Showing posts with label Swedish Massage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swedish Massage. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Massage Therapy: Adjusting to Parkinson's Disease Progression

Medical Massage for PD Symptom Relief

Yesterday I was at both the exercise and massage therapy centers to workout and get a Swedish massage. I love getting the massage. The feedback is so immediate.

At every session the massage therapist interviews me for a few minutes about how I'm feeling emotionally and physically. I described to her how I feel about noticing some progression in my condition i.e. a few symptoms manifesting on the right side of my body in the last few weeks, although I noticed none this past week.

What I have noticed in recent weeks is more difficulty getting in and out of the car as well as the bathtub/shower. I told her it was depressing, but she pointed out some symptoms which had improved recently. My left hand no longer forms a claw and the arm is more flexible and relaxed. My voice is lower and stronger. She reminded me that I'm getting this improvement and I'm only taking 2 Parkinson drugs, Azilect and CoQ10...well 3 if you count the DynaCirc CR...which I certainly do.

These days I have to use all my strength to get on the massage table face up. Another strength and mobility/flexibility decline in my condition. I eventually struggled up and over wondering why some things get better while others get worse at the same time. But I know it's because the progression isn't the same in all parts of the body. I'll need to identify the muscles involved in the problematic areas and work on them at the exercise center.

After I've undressed, the massage therapist comes from her office and checks my position on the massage table. She has me make adjustments if necessary, positions the draping sheets and tucks them in.

The massage therapist begins the massage on my neck and shoulders which are usually very stiff. She stands at my head and uses rhythmic, gliding strokes to massage my shoulders and neck. She moves my head to one side then the other. She strokes firmly from the top of my shoulder releasing tension in my neck. I've been doing Yoga exercises for my neck every day and that seems to be helping hold the line.

Next she spreads massage oil on my chest and arms and massages the front of my body with long flowing strokes. The strokes are continuous, flowing one to the next. She spends time on my hands and especially my fingers where I have a light tremor, my first recognized sign of PD. Then she stretches and flexes my shoulders and checks the range of motion through both arms.

With her help I roll chest down - another maneuver once easier but now difficult on the narrow table. Moving around in bed has not been easy for me since before I was diagnosed. While I'm on my stomach she oils my back and massages my shoulders, back, legs and feet alternating with flowing and kneading strokes to reach deeper tissues. She spends more time with the muscles around my knees because that's where arthritis pain bothers me a lot.

After a series of table vibrations or oscillations, she rings the Tibetan bells signaling the massage is over.

Although the painkilling effect of massage is generated by the production of endorphins, my body is deeply relaxed by the skin to skin contact of the massage. The therapist leaves the room while I dress and then returns for a few minutes of debriefing and a glass of water which helps remove toxins released by the action of the massage.

I leave the building and walk more steadily and calmly into the sunshine to the car.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Coping with Three Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease and Arthritis

PD Rigidity, Stiffness and Balance combined with Arthritis

Sometimes when you have an incurable chronic disease it's amazing how much difference losing or gaining a few symptoms will make. I have both osteoarthritis in my knees and Parkinson's disease in the rest of my body. It's the arthritis and the PD rigidity and stiffness that really slows me in the tasks of daily living and keeps me from doing more low impact exercises like walking or biking. It is also difficult to distinguish which symptom is arthritis and which is PD and this difficulty may affect the way that I approach the issue.

One problem with a PD patient also having arthritic knees is that the mainstream options are not always open for treatment. I discussed this with a former physician a few years ago. It was a disappointing conversation. Perhaps I'll revisit the topic with my new doctor.

Today if I walk too far, lean over or kneel down on the floor I feel pain. The pain and the stiffness limits how much and how fast I can move. While I can walk without a cane, I feel more secure with it - it helps relieve some of the stress on the left knee which is both the PD side and the badly arthritic knee - and it creates a stability in public places filled with jostling people and in private places with energetic dogs. Moreover, I can walk faster with it. What I haven't been able to do for a few years in climb a ladder, get under a sink to make plumbing repairs, walk upstairs without holding the handrail with one hand, the cane in the other and yearn for that third hand to tote the tool box.

