Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts

Sunday, April 22, 2012

We Sure Owe a LOT of Apologies

We are so very sorry for disappearing the way we did. At first, I was so embarrassed I couldn't even look you in the eye.

But then I decided that I just had to face the music and own up to the fact that Blog Mom did a very bad thing. We never meant to just book like that. It just got harder to keep up for a variety of human-based reasons and then it got to be a long time and then it was just awkward. We missed milestones and celebrations and sadness and all the things that furiends are supposed to be around to share. We never did stop thinking about you all, though. Not ever.

Then today  we got a sign that it was time to come back. Blog Mom downloaded a Kindle book. About  a dog, of course. What else is really worth reading? Well, the author of this book has a blog, so of course we  had to check that out and what did we find? Well, we found a real dog blog, not one of those fancy pants  author blogs. A Daily Dose of Jack is fur real. And what else? The very first post mentioned Remington. Yes, THAT Remington! A little further down was one where Madi sent a pressie. And Wilf.  The pack was all there!

Wait a minute, Wilf? One thing that was a little scary coming back was wondering if any of our friends know. We still haven't counted noses so we don't know, but we prepared for Wilf to have moved on. And he didn't. Hasn't. Is still here. Thank Dog!

We did learn that Hero has had another harrowing time with stomach bloat, but is on the road to recovery. We are, of course sending all the power of the paw that we can and we are sure that he'll be all better real soon. 

We don't know how often we'll be able to post and we know we can't keep up with commenting everywhere, but we are going to try to catch up with everyone for the next few days and as far as our own posts go we'll see how it goes, but we'll try to get one out of Blog Mom every so often.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Peeps on Parade and Pip, too.

I know we're late. In some timezones the weekend is all over already. But we figured we could just get a short Peeps post in before it was too late. Thank you to Sarge for this interesting idea.

 Now the Moms will not show up in photographs. They are either vampires or ghosts or maybe in the Witness Protection Program. Daddy doesn't mind, though. Perhaps it's because no on told him Blog Mom is posting him to the blog. Hee hee.

That's Daddy on the left. Franklin's the one on the right. I think the one who got cut off  might be my human brother. There are like a zillion pictures of him on the web. Here's one

That was when he was out on the road all the time, which he is not now. Which, believe it or not, is one of the reasons we haven't been online as much, lately. It's a long story, but the short version is he changed his life around some and now the house is more full of peeps more often, keeping my Blogging assistant much busier than she used to be. I like having more people around, but it's a bit annoying not to have my blogging assistant at my disposal. Still, things like that never stay the same for too long around here. We just have to go with the flow, is what I'm told.

Daddy's the one who's home with us the most. He's retired and not always well. But he loves us HUGELY and spends tons of time seeing to it that we have everything he thinks we want or need. He worries about us a lot, too. We're not sure why because we're fine, thank you, but he means well. Music has always been his great love. Classic rock is his favorite. He also likes sports quite well and he builds model cars as a hobby now that he's home all day.

Daddy and Blog Mom are married. Blog Mom works during the day as a bookkeeper at a not for profit organization. She loves her job. She isn't as crazy about domestic chores. Daddy does as many of those as he can if he's feeling well. Sadly, he doesn't cook. Franklin lives downstairs with them all the time and sleeps with them at night. I live downstairs with them during the day and early evening if Alpha Mom is not home.

Alpha Mom works in the same place as Blog Mom. Alpha Mom has worked there much longer. She's an attorney there. On weekends there's Sarge, of course. He's our equine brother who does not live here at home. He's a draft cross. Alpha Mom has loved all animal, but especially horses and doggies all her life. She is a vegetabletarian, too. I live with Alpha Mom when she's home, which is not as much as Blog Mom, and I sleep with Alpha Mom at night.

We still have our foster bass player.  In fact he's been here for four years, so Blog Mom is getting less optimistic about finding him a forever home. Here's a photo:

He's not only a fine bass player, he's quiet, housebroken and knows most basic commands. Franklin and I want to keep him. So far so good.

We want to say Happy Blogaversary to Mr. Pip. Looks like we didn't quite make he deadline to join in the Superhero fun. Blog Mom actually got her dates mixed up about that. But that doesn't mean we're not enjoying all the super creative superheroes who have shown up there because we are. And most of all, we just are so glad that we've had this chance to get to know Pip.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oh My Dogness. I forgot my own Blogaversary!

