Thanks so much for all of your comments related to washing dishes last week, and for the entries to win my knitted dishcloth giveaway. It was fun to hear who does the dishwashing in your homes.
At our house I would say that I am the main dishwasher, but Doug is really great about helping out! Here's where my readers fall in the mix:
I also wanted to note that my local friend Judy is the one who graciously taught me how to knit these dishcloths, and in the event that any of you would like to make your own, I'm sure she wouldn't mind me sharing the pattern. Plus, my original piece of paper is starting to wear, so this way I'll have the pattern documented if I ever need to refer back:
Basic Knit Dishcloth
* Use size 8 needles and cotton yarn
* Cast on 4 stitches
* To increase: knit 2, yarn over, knit to end of the row. Follow this pattern every row until you have 41 stitches.
*To decrease: knit 1, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit to end of the row. Follow this pattern until you are down to 4 stitches.
*Bind off
These dishcloths can be washed and dried many times over - I just throw them in the wash with my dishtowels and they come out just fine.
And now for the giveaway part of this post!
I wrote everyone's name on a slip of paper and randomly drew...
Congratulations Mary Ann!
You are the winner of my dishcloth giveaway.
And I'm throwing in a hand-stamped tea towel too. Surprise!
Thanks to everyone for your sweet comments. They made me want to knit a dishcloth for each and every one of you!
PPS: Mary Ann ~ Since you read my blog through Facebook, please message me with your address, ok? Congratulations! :o)