly. Ignoring her problems chewing, even if it signals gum or tooth trouble. The little things add up and can deplete your cat’s energy and health.

Hurting:  Hitting, kicking, physically harming a cat in any way, from a “light tap” to a hard smack, is inhumane, evil, morally wrong and guaranteed to instill fear in any cat, breaking her spirit, and her heart, in the process. Physical pain teaches cats to fear people.

Not Filling or Cleaning the Water Dish: Filling a small bowl with water and letting the cat drink from it no matter how long it sits, how much dust accumulates, what spills into it, then topping off the same bowl a few days from now without washing it—this gives your cat the opportunity to drink stagnant water, down to the last drop. And how many times have you enjoyed a bottled water today?

Neglecting Your Cat: Offering your cat no attention, no conversation, no affection, no interaction and no playtime leaves your cat confused. She craves even the smallest gesture or word of kindness in exchange for her pure devotion to you."



As it was raining, Jay wrapped a piece of the inner tube over the drain leak, secured it with the clamps, and it held really well. Then he spent the rest of the week working on his neighbor's porch roof, which he couldn't do in the rain.

This has been a week of painting.

One day, Ray painted some places on the shed that the previous painter had forgotten.

Another day, Ray painted the back door.  We have gradually been painting all the doors, including the shed door, with a blue/gray paint to match the trim on the house.

Another day, we painted some places on the back of my van, where the paint had worn off. 

Then we worked on the Puddle Jumper.

PJ_Front-1109121340 PJ-Rear-1109121413






See that black trim around the windows?  It had faded over the years, after all the PJ is an 88 Tracer! So we taped the car up, just leaving the trim showing, primed it and sprayed it with Hammered Black.  It looks like new now.

Yesterday, I went to church, and the readings were Gen.18:1-22:24 and 2 Kings 4:1-37 and Psa. 20.  The teaching was about Obedience to God, and the pastor quoted so many of the verses where God asks us to be obedient. Obedience is the Key to Spiritual Knowledge. 

The pot luck was great as usual.  The new family didn't share our food as some of it had been cooked just before the service.  They are real sticklers about the Sabbath, they won't cook on the Sabbath, they will only eat what has been prepared the day before, Preparation Day, Friday.

I drove home to take Ray a plate from the church, as he couldn't leave his house in case his illegal squatter showed up to get more of her things.  We will be so glad when all this is over.

Then I drove to Luby's in Conroe, and met Arlene from the RV-Dreams chat room.  About 50 RVers were having a GTG there.  I didn't eat as I was already full from the church potluck, but I enjoyed listening to everybody.  Lots of the RVers were staying at Thousand Trails, Conroe.  Many of the full-timers are gate-guarding at different locations.  Like anytime RVers get together, there was incessant chatter.  This is to show how the great big long table looked:








These pictures were taken with my new cell phone, so they aren't the best.  Then I scurried home, and only just got there before dark.  There was a wonderful and unusual sunset, and I wish I had stopped along on the road to take a picture, because it was gone by the time I got home.

It was a very special day.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Please Help Stop King Amendment. Pet Hazards. Avoid GMO Corn. Workout Dogs. Dog Propelled Scooters And Carts. Plastic and Paper Voyager. Recycled Paper.


For "Mammal Monday":

It's The Last Chance: Don't Let Them Wipe Out Animal Protection Laws

"The King Amendment is a potential disaster for laws protecting animals:

The House version of this year's Farm Bill contains a provision from Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) that could negate most state and local laws on the production or manufacture of agricultural products. The King Amendment is a radical federal overreach that aims to block state laws protecting animals. It could also overturn many state laws covering child labor, dangerous pesticides, labels on farm-raised fish, and more. Please act now.

What is the King Amendment?

The King amendment proposes to undermine state laws related to public health, safety, or welfare. Read our King Amendment fact sheet [PDF] for details.

  • Under the King Amendment, dogs and puppies suffering in puppy mills could lose their protection in many states. Kathy Milani/The HSUS

The King Amendment endangers state animal welfare laws

Laws like California’s Proposition 2, which will phase out cruel confinement for farm animals, could be reversed. Compassion Over Killing.

The King amendment could undo animal welfare laws in many states, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, the Northern Mariana Island, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Rhode Island. Our fact sheet [PDF] provides specifics on the laws that could change.

The King Amendment could ax state laws on health and safety

Beside animal welfare laws, the King amendment could nullify a wide range of state and local measures regarding food safety, labeling, environmental requirements, labor standards, and other important issues. For more examples, check our fact sheet [PDF]."     More at:

Please sign:


Can We See Our Hypocrisy to Animals?

image "Today, the challenge is factory farming, which produces food exceptionally cheaply, at huge cost in animal welfare.

image “There are still tens of billions of animals suffering horribly in factory farms every year, around the world.”   From: New York Times op-ed: Can we see our hypocrisy to animals?


image image From Me:  More reason to buy happy, pasture-raised beef, poultry and eggs. They are more nutritious so you eat less, so it doesn't cost more.  Anyway, it is still cheaper than medical care, so what price do you put on your health?