We were just lazing around the living room here, trying to catch up with some of our friends when the date came up. March 13th is the date and I just wondered why it rang a bell. We checked and yep, it's been one year today since our first post here. I had certainly thought to do something more special for a Blogaversary Post. You know - special photos, a bit of a retrospective. We should be reflecting on how many wonderful friends we've made from all over the world and how much we've been enriched by this whole Blogville community. We should be thanking everydoggy for their friendliness, unfailing kindness and understanding when we aren't as reliable as we'd like to be.

Franklin, wake up! Do you realize what day this is?
We should be doing something, anyway. But the fact is that Blog Mom's 'flu hung on all week and she's been a bit foggy and not exactly on the old ball if you know what I mean. So, I guess we're lucky just to get a post about it in under the wire. But at the very least, we do want to thank each and every one of you for making this year so very special to us.

Now if any of you boy doggies want to say Happy Blogaversary, there could be no better way than to drop by and see me at the Kissing Booth at the fund raiser for Richie and Ronnie. Just click on the Kissing Booth tab and look around for me. I won't take it amiss if you should want to plant one on some of the other lady doggies, too. It's all for a good cause. And don't worry, girls. There are plenty of boy doggies there, too.

Pucker up!
In other news, we are waiting on the meds from Canada. I guess it's too soon to say how well that went until they get here, but so far so good, I think.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

HUGE Day in Blogville

I am so happy we're able to get online this evening. It was no good yesterday, last night or early this morning, but it's working now and good thing, too, because Hero had his baby human sister!!!! Um...technically it was Cheche who gave birth, but we know that Hero's moral support carried the day, we think. If you haven't gone to visit Hero yet today, you'll want to. There are baby pictures!!!!! And big licks to Alpha Mom for noticing this before Blog Mom and I even got online.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thanks from me, Lola

I want to thank everyone who came by, sent their well wishes and even sent new furiends to visit. It really lifts a girl's spirits to have so many supportive friends. I'm feeling quite well on the Rimadyl now. The only bad thing is that I do still need it to feel well and will probably have to do a second round of it and then go back to the Vet. But now I can go up and downstairs again, and get up on the furniture and even run around a bit, so I'm not complaining.

I was feeling like this. 

But now I feel more like this. Better, right? 
 Our spirits were really lifted today when we learned that Hero is on the mend and healing at last. There could be no better news. Our tails are wagging right off our butts and not just the doggies. The humans are that happy, too. Hero may be a boy dog, but I still think of him as one of my BFF's. Keep on feeling better and better, dear friend. You're going to need all your strength for dealing with your baby sister when she arrives.

 I guess I should say thanks to Franklin for stepping up here on the blog and also for allowing me to get rest and not bothering me too much when I was feeling especially bad. There'll be a little something extra in his doggy dish tonight. I'm also considering add him to my by-line on post and comments. What do you think? Is he ready? He'll have been with us for six months in a few days. It's beginning to seem quite permanent.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Power of the Paw for Hero

We interrupt our holiday non-programming to talk about how Hero is much in need of the Power of the Paw right now. He's having a horrific bout of complications due to Familial Shar Pei Fever. Hero will always be a very special Pei friend to us, and we know he's special to lots of you, too. Especially Twix, but just about everydoggy loves Hero, we think. Right now all we want from Santa Paws is good news from Maylasia and to read that he's healing and feeling good.

Oh, and we don't care if the medicine makes him lose his wrinkles and shrinks his muzzle as long as it heals him and brings his appetite back. It's Hero's heart that makes him special, not the way he looks. Please join us in keeping good thoughts and prayers and wishes heading his way.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


We very much wanted to dedicate a post to our furiend, Abbey, a sweet Golden. I think most of you know her and know that she's been told she's starting a journey. That's the way she put it and it's a good way to put it, but it's hard not to be sad. She is very, very sick but is having a peaceful time of it so far, with her Mom and her best doggy friend in real life, Due by her side as much as possible. We want to wish her every happy moment and a peaceful journey. And of course, we want to send good thoughts and healing ones to her Mom, too. It's very hard on her, but for right now she's just thinking of Abbey and her well being. We just want them both to know that we're thinking of them as they go through this process.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Friends

I've been meaning to post about this for a while. Now seems like as good a time as any to think about a happy thing, along with keeping the sad things in mind. If you know what I mean. I few weeks ago, Blog Mom was on Facebook. ( She still won't let  me have an account.) She was reading the Sean Casey Animal Rescue page, which is my alma mater, as you may know. Well, there was another blogging doggy from Sean Casey so of course, I had to go visit her blog. She's a very cool black Boxer mix - with a little Shar Pei! Her name is Lucca and her blog is called Lucca and the Incredible Case of Awesomeness. She doesn't blog every day. Well, neither do I, lately. But if you have time go by and say hi to her. She doesn't bite. (That's a doggy related joke.)

