Saturday, May 22, 2010


Yesterday was my birthday. It started off with a huge bouquet of flowers from my fam, totally made my day, plus Paul took the day off, and we decided to go for a drive to a hot springs. Paul has never just taken a day off so it meant a lot to me that he would do that! The drive was the coolest part, it was gorgeous!

Paul doing his moose call I REALLY wanted to see a moose haha

These are real sled dogs! I felt bad for them being all chained up but paul assured me they get tons of exercise.

The hot springs.. it was HOT, too hot for capri so we swam while she was asleep in her stroller! It was fun! We were so relaxed after, they say thats what sulfur does to you!

The pool inside

Feeding the ducks.. Capri ate duck crap.. I turn my back for one second and I look over and she is CHOKING! I thought it was mud and then I look by her hand and there is this huge thing of poop smeered everywhere! Im patting her on the back, giving her the Heimlich (i have no idea how to spell that) and screaming at Paul She just ate crap! After I swiped it out , stopped her from choking, and got all of it off the roof of her mouth I wiped out her mouth with wipes (the whole time she is screaming haha) it was hilarious (once she was breathing) and I think it really helped me with my germaphobia-ness.

It was such a good day, My best birthday since we started summer sales! I loved spending time with my baby and hubs, they are the two best things that ever happened to me! I cant believe I am 23.. and I have a kid!

Tomorrow we are going to Denali.. aka.. Mnt Mckinley with our besties Brand and Becky! I am so excited!! Cant wait!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fairbanks so far

We are finally getting settled in here. I was a little worried at first that I would get lonely cause there isn't 1 other wife out here! But I've been keeping sooo busy! I am so grateful to have little friend out here with me! She keeps me entertained, busy and I feel so blessed to get to be with her every day all day! I've made friends, joined a running club, and I am grateful to be working in the office! Our appts are crap haha I call our appt the wood castle cause they are all wood paneling.. but I am growing suppper fond of our location. I think having no AC, having it be 80+ in our appt all day, the smoke smell, no pool, the tiny kitchen, and the nasty carpets are ALL worth it because we live right by a wild life sanctuary! I have been running there everyday, and I swear running has been my sanity out here! SO.. moral of the story is, its worth it. I will miss it here when we are gone, wood castle and all! oh and PS. since we live a town away from the North Pole everyone is OBSESSED with Christmas! The lady next to us is still full blown decorated, Christmas wreath and all! Its gorgeous, its spring and everything is in bloom!! I love the sun out all the time! We havent been sleeping very good, its hilarious to watch Capri on her monitor try to fall asleep! she tosses and turns and rolls and tries climbing out of her crib (which she has biffed it hard a few times!) but I love it! It's so nice when paul comes home that it is still light outside! The weather here is PERFECT! It's perfect temp all day (except in our appt..Its like a sauna in here!)
I am growing to love it! In the top 4 of my fav places I have ever lived!

This is my munchkin 7 months old! LOOOVE her so much!

Playing with dad before the meeting

Running with mom

She loves this blue couch! She climbs up to it, and will jabber and look out the window forever haha

Waiting for Dad to go on our date...

Typical night at dinner.. yes.. they are entertaining. Always on their phones.

Date with Daddy

This is my friend Shannon! She is way cute and has a 10 month old girl! I took her to my mommies running club. She did really well, this is her first time working out after the babe and she just quit smoking a couple weeks ago so I am so proud of her for doing the whole run with us! all the girls at club are so sweet! It's so fun, monday we do track and intervels, wed. we run to a hill and then go up and down the hill/stairs, and fridays we go on a long run! I love it! Its way fun to hang out with these girls!

9 holes.. The crew


these two are the best.. they are so cute with Capri.. She is our office mascot they say :)

Capri has been teething so lucky for us she has been so cuddly! We are enjoying every second of it!

Playing with dad


This background looks fake! It's so pretty!

The wildlife sanctuary right behind our house

If I cant find Capri this is where I find her.. She LOVES baths! If i close the bathroom door she cries haha so funny. Love little personalities!


Ok I know I am married and way to old for him.. but he is cute! Where was he when I was 14?