10 Holiday Pet Hazards

image "The holidays are a joyous time, but the season does bring its own set of dangers for pets. Keep your furry family member away from these items to ensure a merry holiday for all.

If you think your pet has been harmed by or consumed one of these items, contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435) immediately."

    Resist the urge to feed holiday table scraps to your dog or cat, and make sure your pet doesn't gain access to tables or countertops loaded with edible goodies. Rich, fatty foods can cause everything from mild indigestion to a serious case of pancreatitis in susceptible pets. Turkey bones and any cooked bones are also a no-no because they can splinter or break apart, puncturing or blocking internal organs."      More at:


    Avoid This Aflatoxin-Infested Food Like the Plague

    "Aflatoxins are deadly metabolites produced by fungi that grow on crops, in particular, corn. These mycotoxins are known to cause acute toxic illness, including cancer, in both animals and humans.

    The Argentina study results conclude that glyphosate enhances the growth of aflatoxin-producing fungi on GM corn. This is important because recent estimates are that over 60 percent of corn grown in the U.S. is genetically modified, and at least half the sweet corn grown on U.S. farms is as well.

    A fascinating new twist in the growing contamination problem is a recent study that shows Roundup herbicide, the primary herbicide used in GM agriculture, promotes the growth of the fungi that produce aflatoxins. This certainly further explains the alarming increase in contamination levels in U.S. corn.

    Pet FoodIf you haven’t done so already, we highly recommend you switch from any pet food containing corn or its derivatives. Learn the ingredients in the food you buy for your pet, and avoid brands containing corn or any GMO ingredient in any form.

    Also avoid formulas containing cereal grains. Instead, select organic pet foods or prepare a balanced homemade diet made from organic ingredients, for you and your pet."    More at:


    image From me:  More reason to buy organically grown veggies, which are non GMO and do not have the pesticide Round-Up, or funguses in them.


    Turning Your Dog Into Your Workout Partner

    "If you do it right, power walks, or “workout walks” with your dog may just replace your need for a gym membership. And what could be better than spending that extra time with your pet, insuring he’s getting all the physical activity he needs to be healthy?

    First, though, you must reprogram any dog who has grown accustomed to checking it's 'pee mail' and 'sniff-piddle-dawdle' walks. Don’t expect to make a one-day transition from leisurely strolls to power walking. It will take several sessions for your pet to catch on.

    image Of course, you’ll also be taking your dog on casual walks, so you’ll need to help him learn to distinguish between the two. It could be a time of day thing – for example, you could schedule slower walks for first thing in the morning and again before bedtime, and workout walks happen at some point in between.

    Alternatively, you could develop a verbal cue that tells your pet he’s about to go on a power walk. I also strongly encourage the use of a harness for imageexercising with your dog. A leash attached to your dog’s collar can quickly become a health hazard as you’re cruising city streets or even country roads. Many dogs learn which walk they’re going on by whether the leash gets attached to their collar (short walk) or a harness (time to get serious!)."    More at:


    Dog Propelled Scooters

    image"Do you have a hard time giving your dog enough exercise?  Maybe you don’t walk as fast as the dog does or perhaps the dog pulls too hard on the leash for you to control him or her.  Here’s a new one (on me, anyways)":  dog-powered scooters and bikes.


    Dog takes owner for ride in dog cart


    Introduction into dog triking (English version)


    On This Day:

    Voyager completes global flight, Dec 23, 1986:

    "After nine days and four minutes in the sky, the experimental aircraft Voyager lands at Edwards Air Force Base in California, completing the first nonstop flight around the globe on one load of fuel. Piloted by Americans Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager, Voyager was made mostly of plastic and stiffened paper and carried more than three times its weight in fuel when it took off from Edwards Air Force Base on December 14. By the time it returned, after flying 25,012 miles around the planet, it had just five gallons of fuel left in its remaining operational fuel tank.

    Voyager was built by Burt Rutan of the Rutan Aircraft Company without government support and with minimal corporate sponsorship. Dick Rutan, Burt's brother and a decorated Vietnam War pilot, joined the project early on, as did Dick's friend Jeanna Yeager (no relation to aviator Chuck Yeager). Voyager's extremely light yet strong body was made of layers of carbon-fiber tape and paper impregnated with epoxy resin. Its wingspan was 111 feet, and it had its horizontal stabilizer wing on the plane's nose rather than its rear--a trademark of many of Rutan's aircraft designs. Essentially a flying fuel tank, every possible area was used for fuel storage and much modern aircraft technology was foregone in the effort to reduce weight.

