Sunday, March 29, 2020
Earth Dust vs. Heavenly Glory
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
I can easily guess your response looking at my above photo .. "what in the world is that!!"
But if anyone dares to describe the little ornaments as ugly or worthless or anything 'less-than', my emotions will rise in defense, resenting any criticism.
Why ? Because to me the above little ornaments are beautiful with treasured value.
When my two granddaughters were toddlers, both under 3, my daughter asked them if they wanted to make something for me for my birthday. Oh yes, they did.
She gave them a box of paint and brushes and two little figurines to paint.
My daughter told me they sat for over an hour painstakingly, patiently painting brush stroke after brushstroke, intent on making their work perfect for their Nanna. I will never forget the eager little faces when they so proudly gave me their gifts.
My heart melted - how I still treasure the little ornaments, and in 'my eyes' the beauty is unsurpassed!
Often when I look at the little figurines, I wonder if God doesn't feel the same as I do.
When He looks at you and me, does He see us as worthless? Does He see the flawed, imperfect brush strokes with which we have painted our lives?
Does He look at the 'gifts' of service we give Him and see them as so much 'less' than what He could so easily do better without us?
Or, do His emotions quickly rise up against anyone who would speak against us? Does He see us as beautiful beyond description and are our humble offerings to Him precious because we are clothed with our faith/trust in Him? Does He value what we offer Him as 'beautiful' , even when in human eyes it looks worthless, just because we are so loved and treasured in His sight?
" .... the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes" I Peter 1:7
"Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." I Peter 3:4
"So shall the King greatly desire your beauty, for He is the Lord, worship him !" Psalm 45:11
The ultimate, unfathomable truth is expressed by Jesus Himself -- that the Father loves you and me as much as He loves Jesus !
John 17:20,23
Next time you look into the mirror, or look into your heart, and feel despondent or discouraged at the 'little' you have offered to God, remind yourself of how God sees you and how He values what you give Him in response to His love for you.
If God delights in you and values your 'gifts' to Him, does it matter so much what others think?
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Embrace the Pace
This summer I spend a few days in Shipshewana, Indiana, which is Amish country. The group I was with stopped for lunch one day in a local restaurant and we chatted with the friendly waitress. We commented on how an unusual an experience it was for us to share the road with the Amish horse and buggies.
The waitress laughed and said... "We have a saying ...'Embrace the Pace' ".
It was a catchy phrase and echoed in my mind. Since then it has taken on very personal meaning for me. When life takes a sudden unexpected turn, you suddenly find your life-path blocked and you can no longer travel at your usual speed. Your focus has narrowed to the one thing that has 'slowed you down'.
Our initial reaction when we are suddenly encountered by a road block - be it on the street or in life - is to groan with impatience at the inconvenience and having to deal with the stress of necessary adjustments in our plans. Road blocks in life come to all of us at one time or another.
I have neglected my blog because in September my mom had a serious stroke and has been in hospice. Caring for her has demanded my daily focus and time, putting most everything else 'on hold'.
When we were told that our mother would not recover, we willingly took on the responsibility of her care 24/7. At first we were given the diagnosis that she did not have long to live, but the reality is that her condition plateaued and, though needing full care, is still with us after two months. Our own lives have been indefinitely 'put on hold' to make her our first and only priority.
That was my initial perspective - my own life 'put on hold' and the question was, how long could I put it on hold before I could of necessity pick it up again?
But then, I began to feel convicted that this was not how I should be looking at the change in my life - expecting and waiting for life to be 'normal' again so I could be in control of my own 'pace'.
"Embrace the Pace" took on deep spiritual application. I realized that if I truly believed that God was in control of my life, this too was something He had allowed and something that I needed to accept - yes, even embrace - in the same way I would willingly accept anything else from His hand.
Just as the motorists have to accommodate and slow down for the horses and buggies who share the road, so to I had to slow down and 'embrace the pace' set before me. The things that were important in my life were overshadowed by something more important. For this time in my life, I am as called to serve as in any other time,that I would more gladly choose.
In Shipshewana, I was privileged to have a ride in an Amish man's horse and buggy. I so enjoyed the experience - the hypnotic clip/clop of the horse's hooves on the pavement was stress-releasing and the unhurried pace allowed me to notice things the speeding motorists missed.
So also in life - embracing the pace - reveals and teaches us things we would otherwise never notice in the fast paced lanes of 'normal' life.
