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Monday, February 23, 2009

Mathematical Birthday Magic

So, I turned 36.


I have a hard time believing it, but the math doesn't lie.

But it is a pretty cool age to be. What's so cool about 36, you ask?

Well, for one, it's a highly divisible, very cool number. It has a plethora of factors-- 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 18.

What else is pretty dang awesome? As of today, I am exactly
3 times
Kyle's age, 4 times Cory's age, and 6 times Alecia's age. How cool is that?


JoMamma said...


Kristine said...

Dang! That is pretty awesome how the numbers worked out! I love how your brain works...

Shelby said...

That was some pretty cool math!

Computer Games Rock said...

That is so cool that our ages work out like that!

Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday Peggy! Pretty cool numbers! I wonder if that will ever happen with me!

Kimmie said...

SMARTIE Happy Birthday!