Monday, January 18, 2016

Training to be a Jedi Ninja

I have to be the most talented person ever!  Christmas Eve I was taking stuff to my room and I (was training to be a Jedi Ninja) tripped and fell backwards hitting the door jam. I thought dang that is going to hurt!  Super sore on Christmas the day after Christmas me and the best husband ever went to go pick up a couple of things and I could barely lift my arm and it hurt to breath.  So I told the best husband ever I need to go to the emergency room.  Went to the emergency room waited forever!!! Finally got taken back the nurse was the same one S had when he had kidney stones and one of my customers at the restaurant.  The doctor and nurse both thought I just slept wrong and pulled a muscle.  But will do x-ray's while they were taking me back for x-ray's I had the best husband ever call the Spanish Fork restaurant to let them know I wasn't going to make it to work because I was in the emergency room.  The doctor finally came back in and wanted me to go get more x-ray's done because he has only seen one other person who has fractured their scapula (shoulder blade) and he was a bull rider and a bull stepped on it.  Anyways, they didn't do more x-rays because it was obvious that I fractured it.  This is the worst bone to break and 1% of all broken bones is the scapula and most people crack it on the edge you know the bony part that sticks out and mine is about 2 inches in. 

Went to make a doctor appointment and found out that Dr. Stacey had retired :( trying to find a new Dr seriously sucks!!  Someone suggested a Dr Clark (not impressed) so I went and seen Dr King and he wants to get a bunch of tests done he thinks I have osteoporosis when I can move and have insurance I will get the tests done.  He wants me off work for another month :( can't afford that so I had him write me a note for 2 weeks and then we will see.  I understand that if I go back too soon it is going to be bad and I might have to get surgery but I can't afford to be off work this much and I am terrified that I will lose my job or I will no longer be the manager. I don't know what to do....

I needed a break from work but this is ridiculous! So ready to burn my couch tired of being on the couch really miss sleeping next to the best husband ever.  I am not able to work, can't even drive :(  So grateful for best husband ever and my boys they have helped me out so much! Keeping the house clean and cooking dinner.  So blessed that L and C have been bringing our granddaughter over!

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