Sunday, August 5, 2018
"Don't do this ... Don't do that !"
The above image is copied from a very old vintage catalog. Even in black and white the body language speaks loud and clear !
The mother struck a match to light the candles on her festive dining room table.
She looked up to see the gleam in her 5 year old son whose wide-eyed attention was focused on what she was doing. Replacing the match box in the cabinet drawer, she looked up to note the intensity of his gaze riveted on the drawer as she pushed it closed. Knowing her son, she easily discerned his intent .
Wanting him to focus on the 'right' things, she said , "Bobby, there is a lovely set of trains in your toy box. Play with them, or, Call your little friend next door and ask him to play in the pool with you."
As experienced parents, we shake our head at her lack of 'mother-wisdom'. Bobby heard not a word about the 'good commandments' his mother gave him - his mind and will was focused on those matches and the fun he could have playing with them.
We easily guess the end of that story !
I often hear people complain about God's commandments. "Why are they all so negative ? 'Don't do this, don't do that'."
God, being a wise parent who fully understands His children, knew that the human race was more inclined toward disobedience than toward obedience. So He gave His commandments from the perspective of our fleshly weakness.
We do wrong before we do right;
We sin before we seek righteousness;
We indulge the fleshly desires before we exercise ourselves in godliness.
We are selfishly inclined before we learn to consider others before ourselves.
How easily God could have thought - and rightly so - that man was sinful in all his ways, and whatever bed man made for himself he could just lie in it.
No, we do not serve that kind of God.
God loved / loves every person and desires the best for him. So while He desires that we do right, He understands that first we will tempted to do the 'wrong', so God gave us a list of 'wrongs' to avoid.
We try to hide our sin from others, and oft from God Himself, but if you read through His Ten Commandments, you will see that God knows exactly where our heart inclinations lie. He knows the temptations that we so easily give in to. He understands the weakness of our flesh.
It is tempting to read through the commandments and soothe our consciences by judging ourselves not guilty -- especially of the 'do not murder' one. But Jesus puts His finger on that one and points out that every murder is birthed in feelings of hatred. And if we hate, we have already murdered in our heart.
I recently gently chided a friend when she expressed her hatred for someone in her life. She stopped for a moment, considering my admonition, and then replied, "Okay, I don't hate them, I just can't stand them." We may smile - but wait -- are any of us really innocent? Do we not all at some point or another just 'relabel' our emotions / feelings , even actions, and then declare ourselves innocent of disobeying God's commandment?
I find it so comforting - so freeing - that I don't have to be afraid that God will find our what I am really like. He already knows and loves me anyway. That sets me free to rush into His presence where I will find the grace to grow more like Him. Being in His presence turns me away from the sin 'that so easily besets us' and I desire much rather to pursue goodness and righteousness.
In Jesus' words ... "There is no other commandment greater than these ... Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength ..... and love your neighbor as yourself." Mark12:30,31
Love covers and fulfills every commandment God gave ... the do's and the don'ts.
If we whole-heartedly love God and love each other ... then there will be no cause for stumbling in us. (I John 2:10)
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
The Maker of the Universe
It is once again that time of year where we remember the One who left His place in glory to come and offer Himself as the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of man -- His death for our life.
For those of us who were born into Christian homes and have grown up with the Esther story it is easy to take it for granted.
I came across a poem that stirred me to my depths and filled me anew with awe for what God, in His infinite love and mercy did for me.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
I can easily guess your response looking at my above photo .. "what in the world is that!!"
But if anyone dares to describe the little ornaments as ugly or worthless or anything 'less-than', my emotions will rise in defense, resenting any criticism.
Why ? Because to me the above little ornaments are beautiful with treasured value.
When my two granddaughters were toddlers, both under 3, my daughter asked them if they wanted to make something for me for my birthday. Oh yes, they did.
She gave them a box of paint and brushes and two little figurines to paint.
My daughter told me they sat for over an hour painstakingly, patiently painting brush stroke after brushstroke, intent on making their work perfect for their Nanna. I will never forget the eager little faces when they so proudly gave me their gifts.
My heart melted - how I still treasure the little ornaments, and in 'my eyes' the beauty is unsurpassed!
Often when I look at the little figurines, I wonder if God doesn't feel the same as I do.
When He looks at you and me, does He see us as worthless? Does He see the flawed, imperfect brush strokes with which we have painted our lives?
Does He look at the 'gifts' of service we give Him and see them as so much 'less' than what He could so easily do better without us?
Or, do His emotions quickly rise up against anyone who would speak against us? Does He see us as beautiful beyond description and are our humble offerings to Him precious because we are clothed with our faith/trust in Him? Does He value what we offer Him as 'beautiful' , even when in human eyes it looks worthless, just because we are so loved and treasured in His sight?
" .... the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes" I Peter 1:7
"Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." I Peter 3:4
"So shall the King greatly desire your beauty, for He is the Lord, worship him !" Psalm 45:11
The ultimate, unfathomable truth is expressed by Jesus Himself -- that the Father loves you and me as much as He loves Jesus !
John 17:20,23
Next time you look into the mirror, or look into your heart, and feel despondent or discouraged at the 'little' you have offered to God, remind yourself of how God sees you and how He values what you give Him in response to His love for you.
If God delights in you and values your 'gifts' to Him, does it matter so much what others think?