Now, today, we got our 100th follower. I guess that's a milestone of sorts. He's a Bichon Frise and his name is Chester and I bet some of you have met him already. His blog, Pooch Tales,  is quite new and he's going about making new furiends. It turns out I have a number of things in common with Chester as well. He has a younger sibling and has had to make adjustments. He's also a rescue as are lots and lots of us. And he's a serous cheesehound. If you haven't had the pleasure as yet, by all means go meet him, too.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thinking of Wilf

It's hard to think about anything else tonight. This blog was only a month or so old  when one of  our new blogging friends posted about a dog named  Digby being very, very sick and asking that everdoggy go over and leave some words of support. Well, we didn't know Digby or his older brother Wilf, but it seemed like an easy enough thing to do. It was impossible not to fall in love with Digby as soon as we saw his photo.  He hung on and fought hard for a while and there were even times of hope, but in the end he succumbed to illness. Hearts broke all across the world when that happened. We all felt  for Angus and the font most of all. And now, just a few short months later,  Wilf is in his final days - hours - according to his Vet. Life certainly doesn't make any claims about being fair, but it just seems so extra wrong for Wilf to be taken from his family when they've just said good-bye to his little brother. Our thoughts are with them all tonight.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Awards Round-Up

We are very late with acknowledging some awards we've gotten. So late, in fact, that we're not sure we've got them all. As always, it's Blog Mom's fault. We did want to get this week started off right and try to get caught up with that.

We were given the Versatile Blogger award by Sam and also by George a shamefully long time ago.

Thank you so much, Sam and George. I may or  may not be versatile, but timely is clearly not among my attrtibutes.(Not my fault.)

A teeny more recently - this one is only inexcusably late on this, rather than unconscionably so  - I received these lovely awards from Hero (you have to see the artistic way he did that post if you haven't). Zelle also passed these to me, and was the first so far to include Franklin. He wants to send a big wet snuffle and snuggle  to Zelle for that. I also received these from K-9 Katastrophe. I want to thank each of you for including us. It makes me  feel warm and even fuzzier all over, even if I'm just awfully late in posting them.

 And if that wasn't enough, those wonderful folks at K-9 Katastrophe gave us the Doggie Bloggie Award, too! That works out especially well what with this being a Doggie Blog and all. Thank you, Ruthie!

Of course, there are rules to all awards and I guess I tend to break those. No longer able to pick out just five or 10 or even 15 blogs to award, I want to share these with everyone that we follow or visit with, here or on their blogs. That's because they're all great blogs, I am grateful for everydog's friendship and I think our furiends have some of the best Doggie Blogs anywhere - even in the cases where the furiend in question is a kitty.

Then comes the part where I'm supposed to  list a given number of things about me, Lola. I love that part, but I can't do it tonight. It's late and it's almost time for lights and good night and I wanted to get this up and thank the givers before another dog year passes us by. I think you all know just about everything there is to know about me anyway and if anything really interesting happens I come skittering over as fast as I can to post about it.

I want to apologize because I wasn't able to visit a whole lot of blogs in the last couple of days. Blog Mom kept going places instead of being here to work the computer for me. I know I've missed some important things and will be trying hard to catch up in the next couple of day

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

For George

As many of you have probably read, our furiend George, of Welsh Terrier fame, was just entered in an informal sort of dog show by his well meaning, but perhaps a little misguided, Dad. It seems that dog shows have not, so far, been the best venue for George to shine. George did not win. Or place. He came in last. This is incomprehensible to Franklin and me both. George is a Terrier of so many talents. Not only does he have a super terrific blog, he's just a wonderful travel writer. He's a  Morris dancer. We only learned what a Morris dancer was from George, so there you go! He's an educator, too. That's just scratching the surface, I'm sure, but on top of this multitude of abilities, George remains a regular dude and will accompany his Dad to the pub for a pint any time at all. Plus, he's very good looking, don't you think?