    When Voyager took off from Edwards Air Force at 8:02 a.m. PST on December 14, its wings were so heavy with fuel that their tips scraped along the ground and caused minor damage. The plane made it into the air, however, and headed west. On the second day, Voyager ran into severe turbulence caused by two tropical storms in the Pacific. Dick Rutan had been concerned about flying the aircraft at more than a 15-degree angle, but he soon found the plane could fly on its side at 90 degrees, which occurred when the wind tossed it back and forth.

    Rutan and Yeager shared the controls, but Rutan, a more experienced pilot, did most of the flying owing to the long periods of turbulence encountered at various points in the journey. With weak stomachs, they ate only a fraction of the food brought along, and each lost about 10 pounds.

    On December 23, when Voyager was flying north along the Baja California coast and just 450 miles short of its goal, the engine it was using went out, and the aircraft plunged from 8,500 to 5,000 feet before an alternate engine was started up.

    Almost nine days to the minute after it lifted off, Voyager appeared over Edwards Air Force Base and circled as Yeager turned a primitive crank that lowered the landing gear. Then, to the cheers of 23,000 spectators, the plane landed safely with a few gallons of fuel to spare, completing the first nonstop circumnavigation of the earth by an aircraft that was not refueled in the air.

    Voyager is on permanent display at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C."



    Not much happened yesterday, so I got around to going through the junk mail and kept the shredder busy.  Why do these companies put your name and address inside their literature, too?  Just one more step to take them out of the envelope to examine them, so all the names and addresses can be put in the shredder.  Shredded paper cannot be recycled into good new paper, so I tear the important part off and just shred it.  The rest of the literature can go in the recycling.  This time of year there seems to be so much junk mail that slips past the "Do Not Mail" list.

    "The main reasons for some recycling centers not accepting shredded paper is that some paper mills cannot deal with it. It’s said that shredded paper makes weaker fibers and produces an inferior quality product. In some paper mills, the small fragments cause problems with machinery."

    If you are on the road, or don't have a shredder, put the torn off names and addresses in with your used kitty litter, in doggie poop bags, or put them in with your coffee grounds.  That will make them illegible, and anyway no-one would want to retrieve them. If you don't have a pet, or drink coffee, I suppose you will have to put them in with your veggie peelings, or safely burn them.

    After a few days of warmth, it has turned colder again.  One day it's tank tops, and the next it's turtlenecks and sweaters again.  That's Texas winter weather! 

    Even though I had let her out late last night, Misty got me up early this morning (2.45am), and wanted to go out three times.  It was so cold that she would try to make a short trip do, and then have to go back out again in the cold.  I tried to go back to sleep, and then I'd hear her one little urgent bark again, so I am going to be dragging today.

    Wednesday, December 18, 2013

    Yellow-breasted Chat. White Ibis Close-up. Electric Rat Traps. BirdNote: Cassowaries to Millerbirds! Mesa Verde.


    For "Winged Wednesday":

    Yellow-breasted Chat, Buffoon of the Briar Patch

    "Described as an “aberrant warbler” by Roger Tory Peterson, the Yellow-breasted Chat is an odd example of a North American wood warbler – twice as large as most, with a stout bill more like a vireo’s. Debate continues about whether the chat is in fact a warbler or something else altogether.

    Whatever it may be, its song, sometimes heard at night, is as distinctive as the bird itself: a bizarre collection of cackles, clucks, whistles, and hoots. P.A. Taverner, a Canadian ornithologist, describes the bird perfectly:

    “With his stealthy elusiveness, wild outpourings of song and fund of vituperation, the Chat is a droll imp . . . He is full of life and boiling over with animation. It bubbles out of his throat in all manner of indescribable sounds. He laughs dryly, gurgles derisively, whistles triumphantly, chatters provokingly, and chuckles complacently, all in one breath.”
    Read more about this odd bird >>


    White Ibis of the Trinity River Dallas, Texas

    "Look a White Ibis in the eye!  Following the White Ibis flocks of the Trinity River from roost to their feeding areas in a large swamp in the Great Trinity Forest Dallas, Texas. June 2013"

    and see a Purple Sandpiper with a flock of Ruddy Turnstones.    Short, but a beautiful recording."


    Rat Poison - Bird-safe Alternatives

    Rat poison hurts birds of prey, too.

    "When birds of prey die from rodenticides, it’s a double whammy, because there are fewer birds to control the rodents. This Barn Owl – and the members of its family – can consume about 1,300 rats per year! Fortunately, there are safe and humane alternatives to rat poison, like electric traps.

    EPA told the makers of d-CON, and others, to re-formulate their rat-poison products in protective bait stations and stop selling the acutely toxic “second generation” anti-coagulants on the retail market. Most complied, but d-CON didn’t. I still see these products on the shelves at my local hardware store."     Learn more at:


    Christmas Bird Count

    About the Christmas Bird Count

    "The 114th Annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count will take place Dec 14, 2013 to January 5, 2014.  The longest running Citizen Science survey in the world, Christmas Bird Count provides critical data on population trends. Tens of thousands of participants know that it is also a lot of fun.  Data from the over 2,300 circles are entered after the count and become available to query under the Data & Research link." Read more

    2012-2013 Texas Christmas Bird Counts



    BirdNote: Cassowaries to Millerbirds!