Now that the weather is getting warmer I'm hoping to be able to work on my house and yard. I haven't been able to do that for two or three years but if I can successfully move without much pain it will make life easier for my wife and help me feel better about life. I have the skills, I just don't have a cooperative body.

I don't take any painkillers for my knee; my doctor feels it's better to avoid them if I can. I added the glucosamine-chondroitin sulfate, omega 3-6-9 fish oil to the other supplements which include vitamin D & A and CoQ10. I tried a shot of Cortisone once but it did nothing for me. I work out on Nautilus machines six days a week. Been doing it for six months and that seems to be helping my knee a lot. It is also strengthening abs, arm and the leg muscles which should help my knee.

If you've read this before you know that I also get a Swedish massage for one hour, once a week for the last year with a few time-outs on the massage for a postural alignment to help my bowed legs which may be a result of the arthritis. The results of using the Swedish massage are amazing for me, the knee pain goes completely away for 2-3 days, sometimes longer. My legs are becoming a little straighter the therapist says.

Since Arthritis and Parkinson's symptoms vary from individual to individual you shouldn't be surprised that what I do may not work for everyone. You need to find a well trained, licensed massage therapist...who knows about Parkinson's disease. She/he will evaluate your condition and design a program to fit your symptoms. I'm hoping to get rid of these symptoms, I'm hoping you will be have success too.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Because I Have PD, I'm Trying Yoga and Massage for Osteoarthritis in My Knee

Arthritis in My Knees Makes it More Difficult toWalk with Parkinson's Stiffness

I am focused on Parkinson's disease. I have had it for more than 5 years. It has cost me a job that I loved and the friends I had made there. But the symptoms which bother me the most and affect my lifestyle more than anything else are related to the osteoarthritis that I have in my knees.

Osteoarthritis(OA) is a disease that like PD has no definite cause and no actual cure. There are several knee replacement operations but Dr Lee M Zuckerman, President of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recently warned that for many PD patients the positive effects of the surgery are gone in a year. The problems caused by rigidity, tremors, movement issues at the onset, can lead to secondary medical problems. One primary example is that Parkinson's patients do not walk as much and tend to stay indoors. Lack of exposure to sunlight prevents the body from producing vitamin D and consequently leads to bone loss. He further noted that the lack of bone density, instability (balance) from tremors and rigidity increase risks of osteoporosis, falling and broken bones.

In 1985 unsuccessful knee replacement was performed on Parkinson's patients in the UK. Flexor problems occurred after the surgery. The surgery was completely unsuccessful. In subsequent years this surgery has been performed with little success. The disease itself seems to be a contraindication because of stiffness. In recent years limited success has been achieved due to lessons learned.

One of the most important lessons was that the muscles must be strengthened and the tendons as flexible as possible prior to surgery. For PD patients the disease may be the contraindication to surgery.

There are all kinds of pain killers, a few actually work, none are really intended for long term use. I've tried many of them especially when I was still working. My doctor sent me to physical therapy but it was only twice a week and I had a week long problem.

My search for a solution brought me to massage therapy. One hour of Swedish Massage per week. Massage takes the pain away and the effects remain for 3 to 5 days in my long as I don't over-excercise or walk too far. The only drawback is the cost of $65 per hour which is covered by very few health insurance plans - mine is not one of them. A plus is that massage helps loosen the rigidity and stiffness of Parkinson's. It helps me relax and not feel depressed.

Now that I've seen that alternative medicine can help me, I'm trying several other things: excercise on Nautilus machines, recumbent bikes and aqua therapy. I try to go five times a week, it takes 3 hours a day counting drive time.

I've just started meditating using Yoga breath control and a mandala, I'm hoping all these combined will help my knee back to normal or even anywhere near normal.

I'm going to add vitamin D to my regimen as soon as possible and spend more time outside when the weather warms.

I'm sure these won't be my last alternative treatments, I'll always be open to new or even 5,000 year old ideas.


Of Interest:$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pubmed$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pubmed$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pubmed

5/10/09 UPDATE: I am now trying a simple adjustable hinged knee brace for additional support. I hoped for a miracle, I expected some pain relief. So far it meets my expectations.
12/2009 UPDATE: Turns out I also have weak ligaments on either side of my knee and have a bit of lateral motion ... that doesn't help.