I do not think I am unique in struggling with impatience - and then feeling guilt for being impatient - for a difficult time to be over. But II Thess. 3:5 gives me the directive God leads me to -- Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.
First, knowing my heart is secure in the love of God and then, in that love allow the 'patience of Christ' to rule my emotions, is key to finding the peace that passes understanding. The peace that does not deny the difficult situation or circumstances or emotional pain, but calms the heart in the midst of it.
And then I need to remind myself that it is never in my own strength that I do the things before me ... but that the Lord's words to Paul are directed to me as well... "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." II Cor. 12:9
God makes no mistakes and when I am called to Embrace the Pace , I know that God walks it with me.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Knitting a Lesson
My mother taught me to knit when I was 5 years old. At first I just moved the stitches from one needle to the other, the only 'growth' happening when my mother 'borrowed' my work for a time. I remember well how I enjoyed the hours I sat in my little chair 'knitting' and proudly showed my Dad what I could do when he came home from work.
Let me share them with you.
1. I loved the yarn too much to 'pass it by'
Isn't that how God is pictured in scripture? Each one of us is too special in His eyes to 'pass us by' and He picks us up where He finds us.
2. I willingly paid the price. The yarn I bought was a little on the pricey side but I happily paid the price - it was worth it!
Hasn't God also, because we were so special to Him, paid the highest price possible - the death of His Son? He declares that we too were worth it to Him ...
3. I needed a special stitch to suit the yarn. Aren't each of us 'wonderfully knit together in our mother's womb' - each with our own DNA?
4. Finding a suitable pattern - For each of us, God looks for the perfect 'pattern' - or life circumstances - that will complement our talents, natural abilities, interests, circumstances, personality ... so that that when we are completed we will be satisfied and He will be pleased and glorified.
5. Errors and mistakes are so easily 'unraveled' ... I am also a seamstress and when I make a mistake in my garment I have to be pretty creative to cover it up, but I always know where it is and I can point out where it is, even if no one else would notice it. When I am knitting, and I make a mistake I can unravel my work to below the mistake and pick up the stitches again and continue knitting - no one, not even I could ever point to where the mistake is - it is as if it never was. That is how God forgives - it is as if it never was.
6. Stitch by stitch, row by row -- only the knitter knows what the end result will look like. Watching someone knit the question is invariably asked "what are you knitting?" Do we not often wonder the same about God's plan for our life ? "What are you making, God? I don't see what I will be."
7. Often in a knitted garment the wrong side does not show the beauty of the design the knitter is creating. It doesn't look pretty at all sometimes, especially if the design is worked with multiply yarns. So often the 'wrong' side of our life- this earthly side - does not show the glory of what God worked in and through us until it is revealed in eternity.
8. To a knitter its all about the knitting Someone so truly said..."My husband and kids think the purpose of knitting is the garment, but they don't know the purpose of knitting is the knitting." I often think of God looking at us with a 'knitter's heart'. Its all about what He wants to do for us, delighting in daily 'loading us with benefits', blessing us ... just enjoying being with us and in us... communing and fellowshipping with us.
9. When I bought the yarn to make a scarf, it was summer ! Not the season I could wear a wool/silk scarf over a sweater, but I worked on it anyway so I would have it put away ready to wear when the winter came. So often God also works in our lives 'out of season' and we think everything is going wrong. On the contrary, often it is God working into our life today what we will need tomorrow, preparing us to be ready for some purpose or task that He will ask us to do in the future.
10. I did not have enough yarn to make my scarf as long nor as wide as I would need the scarf to be to be able to wear it in any style of current fashion, so I needed to be creative. I had a little yarn left and out of it I fashioned a cabbage rose that I fastened to a band wrapped around the two ends of the scarf and I found some complementary yarn to lengthen the scarf with a fringe. Isn't God like that with us too? He has to work with very limited resources, I don't have much in me that is 'enough' and so God gets creative - He takes the 'little' I give Him to work with and He creatively makes it more beautiful than I could imagine possible !
God has worked so many ways into our daily lives by which we can 'see Him' if we are looking for Him.
Is He not ever so worthy of our love and devotion?
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Update on my Sweet Peas
A promise is a promise even if I keep it to my embarrassment!