    Upcoming Shows

    Southern Cassowary SUNDAY Encounter with a Cassowary  by Bob Sundstrom  LISTEN NOW ►

    American White Pelicans MONDAY Pelicans Go Fishing by Dennis Paulson LISTEN NOW

    White Ibis TUESDAY Costa Rica - The Land Is Pulsing with Life by Chris Peterson LISTEN NOW ►

    Purple Sandpiper WEDNESDAY Strange Twins -- Purple and Rock Sandpipers by Bob Sundstrom LISTEN NOW ►

    Nihoa Millerbird  THURSDAY Millerbirds Thrive On Laysan Island Featuring George Wallace, American Bird Conservancy  LISTEN NOW

    FRIDAY Christmas Bird Count For Kids Featuring Tom Rusert  LISTEN NOW ►

    Long-tailed Duck SATURDAY The Music Of Long-tailed Ducks by Bob Sundstrom LISTEN NOW


    On This Day:

    Wetherill and Mason discover Mesa Verde, Dec 18, 1888:

    "While searching for stray cattle in the isolated canyons of southwest Colorado, Richard Wetherill and his brother-in-law stumble upon the magnificent ancient Indians ruins of Mesa Verde.

    The Wetherill family started ranching in the rugged southwest lands of Colorado in 1881, and Richard and his brothers often explored the canyons and mesas for Indian ruins. Once, while looking up the mouth of Cliff Canyon, Wetherill was approached by a Ute Indian named Acowitz who reportedly told him, "Deep in that canyon and near its head are many houses of the old people-the Ancient Ones. One of those houses, high, high in the rocks, is bigger than all the others. Utes never go there, it is a sacred place." Wetherill was intrigued, but his ranching duties kept him from exploring the canyon further.

    On December 18, 1888, Wetherill and his brother-in-law, Charles Mason, were searching for stray cattle on top of a broad mesa when a heavy snow began to fall. Fearing they might ride over a cliff in the blinding snow, they dismounted and were moving ahead on foot when they came to an overlook point. From across imagethe canyon they saw a snow-blurred image of a magnificent stone city three stories high and perched high up a cliff wall under a massive rock overhang. Fascinated, Wetherill and Mason abandoned their search for the stray cattle and, after considerable effort, managed to climb up and explore the ruins for several hours.

    Wetherill and Mason had stumbled across the "houses, high, high in the rocks" that Acowitz had told them about. The ruins were once the home of the Anasazi (the Indian term for "ancient ones") people. Subsequent archaeological studies showed that the Cliff Palace, as it became known, was built during the 13th century, when the Anasazi moved from the top of the mesas onto ledges and caves along the canyon walls, presumably to better defend themselves against invaders. Eventually a prolonged drought that started around 1275 forced the Anasazi to abandon their magnificent cliff dwellings.

    In the years following the discovery, Wetherill collected thousands of artifacts from the Cliff Palace and other area ruins. Most of Wetherill's artifacts ended up in museums, where they could be studied by professional archaeologists and viewed by the public. The same cannot be said of the many other priceless artifacts that were stolen by visitors over the years. In order to protect the site from further looting and degradation, the Congress created Mesa Verde National Park in 1906."



    Really, I don't know where the day went.  Some image windows, mirrors, TV screens were cleaned, some dusting, and dishes were done.  I made some hummus and cheese spread in my auger juicer with the blank in it, and some veggie juice with the juicing screen in it.  But other than that, the usual two feedings of the critters and me, and the everyday chores, like litter boxes, I was paying bills and messing about on the computer the rest of the day.

    Monday, December 9, 2013

    Victory for Right Whales. Outside the Litter Box? Don't Poison Your Pet. Leaded Fuel. Pet Food.


    For "Mammal Monday":

    A Small but Critical Victory for Right Whales


    Phoenix and calf. Sea to Shore Alliance photo.

    "Five years ago the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) enacted a seasonal ship strike rule to protect migrating, endangered North Atlantic right whales (NARW). This rule requires that vessels 65 feet (19.8m) or longer limit themselves to a maximum speed of 10 mph (16 kph) in designated zones (Seasonal Management Areas) during specified periods of time. For the Northeast, that meant January 1 – March 15 in Cape Cod Bay, March 1 – April 30 off Race Pt in Provincetown and April 1 – July 31 in the Great South Channel. The time frames for the mid-Atlantic and the Southeast reflect the months that NARWs are expected to be in those regions. This rule, proven to be effective so far, was important for the protection of this critically endangered species, the population of which is estimated at approximately 500 animals.

    image However, the rule had an end date attached to it, December 9, 2013. A year ago, the NBWM hosted colleagues from Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, (Provincetown) Center for Coastal Studies, Humane Society of the U.S., Rhode Island Audubon and other members of the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium to announce a campaign to convince NOAA to drop the end date (also known as a sunset clause) from this rule. We debuted the campaign video ‘Act Right Now Save a Species’, held a panel discussion, and made a petition available for signature by any citizen. In the past year, over 145,000 comments were sent to NOAA and 75,000+ people signed the petition.