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My little busy munchkin

My little munchkin is fun, she is a busy body.. ALWAYS going! She keeps me busy! At times it is hard to keep up with her but I love watching her go go go! When we skype with my fam every night Capri is just a blur in the screen cause she always has to be moving! I love her.. anyways this is just a little clip of her walking with her little lion walker that she loves so much! She is getting too big too fast!
2 days shy of 7 months
PS did I mention she throws fits ALLL day if I don't let her play with her lion? Yeah, She does. She is obsessed!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Goodbyes and Hello Alaska

this is a way long post and if i spell bad or things dont make sense its cause capri is crawling around doing her fake cry cause she wants my attention so Im trying to hurry!

Saying goodbye was soooo hard this time. Cause I know its going to be a long time before I see some people and I wont get to see my fam a lot in the next few years! Im going to miss them! My little bro will be going on a mish when we get back from hawaii! Crazy! I love my fam! They are the best, I love that collins is one of my bestest friends and so is my mom! My dad is so great and we have so much fun together... it has been the best thing ever living with all of them! Im lucky i got to hang out with them every single day!

Capri started crawling a couple weeks ago.. i tried to download a movie of her but it was taking hours so I just decided to skip it.. maybe later! Its so cute! she's getting fast! Its fun cause wherever I go she follows me.. like a little puppy! She is getting so fast and I just let her crawl wherever all day, she is in heaven cause she can go where she wants to go! She likes crawling under things.. like chairs, strollers ect, I dont know why she like this cause she always bumps her head!

Capri LOVES LOVES LOVES balls, I will buy her loops and rings but nope she likes balls and her baby doll!

ridin with grandpa

Meeting little Nixon! He is so cute and precious! congrats tay and ev!!!

Capri and Nixon

My mom and I took Capri and my great grandpa to the Tulip Festival soo pretty and fun.. it was kind of cold but so pretty

Saying bye to Avail Grade and Brooke

Zupas with Cera, Aurora and our moms

For my bday my fam took me to pf changs..mmm so good.. changs spicy chicken and lettuce wraps.. you cant beat that!

then we went and did one of my favorite things to do in salt lake.. the race cars! They are go carts that go 30 mph and you race! So fun!look how tall my little bro is! CRAZY!

A few days before I left my mom kidnapped me and we went and stayed in a hotel so we could spend some good quality time together! It was fun we tye-dyed.. painted our nails, shopped, and my dad and collins came up and played games with us at night! so fun... it made leaving less stressful!

And we went and saw how to train you dragon 3-D! Oh my! best movie ever.. I loved it!

We went and visited my friend josh before I left.. they just adopted a baby, his name is stetson! He was 3lbs when he was born! His whole story and how they came to adopt him is a miracle to say the least. He was meant to be in that family! They were able to bring him home after a month! He is a fighter! Never once wash he put on any breathing treatment, only feeding tubes! So happy for them!

Capri watching the wiggles while I was finishing packing. Then I found her like this, totally classic of her! She HAS to be smothered in her blanket! It scares me constantly, I move it off of her in the night and I come back and she will be like this again! When we put her down to go to sleep that is the first thing she does.. grabs her snuggles and nuzzles in!

And lastly good bye Cafe Rio.. I got to eat it right before I went to the airport! I will miss it! I will make it.. but its so much easier to go buy it!

It was crazy to fly in at midnight and it looked like 7! its pretty here, I havent got to do much ive been busy un packing and working but i did get to go running with capri yesterday! And this is our trail right behind our house! love it! Its a wildlife sanctuary, so there are moose and fox, and tons of birds, but no bears which is nice! Our appts are GHETTO! the first day I got here I wouldn't touch anything I had towels laid out everywhere so Capri wouldnt touch anything but with a little bleach and cleaner I feel a little better.. no laundry which will be hard with a baby going to the laundromat.. oh and we are on the third floor and it smells like smoke, our appts dont have ac and it gets to be like 80 degrees in the day.. but oh well, its not the end of the world. The mall has 4 stores.. claires, zumis, pac sun, and a fur place haha. probably a good thing :) The weather is nice! Perfect I think!

This is at 11:30 ish last night! Its trippy! Its hard to sleep but I LOVE the long sunny days, its hard not to be happy with the sun always shining!