Here is a photo of my sweet pea plants. I envisioned the stick trellis my husband made for me to be hidden behind a profusion of leaves and blossoms begging to be picked into lovely bouquets.
Well, not quite!
I kept it tucked up against my basket that overflowed its pot so that it could hide its spindly stems and sparse blossoms.
I did enjoy my little hummingbird that found the few blossoms and drank their nectar.
Hardly enough to satisfy - offering at best only a few sips.
I went on line and typed in 'scraggly sweet peas' and I learned what my problem was and then realized that even in my failure I could find a lesson.
I learned that sweet peas are not a plant that should be 'coddled'. When the first sprouts begin to grow they must be pinched off to allow the secondary shoots to be dominate - they are the ones that will grow to produce the abundant flowers I was so hoping to enjoy.
I have never been a ruthless gardener - I tend to be a coddler. I can never quite make myself follow the example of the expert gardeners who live on my street. The minute a plant isn't thriving they dig it out, they cut back the good ones, they pinch back growth, prune and divide - and of course their gardens are lush and colourful.
My sweet pea lesson made me think of the passage where Jesus speaks of the Father as being the Gardener who prunes the good fruit bearing branches so that they will bear more fruit.
I thought about how often we complain that God is not a 'coddler' gardener. We don't understand when his pruning sheers cut into our life. We cry and ask why.
But do we consider that God is no more satisfied with a scraggly plant than we are? Is He sometimes 'ruthless' in bringing those things into our life that will cause us to thrive and overflow with blossoms or fruit? Does He look for us to be the kind of plants that invite people to pick a bouquet and enjoy our fragrance - or taste of the fruit of our love and compassion for them?
Next year I'm going to practice being ruthless .... and I have dared to ask God to be ruthless with me. I don't want to be a 'scraggly plant' - I want to be one that covers the trellis God has built for me to climb on.
"Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away and every branch that bears fruit He prunes that it may bear more fruit" John 15:2
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
For everything there is A Time ..... is there a time to rant??
I looked over the 'for everything a time' list in Ecc.3:1-8 and did not find a listing for a 'time to rant', but I thought maybe "a time to throw away' came close enough!
I have something in my kitchen that aggravates me every time I use it, which is most every day.
We bought new appliances when we moved nine years ago and I have been happy with them except for one feature on my stove ! The built-in timer !!
It makes no logical sense to me !
If I set the timer to one minute, no problem - I set it to the "1" and the number display immediately slips to 59 seconds and the count down follows to zero. BUT, if I set it to any other number of minutes then when I look at the timer display it always shows one less minute than what is left.
If, for example, I set it to 20 minutes, after one sec the display flips to 19 and counts down from there so that when it shows "1" minute left there are actually TWO minutes left ... because the one minute shows for a whole minute before it starts the final minute at 59 down to 0 to activate the buzzer !
OK, I know since I know how it works, that I just add one minute in my mind and don't let it bother me, right ?? NO!! It bothers me every single time I set the timer because is just isn't RIGHT !!
I love the story found in John 1:43-51. It is the story of Nathanael - whose name means "given of God".
John tells how Philip encountered Jesus and heard His words, "follow me!"
Philip's first thought was to seek out his good friend Nathanael to share the exciting news. Obviously they must have spent time discussing the prophecies of the Old Testament, because without any introduction Philip blurts out .."We have found Him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."
Nathanael responded out of his knowledge of the scripture, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"
Philip knew seeing was believing for Nathanael and simply replied... "Come and see."
When Jesus saw Nathanael coming to ward Him, Jesus said, "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile!"
Nathanael asked the obvious question in his mind ... "How do You know me?" and Jesus answered..."Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you."
Nathanael's response is rather amazing. While Philip spoke of Jesus as the One who was to come... Nathanael dared to call him God ... "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!"
Jesus marvelled at his faith and asked ... "Because I said to you , 'I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You will see greater things than these. Most assuredly I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man."
While only John speaks of Nathanael by name in this one account , I believe it is recorded because it holds a message for us. There is something we can learn from Nathanael.
Jesus liked him and paid him a high complement - that he was without guile! What does that mean?
It means that Nathanael was someone who was honest, forthright -- what you see is what you get... no beating around the bush, no filtering of thoughts before they are spoken, no guessing where you stand with him.
Nathanael spoke his mind .... expressed his honest doubts but was also quick with a ready acceptance of the truth when he saw it !