    Today NOAA announced that it has dropped the sunset clause from the Ship Strike Rule, thus making the rule permanent.  Collisions between whales and vessels are typically fatal. Two of the skeletons that hang in our Museum, the North Atlantic right whale with fetus, and the blue whale were killed by vessel strikes. By forcing vessels to slow down during those times when NARWs are expected to be in a given area, both whales and mariners have greater opportunity to steer clear of each other. This is a win-win situation and has proven to be much less of a burden on vessel operators than previously estimated.

    The issue of entanglement has yet to be solved. But on a rainy day, NOAA’s decision is indeed a bright beam of excellent news for an endangered species and for the dozens of people who dedicate themselves to studying and protecting the North Atlantic right whale."  From:


    Why Do Some Cats Eliminate Outside the Litter Box?

    Litter-Box Management Problemsimage

    "If your cat isn’t comfortable with her litter box or can’t easily access it, she probably won’t use it. The following common litter-box problems might cause her to eliminate outside of her box:

    • You haven’t cleaned your cat’s litter box often or thoroughly enough.
    • You haven’t provided enough litter boxes for your household. Be sure to have a litter box for each of your cats, as well as one extra.
    • Your cat’s litter box is too small for her.
    • Your cat can’t easily get to her litter box at all times.
    • Your cat’s litter box has a hood or liner that makes her uncomfortable.
    • The litter in your cat’s box is too deep. Cats usually prefer one to two inches of litter.

    Negative Litter-Box Association

    imageThere are many reasons why a cat who has reliably used her litter box in the past starts to eliminate outside of the box. One common reason is that something happened to upset her while she was using the litter box. If this is the case with your cat, you might notice that she seems hesitant to return to the box. She may enter the box, but then leave very quickly—sometimes before even using the box.

    One common cause for this is painful elimination. If your cat had a medical condition that caused her pain when she eliminated, she may have learned to associate the discomfort with using her litter box. Even if your cat’s health has returned to normal, that association may still cause her to avoid her litter box."  More at:


    People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pets

    Cat sits at table in front of plate

    "Chocolate, Macadamia nuts, avocados…these foods may sound delicious to you, but they’re actually quite dangerous for our animal companions. Our nutrition experts have put together a handy list of the top toxic people foods to avoid feeding your pet. As always, if you suspect your pet has eaten any of the following foods, please note the amount ingested and contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.

    Chocolate, Coffee, Caffeine:

    These products all contain substances called methylxanthines, which are found in cacao seeds, the fruit of the plant used to make coffee and in the nuts of an extract used in some sodas. When ingested by pets, methylxanthines can cause vomiting and diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures and even death. Note that darker chocolate is more dangerous than milk chocolate. White chocolate has the lowest level of methylxanthines, while baking chocolate contains the highest.


    Alcoholic beverages and food products containing alcohol can cause vomiting, diarrhea, decreased coordination, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, tremors, abnormal blood acidity, coma and even death.


    The leaves, fruit, seeds and bark of avocados contain Persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Birds and rodents are especially sensitive to avocado poisoning, and can develop congestion, difficulty breathing and fluid accumulation around the heart. Some ingestions may even be fatal.

    Macadamia Nuts

    Macadamia nuts are commonly used in many cookies and candies. However, they can cause problems for your canine companion. These nuts have caused weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors and hyperthermia in dogs. Signs usually appear within 12 hours of ingestion and last approximately 12 to 48 hours.

    Grapes & Raisins

    Although the toxic substance within grapes and raisins is unknown, these fruits can cause kidney failure. In pets who already have certain health problems, signs may be more dramatic.

    Yeast Dough

    Yeast dough can rise and cause gas to accumulate in your pet’s digestive system. This can be painful and can cause the stomach or intestines to rupture. Because the risk diminishes after the dough is cooked and the yeast has fully risen, pets can have small bits of bread as treats. However, these treats should not constitute more than 5 percent to 10 percent of your pet’s daily caloric intake.

    Raw/Undercooked Eggs and Bones

    Raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin that decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin), which can lead to skin and coat problems. Feeding your pet raw bones may seem like a natural and healthy option that might occur if your pet lived in the wild. However, this can be very dangerous for a domestic pet, who might choke on bones, or sustain a grave injury should the bone splinter and become lodged in or puncture your pet’s digestive tract, if they are not the right bones.