Well, we know that George is Best of Breed in our hearts so we are presenting him with our own blue ribbon for first place. We hope he'll accept it in the spirit in which it's given.
George, you're the best! 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

One More Sad Good-Bye

Well, we logged on, thinking about posting something light and silly and catching up with everyone, but the first thing we saw on our blogroll was HEARTBREAK,  posted at The Poupounette. We went there, knowing what we were going to find. Yuu-Chan has gone to the bridge. We are so sad right now, there are no words. He was so young and so loved by his human and four legged family. His blog family was rooting for him through this illness, but our pawsitive vibes didn't help this time. The only thing we can think right now is that his life, short though it was, was good and full of love and the best care he could have.

RIP Yuu-Chan. We hope you're running free and living in beautiful sunshine every day. Our hearts go out to his family and particularly his #1.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Twinkie's National Dog Week Show Us Your Tongue Contest

Twinkie is having a giveaway contest to celebrate National Dog Week.  She asked for suggestions  for what kind of contest but didn't get a lot, and finally came up with "Show Us Your Tongue" as a theme for the competition. Sounds easy, right? Not for us so much. We keep our tongues firmly in our cheeks most of the time. Oh, mine comes out to apply generous licks to my humans, or any humans who stand still long enough for that matter. But it's hard to take a picture while you're being licked. The rest of the time all you get is a glimpse of my tongue. There are like three existant photos that include a decent image of my tongue. This is probably the best of them. It's an action shot, as  you can see.

I don't know if it's a breed thing, but  it might be. We're not even sure we've really seen Franklin's tongue. He seems to have been taught not to lick by his former humans. I'm working on unteaching him. Now I get an occasional kiss from him and once in a while he'll lay a quick one on one of the humans, but not often. That's a shame, because we Pei are very good at kisses. We approach it very seriously. As for our mostly hidden tongues, I think it might be that our mouths have plenty of room for our tongues so even if we're panting  the most you'll usually see of it is just the tip. So, even though I can't really compete with some of the world class doggy tongues out there, this is my modest submisison - the best I can do.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fashion Statements and Birthday Boys


I assume we all know that it's Fashion Week in NYC. No, I didn't attend any of the shows. All my invitations must have been lost in the mail, plus we were busy with other things. Anyway, the more interesting New York Fashion Week was in August. That was Pet Fashion Week. Uh...we didn't go to that either, but it looks like a lot more fun than the human version, doesn't it? Still, those NY celebrepets have nothing on our own fashionistas, like Lorenza, for instance. But then  she's got her own pawsonal designer and seamstress right at home. Ha! Beat that, Paris Hilton's chihuahua!

We Pei are better off keeping it simple, however. A Pei in a dress just wouldn't look the same as a doxie or a yorkie. My wardrobe generally consists of a collar and sometimes a bandana. Harness and leash come into the equation if we're going out, of course. The same formula works just as well for Franklin. With this very limited palette with which to work, we needed to give careful thought to our Fall 2010 looks.  What did we want to say with our collars this year? Well, we decided that what I wanted to say was that I'm a girl. There's sometimes a little confusion on that front. I think it's the very short ears. So, we decided to think pink.

No one's going to ask "What's HIS name now?", am I right?

See the little bitty bones? It's those little details that are so impawtent.
 Now Franklin has a different issue to deal with. There's the little problem of his looking a tad demonic. You don't see it in the photos that Blog Mom has taken so much. She likes to take photos that flatter him and she sees him as totally adorable. You know how Moms are. But when viewed straight on his face can be just a little startling and the red rims around his eyes aren't getting any less red after two months. This together with the fact that we're bred to look a little stern so some people are afraid of us to begin with means that we had to give some thought to Franklin's image when planning his wardrobe. So...Woofstock for Franklin. It really does reflect his attitude much better than his rather deep bark does.

Peace, love and Puperoni, dudes!
Also, it serves to remind one that it's much more likely that a red eyed individual is peacefully stoned than possessed by a demon.

Stay away from the brown cheese, pawple!

I mostly gave up doing posts for furiends' special days because it was just impawsible to keep up with all the birthdays and Gotcha Days. But this past week has been remarkable for the number of important days our furiends are celebrating. It started with Hero's birthday on the 6th. He turned 4. Oh, to be 4 again! What a wonderful age!  And then there's Pip's very special day on September 11th. And then it turns out that today is Bolo's birthday and also Buddy's! All's I can say is that September has given us some great doggies and I'm so glad to know all of them and if you haven't said Happy Birthday to them, well, it's never too late.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Great Rearrangement Continues

Hi. Remember me, Lola? The forecast here is for continued slow blogging until either the end of time or until Blog Mom runs out of projects she can do, or make Daddy do, in the house whichever comes first.  See that photo above? I don't even look like that anymore. I have my new fall collar and not a single decent photo of it yet. It's pink with silver bones on it, by the way. Maybe you'll get to see it sometime, if we get our priorities straight.