God desires honesty in our inner self ... that we are open, without hiding behind a mask or a pious façade. We cannot hide from God.... so why try ?
If people look at us , do they have to guess what the 'numbers on our screen' really mean ? or do they see our face reflecting our heart and find our words to be honest and true ?
"Given of God" - a beautiful name meaning that speaks of us walking in the 'image of Him' to whom we belong. May the Lord say of us ... "A child of mine who is without guile!"
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Looking Good From a Distance
Sunday morning I came out of the house, ready for church and saw one of our neighbours washing/polishing his truck .. It was gleaming white in the morning sun.
I greeted him and asked... "Didn't you just wash your truck yesterday?"
He replied, "Yes, but I wasn't quite finished and missed a few spots !"
I called back .. "It looks perfect to me !"
His response... "Yes, it looks good from a distance!"
I quipped , "That's how most people see it !"
He smiled. "True!"
I immediately realized what a great analogy this was. A sermon in a short spontaneous conversation.
I thought of how we are so careful in how we present the part of us that others see. We fuss with our hair, our clothes, keeping our words and facial expressions kind and friendly. We try to please those around us, doing the things expected of us, performing the good deeds that will be favourably received and duly admired.
At a distance ... we look good !
But what about if someone looks closer ... all the way into the heart that is carefully concealed from other people who are impressed with their view of us. But there is One who is not distracted by the outward, nor does He judge by how we look at a distance. He examines our heart - close up!
God is not concerned with how we look at a distance - in fact the outward isn't His concern at all - He desires our 'heart' beauty!
There really isn't anything God misses ... we have no 'heart spots' we can hide from Him.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Taught through a Dream
I have always been an avid dreamer and any detail of information that has ever entered my mind is readily available to be worked into some kind of logical or illogical sequence in my nightly drama production.
Several nights ago as I wove my dream scenes they tended very easily and quickly to drift to the bizarre, the frightening, the difficult and even logically impossible experiences.
But then at one point in my dream I suddenly realized that I had something in my hand that had a unique function.
As soon as my dream drama turned upside down into a threatening or frightening nightmare, I would reach out and touch it with what I had in my hand and the dream would right itself immediately into something that made sense.
It happened over and over and I came to the place where even the frightening turns in my dreams no longer disturbed me or caused me to fear or dread. I KNEW that all I had to do was 'touch' them with what I had in my hand and the dream would change, leaving me emotionally calm. .And so I faced each nightmare with calm resolve, flipping it right side up with the touch of my finger instantly neutralizing its power to overwhelm me with fear.
When I awoke ... I thought about what I had experienced and realized that it presented an interesting picture of a spiritual truth. My dream portrayed the reality of how we, as believers, can face the nightmares of life.
We all walk through the days and years of our lives and face unexpected circumstances or experiences that leave us overwhelmed with fear, with worry or anxiety.
We feel run over, we feel out of control, we feel alone with no answers or nowhere to turn.
Most often our disturbing experiences are not life threatening - sometimes they are.
Sometimes we are frustrated sitting in rush hour traffic, knowing we will be late for an appointment sometimes a tragedy changes our lives forever in a moment of time.
But we have something in our hand that has can turn our troubles right side up. Turning them right side up doesn't change the circumstance but it takes the fear out of it, and puts us in a safe place.
What is the 'changer' we have in our hand ?
It is God's Truth, His Word on the subject or circumstance.
Your day is not off to a good start... You spilled your coffee cup, your two year old woke up crying, your husband complained of having egg sandwiches AGAIN in his lunch, you have a 9:30 o'clock appointment you are going to be late for if you sit any longer in this stalled traffic. Your stress level is rising, a soundless scream forming in the pit of your stomach..... where is your 'wand' ?
Awww... there it is. Reach it out ... and take a deep breath!
"In everything give thanks..... " (I Thess. 5:18)
Coffee can be wiped up and another cup poured, a child can be comforted, and a quiet apology and a kiss sooth a husband. Thankful? yes, for a child healthy enough to cry, a husband to make lunches for, the friend you are meeting for lunch after your appointment, your mother-in-law so willing to babysit, the tree bursting forth with spring pink blossoms you wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't been sitting in traffic -- the list once started is hard to end. A thankful heart is a happy heart -- the day turns right side up.