    Xylitol is used as a sweetener in many products, including gum, candy, baked goods and toothpaste. It can cause insulin release in most species, which can lead to liver failure. The increase in insulin leads to hypoglycemia (lowered sugar levels). Initial signs of toxicosis include vomiting, lethargy and loss of coordination. Signs can progress to recumbancy and seizures. Elevated liver enzymes and liver failure can be seen within a few days.

    Onions, Garlic, Chives

    imageThese vegetables and herbs can cause gastrointestinal irritation and could lead to red blood cell damage. Although cats are more susceptible, dogs are also at risk if a large enough amount is consumed. Toxicity is normally diagnosed through history, clinical signs and microscopic confirmation of Heinz bodies. An occasional low dose, such as what might be found in pet foods or treats, likely will not cause a problem, but we recommend that you do NOT give your pets large quantities of these foods.


    Because pets, cats included, do not possess significant amounts of lactase (the enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk), milk and other milk-based products cause them diarrhea or other digestive upset.


    Large amounts of salt can produce excessive thirst and urination, or even sodium ion poisoning in pets. Signs that your pet may have eaten too many salty foods include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature, seizures and even death. In other words, keep those salty chips to yourself!"  From:



    "Ami, The Chicago Dog Coach says, “Don’t be afraid to share your Christmas festivities with your dog, but make sure that you are aware of what foods and plants are toxic.”

    Poisonous Plants- Holly berries The bright red holly berries are quite poisonous to dogs and other small animals with reports of only 20 berries being fatal to a large dog. Ivy can result in drooling, retching or vomiting, Mistletoe can cause retching, vomiting and salivation.

    Christmas trees are considered to be mildly toxic to dogs. The tree oils can irritating to the mouth and stomach, causing excessive drooling or vomiting. The tree needles are not easily digested either and can cause GI irritation, vomiting, gastrointestinal obstruction or puncture.

    If you suspect that your dog has ingested something inappropriate, please call your local vet ASAP."  From:


    From me: The ASPCA Poison Hotline # is: 1-888-426-4435  There may be a charge for the consultation, but an emergency vet clinic cost is a lot more!


    List of 17 Pet Poisonous Plants




    Some things that you never knew where poisonous to your pet:

    "Dr. Karen Becker, a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian talks about pets exposure to in and around the home. Part 1



    On This Day:

    GM engineers discover that leaded gas reduces "knock" in auto engines, Dec 9, 1921:

    "On this day, a young engineer at General Motors named Thomas Midgeley Jr. discovers that when he adds a compound called tetraethyl lead (TEL) to gasoline, he eliminates the unpleasant noises (known as "knock" or "pinging") that internal-combustion engines make when they run. Midgeley could scarcely have imagined the consequences of his discovery: For more than five decades, oil companies would saturate the gasoline they sold with lead--a deadly poison.

    Unfortunately, as more and more people bought GM cars, more and more people noticed a problem: When they heated up, their engines made an alarming racket, banging and clattering as though their metal parts were loose under the hood.

    Midgeley found a couple of additives that did work, however, and lead was just one of them. Iodine worked, but producing it was much too complicated. Ethyl alcohol also worked, and it was cheap--however, anyone with an ordinary still could make it, which meant that GM could not patent it or profit from it. Thus, from a corporate point of view, lead was the best anti-knock additive there was.

    In February 1923, a Dayton filling station sold the first tankful of leaded gasoline. A few GM engineers witnessed this big moment, but Midgeley did not, because he was in bed with severe lead poisoning. He recovered; however, in April 1924, lead poisoning killed two of his unluckier colleagues, and in October, five workers at a Standard Oil lead plant died too, after what one reporter called "wrenching fits of violent insanity." (Almost 40 of the plant's workers suffered severe neurological symptoms like hallucinations and seizures.)

    Still, for decades auto and oil companies denied that lead posed any health risks. Finally, in the 1970s, the Environmental Protection Agency required that carmakers phase out lead-compatible engines in the cars they sold in the United States. Today, leaded gasoline is still in use in some parts of Eastern Europe, South America and the Middle East."



    It was a catch-up day.  Of course, I had scooped the litter boxes on Saturday, even though it was the Sabbath, as the Bible tell us to tend to our critters first.  But there were boxes to deep clean, dishes to wash, floors to mop, laundry and pet blankies to wash. During the couple of days taking care of Punkie, I had let some things slide.

    image Mindi had bought a $5, 3.5 lb bag of Kibbles'nBits to feed her dogs, as well as some homemade chicken and rice.  I don't know why she stopped at a store to buy the Kibbles'nBits, as she knows I won't feed any pet food from a grocery store unless it is Paul Newman's Own Organic pet food. image When I looked at  the reviews for Kibble'nBits, I found out it was the lowest rated, at 1 star: The first two ingredients are CORN and SOY, both GMO products!

