Friday, April 4, 2008

I Made It

I just barley made it through my week of finals, my 9th semester now completed. I am bone tired...I feel old and exhausted this week.

I do, I really do....

I last posted about the supervisor that was a "cookie monster"....

Such an uncomfortable situation, the clinic supervisor neglected to tell him that I was off the shift, so Monday night he came looking for me, and I had to tell him that there had been a change...

This was no big deal compared to what some women have to endure, but it does make ya kinda paranoid. People don't like to hear that the guy everyone likes is a pervert....denial is a powerful emotion.

A couple of other women came up to speak to me about the situation, and they had their own stories to tell about it, but of course they wanted to stay out of the situation....but they were happy I did it, they just didn't want any flack.

Weak pukes.

On a happier I was walking out of the post office, I had to go pick up more mailing envelopes.

Against my chest, I was holding 50 envelopes! Thats alot....I remember just a couple of months ago when I was going and just picking up 10 shipping envelopes.

It was kind of a surreal feeling. I could feel a change in the wind as I reflected on this growth.

I was talking to my Aunt Patty a couple weeks back, and I said to her, its as if the universal faucet just opened up and starting pouring orders to me.

Thank you Universe.


Lone Chatelaine said...

Oh, I'm so glad you got changed to a different group. I hate that he came looking for you, and I bet he was totally anticipating the opportunity to correct you. But yay for being able to put him back in his place.

And yay for those envelopes! That's awesome, Holly :)

BetteJo said...

Well hey - it's not like you haven't worked hard for this! I mean really!