You are a young girl in college, in love with a fellow student. He is everything you ever wanted! You smile as you look down at the diamond on your left hand. Then you frown ... if only your parents could be happier for you ! If only your pastor had not expressed his reluctance to marry you. You lay awake last night trying to put your own doubts out of mind. So he isn't a Christian... YET.... He promised to go to church with you after you were married.
The Truth ? "Be not unequally yoked... " (II Cor. 6:14)
Yes... touch your situation with God's truth -- give the ring back. The one God has chosen for you will share your faith. God's truth isn't given to spoil your happiness, but rather to ensure it. How many women have married men thinking to convert them after marriage, and it just doesn't happen!
You can hardly bear the pain in your heart. Your grief over the loss of a loved washing wave after wave over raw emotions. Unexpected bills have left you with financially worries. How will you manage? Will life ever be 'normal' again ?
Your 'wand' ... where is it ?
".... lest you sorrow as those who have no hope." We have 'comfort' even in our sorrow, that there is life after death ... that we will see our loved ones again. Death has been conquered... the dead in Christ will rise again ... and we will be with Him forever ! (I Thess. 4:13-18)
"I will never leave you or forsake you ... " (Heb. 13:5) Isn't often the greatest fear in any situation that of being 'alone' ? God knew how easily we were comforted by someone coming alongside that could help, that could walk us through whatever was before us. Jesus promised, no matter what we are going through, we are not alone. Not only is Jesus with us, to comfort, even to carry us. but He has promised that "all things will work together for our good". (Rom. 8:28) No matter what we go through it is not in vain, God has a plan and a purpose.
"My God shall supply all your need..." (Phil. 4:19) That is a promise God gives to His children. In time of need we look around us and perhaps see no way even God could meet our need..... but we need to look at the second part of God's promise. He isn't dependant on THIS world's supply, He has promised to meet our need according to HIS RICHES ... a storehouse of provision untouched by thieves, an economic recession, or your own ability or resources. We can trust Him.
I could go on and weave situations of life we all deal with. What is in your life today that you are struggling with ? Have you considered what God's view of your situation is, what His Word has to say about it? How would taking God's truth and 'touching' it to your way of thinking, your perspective, your fears change how you feel? How would it change your choices, your decisions, your attitude?
"In ALL thy ways acknowledge HIM .. and He WILL direct your paths." Prov. 3:6
and one of my favourite verses ..
"The entrance of Your Word gives light.It gives understanding to the simple." Ps 119:130,131
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Electricity and the Heart
Some years ago I started to experience very sharp pains shooting through my eyes. It was like a lightning bolt of electricity, startling in its sudden intensity. As it was happening fairly regularly I began to worry there was something seriously wrong.
During my next appointment with my optometrist, I told her about the sudden pain in my eyes and she explained it this way. She said our bodies can build up electricity until it is at a point where it needs to find release and there is only one 'exit' from our body -- the eye!
Her explanation made sense to me and put me at ease, but as I thought about it I realized that it presented a vivid spiritual application.
I think most people want to be 'good' , measuring by whatever standard they hold up for themselves.
Some people define good by what 'feels' right, others strive to please man and some try to please God.
It is in our trying to please God that we realize how far we fall from His standard of perfection.
According to God's view of man, we all fall short -- we all are subject to a sinful nature, preferring to look out for our own selfish desires first. Even when we strive to live outwardly pleasing lives, giving an impression of a kind, godly person -- we keep things buried in our heart, resentment, unforgiveness, anger, doubt, fear, worry, impatience. It is these buried things that need to be taken care of. They are like the electricity in our body that will build up until -- in the flash of a moment -- they find an 'exit' place. Just like the electricity in our body has only 'one' exit , so also the hidden things of the heart have as their only exit - our flesh, often - our mouth!
Have we not all experienced that flash of temper, hurtful words, angry outburst or selfish act that catches us by surprise and is often directed at someone least deserving of it ?
We think we can hide some aspect of our character or attitude or thoughts that we know is less than pleasing to God. But it keeps silently 'growing' in our heart.
We hide that feeling of resentment because we were slighted or passed over in being given what we 'deserved', holding onto it because letting go is like letting go of something that we have a 'right' to.
We hide that secret fault or sin that no one can see or know because it takes effort to change.
But we can hide things in the 'cupboard' of our heart only until it is so overflowing that the slightest jar will spring it open allowing its contents to spew forth from the door of our mouth!