    The chicken and rice was made out a bunch of WHITE rice, (rice is of only modest nutritional value to a dog, and Rice ingredients can sometimes contain arsenic), hardly any chicken, and there were even some spiky bones in it.  This is what her husband cooked up to feed the dogs.

    "Homemade chicken and rice dog food is a bland food source that is often recommended by veterinarians to help dogs recover from diarrhea. This protein and starch combination can also stimulate appetite when a dog is ill or recovering from surgery. While it's not recommended for long-term use, cooked chicken and white rice has enough nutritional properties to put your dog back on the road to wellness."  From:

    Her dogs looked a lot better when she used to buy Diamond dog food. (Not that Diamond is highly recommended, 2.5 stars:

    When I went to the feed store to get the electrolytes and NutriCal for Punkie, I bought a 5lb bag of Victor Dog Food.(  It is rated 4 stars, was $6, so it is cheaper, by the ounce, than the Kibbles'nBits.  Some was soaked in some sodium-free chicken broth and added to the chicken and rice.   Not as good as what I feed my Misty, but Mindi has a lot of dogs to feed, as they have more dogs at home.  But even so, she could feed them better than that, but she is like a lot of people who listen to the TV ads. It is the same for people and pets: 'Don't eat anything that you have seen advertised!'

    I have known the two remaining poodles for all these years, and they now look terrible.  Their coats felt dry and unhealthy, and so I groomed them to try to make them look, and feel better.  Even their nails didn't feel healthy when I cut them.  Her husband also wanted me to cut down his Yorkie, "Puddin", while she was here, so I was grooming all morning.

    The fourth dog is a Dachshund, so all I had to do to her was cut her nails yesterday.

    Thursday, November 7, 2013

    2-Way RV Fridge To 3-Way? Who Makes The Best RV? Hiking Staff Gripping. Stink Bug Trap. Magic Johnson.


    For "tRaVersing Thursday", or RV Day:

    Can I convert a two-way RV refrigerator to three-way?

    Dear Gary,
    "We just replaced our Dometic refrigerator with a new one. On our old refrigerator we had an after-market three-way switch put in (AC, DC, propane). That way we could run our fridge on DC while we drove. Now I am told I can only use propane or electric and the fridge is off during travel. I can't believe stuff stays cold enough. We often travel for several hours at a time. What is the problem with using DC while driving? The batteries charge while driving. Is it possible to put in an inverter?" —Edie T. (Kent, WA)

    Gary's Response:

    "Edie, indeed, the two major manufacturers of RV refrigerators produce both 2-way (120-volts AC and propane) and 3-way models, which includes a 12-volt heater for operation while the vehicle is in motion. The 12-volt DC mode of operation, however, is considered a “maintenance mode” only. Realistically, the refrigerator’s interior compartments must already be cooled down and the food chilled prior to setting the unit to the 12-volt mode. It would take too much out of a typical battery system to cool a warm refrigerator down from scratch on battery power alone. In other words, the drain on the system would be a greater load than most battery systems could provide before becoming depleted. By the way, I’m not aware of an approved aftermarket kit for adding a 12-volt DC heating element to a standard 2-way refrigerator and would be quite hesitant about using one anyway. For correct absorption cooling operation, the sockets for the heating elements must be properly welded to the cooling core and this can only take place during manufacture.

    Yes, you could add a dedicated inverter to power the refrigerator on 120-volt AC while driving, but that too, would require proper sizing of the battery bank. In my experience, simply getting the refrigerator (and the properly stowed food), as cold as possible on propane or shoreline power before heading out, and then avoiding opening the doors during the day, will usually keep everything cold enough until you can fire up one of the other modes once you stop for the night. The frozen T-bones and lobster tails should not defrost during that time.

    Of course, even a 2-way refrigerator is designed to be operated on propane while driving down the road if you are in that camp, (check out this related question).
    If you really must have the refrigerator on while driving, but aren’t confident using propane while going down the road, then the addition of an inverter and a healthier battery bank might be the most economical option; certainly less than swapping out the refrigerator again for a 3-way unit. I'm curious as to why the dealer simply didn't sell you a 3-way model to begin with..."   by RV Doctor


    Who makes the best RV?

    "Given that I spend a good deal of time working on RVs, I'm often asked who makes the best of "whatever category RV a person might be seeking." Not an easy question to answer as I do not believe there is a single answer. There are, however, some things to consider — the most important of which is price.

    Simply put, you never get the same things in an entry-level RV you find in a high-end one. There really is a reason some things cost more than others, and an entry-level product, regardless of manufacturer, is intended to be sold based on price, not quality. In my experience, it may look good when new but the "new" is short-lived.