Friday, March 30, 2012
The Trust of an Eaglet
Thursday, May 20, 2010
"In Pleasant Places"
The Lupin are in bloom here on our mountain and I love them!
Not only are they beautiful but they are unwavering in their determination to bloom at any cost. You can mow them down but a few days later they are up and blooming again.
They remind me of God's love.
I have recently been overwhelmed with a new sense of how deep God's love for us is.
God IS Love and love by definition requires for its completion an object to pour itself out on. Wonder of wonders, you and I are the ones God so loves.
Think of a perfect Father with pure love, unlimited wisdom and unlimited resources and all the time in the world and you have a glimmer of understanding of the power of the love of God.
Man, created in God's image, makes much of love but society in its selfish pursuit of it, has taken a mind attitude of "its all about me" and has come to adopt a standard of entitlement rather than responsibility.
God's love and grace may be 'all about us' but there is a fine line between joyfully basking in the love that God pours out upon us and an inappropriate response.
We cannot bask in God's love outside of obedience to His commandments.
Disobedience is a totally unacceptable response to perfect love.
There should be the the response of the wild abandonment of an open heart desiring to please Him, obey Him , walk in the perfect paths He has laid before us -- paths designed with us in mind -- our well-being, our happiness, our safety and our eternal destiny!
Our human default is to rebel against commandments. We tend to think of God's laws and commandments, especially Old Testament ones, as impossible to follow and restrictive to our freedom ... but take a closer look. God's laws were lovingly laid out with His people in mind - as the rules of any parent are intended to be for the good of their precious child.
In Duet. 30:11-16 God speaks about His commandments to Israel saying,
"It is not too mysterious for you, nor is it far off. It is not in heaven, that you should say, 'Who will ascent into heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?' nor is it beyond the sea that you should say , 'Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us that we may hear it and do it' But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart that you many do it, See? I have set before you today life and good -- death and evil..... that you may live and multiply and the Lord your God will bless you .... "
We have the echo of this verse in the New Testament defining God's laws as doable - in I John 5:3... "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments... and His commandments are not burdensome."
The commandments of God were/are instructions to set up the boundaries that define where people will be safe and HAPPY !
To obey someone - who out of love is deeply concerned for our happiness is easy - what is 'burdensome' is to rebel against that love and wallow in the mire of self-inflicted consequences.
Look at a few examples how easy God's commandments are... yet man, not recognizing the love of God in them, disobeys.
Consider the commandments of God to Adam and Eve -- ONE commandment, "You may eat of all the many trees.. just not this one."
They disobeyed and paid the consequences of their choice.
In the wilderness, God instructed His people to gather the manna every day of the week -except for ONE day! How hard was that to obey ? "I'm giving you a day of rest - a day off!"
They disobeyed and went out to gather Manna anyway - and found nothing.
God said.. "Gather only what you need for each day. Do not save any for the next day." How hard was that to obey? They disobeyed and found the leftovers rotten and sticking and full of worms.
Obeying God's commandments keeps us in the circle of His love and care. It keeps us from wandering under the fence bordering His Kingdom. If our disobedience takes us to the other side of the fence our life will take on the stench and heartbreak and consequences of our sin .
Yet, even then , God's love reaches out to bring us back.
We see in the Old Testament sacrifices for sin, God shows His tender love. He demanded as the 'trespass offering' for sin a lamb or a kid BUT if someone was too poor to bring a lamb he could bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons. Even under the OT law, God wanted to make it easy for people to find His forgiveness.
God miraculously took His people out of Egypt and He showered them with love and tender care . All the years in the wilderness - which were a PUNISHMENT for their sin of not trusting Him to lead them into the land He had promised them... He cared for them "as a Father carries His son" , (Deut. 1:31) Their clothes and their shoes did not wear out. He provided food and water and protected them with a cloud from the heat of day and a pillar of fire for warmth and light in the dark of night.
Neh 9:21 "Forty years You sustained them in the wilderness; They lacked nothing; Their clothes did not wear out And their feet did not swell."
Is this not the same God who watches over His people today ?
"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us , that we should be called the children of God!" (I John 3:1)
With what thanksgiving, with what love should we respond to Him? With what desire should we obey Him ?
With what loathing should we turn from the things of this world and all its deceptive enticements?
If we make God our single heart focus, we will rejoice with the Psalmist who said in Psalm 16, that because he has set the Lord always before him .... "The lines have fallen to me in pleasant (delightful) places , Yes.. I have a good inheritance!" He declares that his heart is glad and his glory rejoices; he is at rest! He follows in the paths the Lord shows him, and he lives in the fullness of joy in His presence and experiences the pleasures at His right hand forevermore!
That is where God wants His people to be and He gave His laws and commandments to lead us into His joy!!
What an incredible God that has called us into relationship with Him!
"Oh Lord, your love is beyond comprehension .... may we allow Your love to permeate our very being ... filling us with wonder at who You are... May our thoughts never be far from you, may we ever walk in obedience to the gentle instructions you have given us. May we never be drawn away from Your perfect Word but may we meditate thereon night and day! May we be perfected by your truth and be a vessel pouring out Your love to others. How we love you, Father! Amen"
God brought a timely book across my path as I was considering God's love. It is called “Flight to Heaven” by Dale Black. It is a book that I highly recommend. There is a description of heaven in it that is the best I have ever read.