Of course some of these home improvements do show the right attitude. See that bed that Franklin's on? That's my ratty old bed that had been retired but was recalled to duty when Franklin moved in.  That's history. Blog Mom came home from one of her expeditions with a new one, but we don't have a picture of it, do we? Actually, we're not sure we like it all that much. It's a little too fluffy for our taste. We prefer something in a flatter bed, but we're starting to use it. And at least she was thinking of the dogs while she was out that time.  She claims it all has a lot to do with us. She says that the house was never properly set up to accomodate a Pei centered family and now that there are two of us, it's more Pei centered than ever. Whatever.

Blog Mom has really got the bit in her teeth now. It all started, as far as I can tell, with her deciding that she just had to do something about where the cats eat, which was largely on the kitchen table. Because of the Pei, of course. It's actually the only dining table they currently have as the dining room has been pressed into service for other things, so it was pretty inconvenient to have the cats on the kitchen table entirely aside from the impression that makes on any normal people who might sneak into the house.  Anyhoo, there's an old hutch in the kitchen and she thought of clearing it off and giving it to the cats for their dining area. One thing leads to another. When you empty a space you have to put the things that were there other places. And if you're going to move the microwave you might as well get a new one, etc, etc.  Long, long story short - the kitchen had to be totally reorganized. And while we were at it, wasn't it about time we got a new kitchen table? Apparently it was.

Simone got it right away. It took Happy a little longer to remember where to look for his food and he still has to be put there sometimes. They both seem very pleased by the change, I have to admit. Happy sleeps there a lot during the day and both of them seem to enjoy having a dining/napping space that is exclusively theirs. But they did stay away the day the new table came. That was just too much change and commotion for them and they hid out in the bedroom until they were overcome with hunger. By then the table was in place and they could see it wasn't really dangerous at all.

Blog Mom almost satisfied with the kitchen for now, except for a few finishing touches she has in mind. It needs a new floor as does the front hall, but that's going to have to wait until there's a budget for it, and DIY is pretty much out of the question. It's for the best, believe me. However, this aggression did not stop at the kitchen door. She's begun the living room and one idea leads to another. Somehow we've gone to making a place for the kitties to eat to researching the pros and cons of gel burning fireplaces. After the living room she's already got a to-do list for the hall bathroom. And she's thinking up things she wants to do next Spring, too! We did get some new area rugs for the living room. There was a going out of business sale right on the way to the supermarket it seems. I like the rugs and am doing my best to infuse them with a nice, homey essence of Pei.

 I have to admit that despite the fact that some humans were not giving us undivided attention and there was all this upheaval going on, Franklin and I had a very nice, relaxing Labor Day weekend. The weather was beautiful and there were plenty of people around to let us in and out and out and in and see to our every need and most of our wants, too. We napped in the sun and played in the shade had treats and Franklin barked at the neighbors some and all in all, from a doggy point of view it was pretty nice even though Alpha Mom went to the Hampton Classic and didn't take us. She says she's taking us next year for sure. I hope you all had a great one.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just A Quick Note About the Auction

I just want to let the doggies who bought my items know that J.D., Max and their Mom have sent your info and we'll be sending them out very soon. Of course my not too bright mom didn't think about going and getting the packaging ahead of time, so we have to do that first, but if we don't really have a bad hurricane we should be all over it on the weekend.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So Many Thanks In Order, Part I

I haven't blogged much and for the first time in a while I really have gotten behind in reading blogs. For that, I'm getting awards and a cool pressie. Maybe I should just shut up all the time. Nah! That's not going to happen. But there are so many thanks in order I thought I better do them it two evenings. Awards tomorrow, I hope, pressie and other business tonight.

I want to say a BIG thank you to J.D., Max and their Mom for all the work they've done and are still doing on the auction for Shelby. I feel awful about not getting online to bid on something, but a lot of the things we put up sold, so I'm happy about that and even happier that the auction really did raise a considerable contribution to Shelby's care.

Now I have to tell you about the big surprise I got yesterday. I got mail! I generally get much better mail than my humans do and this was no exception.

I've got mail!