    For example, the shine quickly fades on the exterior as the gel coat is very thin. The carpet quickly looks matted down, and the cushions in the furniture sag and look worn out almost overnight. The reason, of course, is because they are made as cheaply as possible in order to meet an impossibly low price point. The same things hold true of axles, frames, sidewall construction, and all the things folks either cannot see or do not know how to assess. Manufacturers, by the way, acknowledge in private that their more expensive products wear much better and require much less maintenance than their entry-level models for these exact reasons.

    For occasional seasonal use, entry-level products do just fine. They also are not a bad choice if the owner is willing to perform regular maintenance. For serious campers, however, I question the wisdom of buying at the lowest price points.

    How do you tell quality? You start off by doing plenty of shopping so you know what you are seeing. With some practice you'll be able to tell thick versus thin gel coat and the quality of slide seals, and know the difference between photographed vinyl finish on woodwork versus real wood.

    In the end, you'll quickly discover there are real differences between manufacturers and product lines. When you are able to tell the difference, you are ready to buy. Until then, getting taken in by an inferior product is never far away. By the way, you really are much better off buying a high-end pre-owned product than an entry-level model off the dealer’s lot. If you can, try to stay within five years of the current date to be up-to-date with technology.  Happy Hunting!"   by Steve Savage, Mobility RV Service


    Hiking Staff Gripping

    "Learning to hold a walking stick properly was a major improvement in my hiking ability. For those who disagree with what is about to be explained, please feel free to use whatever style you like. During my working time in Washington state a lot of hiking was done. My arthritic fingers always gave me trouble during a hike. Gripping the walking stick tight enough to keep my hand from sliding caused a lot of pain as the day wore on.

    On night at the local REI store they were having a beginning hiking class. The instructor was as big a fan of using a hiking staff (walking stick to me) as I was. He started this session with the question “Does everyone know how to hold a walking stick?” Naturally a lot of snickers from the audience including me. WOW was I about to get a lesson. We will omit the embarrassing portion that happened next. When his point was proven that yes there is technique to holding a walking stick, my attention was riveted to his lesson.

    Your stick needs a lanyard of some type attached at the top of the stick. A thick line will do, but you will soon see that a flat wide strap is a lot better. The one on my choice of sticks is shown in the next picture.
    Your grip is only to control where the ground contact point of the walking stick goes. You never support your weight with your hand.
    To hold the stick properly, insert your hand through the loop like you are going to shake hands with the stick. Your grip on the stick will always be very light to relieve your fingers and palm of strain.

    The strap will lay under your palm toward your wrist as shown in the above picture. The exact position will vary slightly from person to person and during the day. All the weight of lifting your body goes into the strap. NONE of the weight goes into your grip. The strap is adjusted to give you some slack to wiggle the stick for choosing the placement of the point and position your grip at the chosen spot on the stick.
    The reason many sticks are adjustable in height is so your forearm will be parallel to the ground when on flat ground. On mine the height is adjusted by sliding a portion of the stick in and out and locking it. When you head uphill, it is shortened some. When you are going down hill it is lengthened some.

    Once you learn this technique, it will make walking or hiking a lot better for trying to have tooooo much fun. TheOFM."  From: Barney of Old Fat Man Adventures:


    2 Best Stink Bug traps



    On This Day:

    Magic Johnson announces he has HIV, Nov 7, 1991:

    "On November 7, 1991, basketball legend Magic Johnson holds a press conference to announce that he has HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and is retiring from the L.A. Lakers. From then on, he said, he would focus on staying healthy and on helping people—especially young people—understand the importance of practicing safe sex. "You think it can never happen to you," he said, "that it happens only to other people." But "if it can happen to Magic Johnson, it can happen to anybody."

    In 1991, many people didn’t understand the difference between HIV and AIDS, and they thought that either one was a certain death sentence.

    In 1997 Johnson was named to the NBA’s 50th Anniversary All-Time Team. Five years after that, he was named to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. He is still HIV-positive, of course, but he remains healthy and strong."



    Ray came over to help me get the cabinets out of the van.  The only safe, dry place to keep them was in the Grooming Room.  We moved the kennel cages out from the wall, and some beads of cat litter were vacuumed from behind there.  We got one countertop behind them, when it started to pour down rain. 

    Jay called from Onalaska, TX, and he said that he isn't going back to work there after the weekend.  We all knew he wouldn't stick it out.  There is even a pot going on in the subdivision about when he will return.

    Later in the afternoon it had dried up, so we tried again.  The other countertop was put behind there, with the two cabinet doors and the extra side panels.  The three cabinets were put on top of the cages on their sides, openings out.  We pushed the kennel cages back against the countertops.  The drawers were put back in place, and we put cat beds in the rest of the spaces. 

    It didn't take long for the cats to find their new hidey holes.  Through the glass door, I saw them curled up so cutely together in one bed inside a cabinet, but when I opened the door to take a picture, they moved. 

    Now, we just need the time to remake the three cabinets into the two cabinets that we need, on another day.