"For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks!" (Matt.12:34)
How much better to keep a 'clean' heart, letting go of things that hurt us first and others in time. If we bring our concerns/hurts/faults/sin to God, He will never reject us and will be ever "faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9)
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Cause for Grumbling or Thanking ?
The prescription for my pharmaceutical drugs had lapsed and I was waiting for a requisition from my rheumatologist for a renewal.
Thinking ahead, I thought to prevent a potential 'problem'. Sometimes the pharmacy is out of my drugs and I have to wait until they come in. So I called them, saying that a prescription renewal would be coming in in a few days and I was just checking to make sure they would have all my drugs in stock. Checking on the drugs in question, they assured me that yes they had them all on hand.
But when I went in a few days later to pick up my prescription they informed that the Leflunamide was back ordered and they only had enough to partially fill my prescription.
I was annoyed, and grumbled because I had specifically called ahead to give them time to reorder if necessary.
Yesterday, I had an appointment with my rheumatologist and she took one look at my liver test levels and expressed her concern. The first thing she advised me to do to try to bring the levels back into a normal range was to make sure the possible cause, the drug Leflunamide, was not dosed at more than 10mg a day. I went home, checked my dosage and yes.. the bottle instructions were 20mg- taken every day once a day!
With now needing to cut them in half -- my partially filled prescription was exactly right.
I was humbled to think how all along God had been working on my behalf to make sure I didn't have to pay for what I would not need... even when I was trying my best to work it according to what I thought was needed.
It was a good reminder to me to not only let God have control of my life -- but to recognize that the things that make me want to grumble could well be a 'gift' from God designed to give me His best.
Why is it so hard for us to believe that God really IS in the details of our life, that He really DOES care for us as He says in His word?
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Using our GPS

Thursday, February 16, 2012
"My Three 'One' Sons"
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The Purple House
The little house, recently sold, was non-descript no more.
Whereas for many years it barely got a passing glance from by passers, now it was the talk of the town.
What changed ?
The new owner, a painter by trade, decided to use the little old house as an advertisement for his skill. The new house colour was purple with red gables and yellow/green trim. I’m not talking muted designer colours, I’m talking primary - out of a child’s crayon box ! It looked like a larger than life child’s play house.
One day I was taking my daughter’s teen friend to our house. . We small talked and then she asked me a question. “How will I know the right man for me?”
I thought a minute and realized the perfect answer lay on the road before us.
I said, seemingly changing the subject, “On this road there is a very unusual, one of a kind house… Point it out to me when you see it.”
She answered, “What is unusual about it ?”
I replied.. “You will know when you see it .. if you have to ask .. its not the one!”
She looked out the car window carefully scrutinizing the houses we passed. One had an unusual roof line and caught her attention… “Is it that one?” she asked. I smiled… “You are asking , so no .. that is not the one.”
Several more times she , with varying degrees of convictions pointed out a house that had a number of unique features. Each time my response of “Are you sure?” brought doubt.
We were nearing the purple house… It barely came into view… when my young friend gasped and with unwavering conviction in her voice said … “THAT ONE!” I asked her if she was sure, but there was no moving her this time! .
I said.. “Just as you recognized the unusual house when you saw it, is the same way you will know the right man for you. When you meet him, you won’t have to ask… ‘is he the one?’
I was reminded of this purple house the other day and how it provided such a great learning lesson for my young friend.
But then I was thinking how it can be an even greater lesson to all of us.
So often we face challenges, choices, decisions. Our life path could go several ways.
We are advice seekers.. We ask professionals, we ask our friends, we ask anyone we think may have some wisdom to impart that will enable us to make the right decisions - large or small.
But do we look for the ‘purple house’ ??
Seeking professional or especially godly advice is a good thing and the bible commends those who do it.
But the ‘purple house’ is when we seek and find God’s word on something.
Then we need no one’s advice… we know that we know that we know the right thing to do. The ‘purple house’ of scripture’s “Thus says the Lord…. “ ends all discussion.
How diligent are we in finding the purple house of God’s thoughts or commandments… or are we content with man’s opinions as they fit with our natural inclinations? Do we try to find the one who speaks a comfortable ‘interpretation’ of God’s Word or do we seek to know what God plainly says.
I love a little motto I had on my fridge door for years …
“God said it, I believe it, And that settles it for me!”