Someone bring my reading glasses!
It was from my Rhodesian Ridgeback furiend, Boomer Miller! Boomer sent me mail! How exciting is that? Very, very exciting!  So, what's in the envelope? I need to know.
This is pawfect! 
Boomer, how did you know? It's just what I needed!
To be honest, I like having a little brother. I kind of love Franklin. Maybe even a lot. But there are moments now and then when I remember what it was like being the sole canine center of my universe and sometimes I miss it. It kind of lifts my spirits to have this and  say, "Nyah, nyah!" at those moments. OK, I can be a bit of a bitch at times. Comes with the territory. Not that it's entirely true. I will always be top dog here as long as I'm on this side of the Bridge. I got that in writing just to be sure. But they probably love Franklin just as much. Just sort of differently, due to the fact that he's young and kind of goofy. But I don't have to tell him that, do I?
Oh, I feel right on top of my game again!
Thank you again so very much, Boomer. You are a thoughtful and kind Ridgeback and I'll be furever grateful.

I can't close this post out without expressing Get Well wishes for dear little Molly. She's sickies again, and fighting like a teeny tiger again, too. We are sending all the pawsitive vibes that we can, Molly. I hope you can feel them.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Barkday, Sugar

Sugar is nine years young today. She looks much younger, doesn't she? And she is having a blog pawty to celebrate. She says that all you have to do to attend the pawty is the following:
  1. If you wish to celebrate and pawty on my Barkday, simply do a blog post on Tuesday, August 10th (my Barkday). About WHAT? Well, on how you would Pawty on my Barkday ... adventures will be doing and of course the delish treats will be eating
  2. On my post on August 10th "My 9th Barkday,"
  3. Feel free to use any photos in my blog to use in your post.
Easy Peasy, right? Well, I love a pawty. I'm assuming a lot of Golden Retrievers will be there, so it should be very social and fun. Goldens might be the most social doggies I've ever ment. I think starting with a good game of Pin the Tail on the Kitty is a great way to break the ice.

Then it would be pretty cool to work up an appetite (as if we needed to do that) with a good old fashioned squirrel treeing competition.

And then it would be time for a little something. I would love to try Sugar's Mom's Cheesy Bone Treats, maybe along with a little chopped liver. There's nothing like chopped liver for a pawty, I always woof. And maybe a nice cheese platter. Then, of course, the big moment and a ginormous cheesecake and we bark Happy Barkday to Sugar. Sounds like a great time to me, but I'm certainly open to other ideas and look forward to reading what others have thought up. Whatever goes on, I hope that Sugar has the best birthday ever.

Weather permitting, I will chase a squirrel in Sugar's honor today. I would love to toast her with a bit of chopped liver as well, but that one's not up to me. Failing that we'll think of her when as we munch on a tea time lamb and rice buscuit - not party fare, but more likely to be available

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Good News from CoCo!

I"m sure the Power of the Paw is helping. CoCo went home yesterday, still kind of shaky on her pins, but she's been improving since she got home. Her Mom said that when they got to the VET, CoCo just started heading toward the visiting room, but her folks told her no, she was going home and she was one happy Dane once she understood that. They said she really hadn't slept well at the hospital, but she had an excellent night's sleep last night. Except when she woke up about 4:30 AM and asked to go out, and she pooped. No one minded getting up at that  hour because she hadn't been able to poop in the hospital so there was great celebrating about that success. She has a lot of weight to gain back. She's all thin and her collar is hanging off, but the meds and  home cooking will fix that.

I want to thank you for all your good thoughts for CoCo. I know what she's got is treatable and manageable, but it's always good to have those vibes out there for you.

While I'm at it, I just want to make sure that everydog knows about Shelby's Auction Page that JD and Max are running for her. I  would guess that everyone does know, but did you know you could follow it and know whenever new stuff is posted?  Go ahead. What are you waiting for?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Can I Get Some Power of the Paw for a Friend?

CoCo, a very sweet Great Dane of my aquaintance is very sick in the hospital right now. Some of you met her in my post about the Doggy Expo we were both at in June. Her Mom works with both my Moms and both she and CoCo's Daddy are torn up about this.

CoCo and her Mom, feeling great just last month
  I should tell you that the VET says it's all going to be OK. What happened was, she stopped eating and then over the weekend she got weak and her legs couldn't support her and the long and short of it is that she was diagnosed with Addison's Disease. The VET says that now that they know what's wrong she can be treated and will have to have maintenance meds once a month, but she'll be all right. But she's not there yet, and that's where the Power of the Paw comes in. She has to get her strength back.  CoCo is not a blogging dog, but if you could all just think some pawsitive vibes  for her to get better fast so she can be back home with her family  - well, it couldn't possibly hurt, right?
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